- Sale of Grazing Farm at Leefin. 214 words c1303
- Sale of a Grazing Farm on the Darcy Estate. 241 words cc1303-4
- Riverside Open Spaces. 253 words c1304
- Local Taxation. 62 words cc1304-5
- Native Killed by Soldiers in Egypt. 147 words c1305
- Sentence on the Rev. Edgar Stannard. 105 words cc1305-6
- Denshawi Affray—Papers. 162 words c1306
- El Azhar University Police Force. 70 words c1306
- Compulsory Purchase of Holding by Patrick McGlone. 128 words cc1306-7
- Irish Land Purchase Act—Sporting Rights. 174 words c1307
- Enlargement of Holdings on the Roo Estate. 137 words cc1307-8
- Sale of the Lambert Estate, Athenry. 179 words c1308
- Foreign Firms and Army Meat Contracts. 180 words cc1308-9
- Yeomanry Drill Book. 200 words c1309
- Sanitary State of Egyptian Towns. 114 words cc1309-10
- Civil Service Boy Clerks. 177 words c1310
- Grievances of Assistant Clerks in Customs Statistical Offices. 137 words cc1310-1
- Post Office Savings Bank Accounts. 356 words c1312
- Refreshments at Kew Gardens 142 words c1312
- Kew Gardens—Official Guides. 127 words cc1312-3
- Capital Punishment 255 words cc1313-4
- Accidents Caused by Motor Traffic. 244 words c1315
- Irish Railway Clearing House Returns. 176 words cc1315-6
- Testing of Motor Omnibuses. 171 words c1316
- Irish Railways and Canals—Appointment of Committee of Inquiry. 113 words c1316
- Extension of Allotments Act to Ireland. 156 words cc1316-7
- Sale of Rockfield Farm, County Westmeath. 203 words cc1317-8
- Irish Local Authorities Accounts. 336 words cc1318-9
- Ballinakill Oyster Fishery Banks. 268 words c1319
- Prisoners Detained in the Clifden Bridewell. 182 words cc1319-20
- Tullycross Police Barracks. 140 words c1320
- Purchase of Captain Caldbeck's Estate, Ballacolla. 83 words cc1320-1
- Suggested Grant for Construction of Cunnigar Bridge and Roadway. 231 words c1321
- Poor Law Commission—Irish Medical Member. 155 words c1321
- Colonial Marriages. 72 words