Written Answers (Commons) of 22 March 1999 Series 6 Vol. 328

    1. c1W
    2. Green Transport Plan 59 words
    3. c1W
    4. Bilateral Aid (Dependent Territories) 345 words
    5. cc1-2W
    6. Restraint Techniques 56 words
    1. c2W
    2. Freemasons (CPS) 100 words
    1. cc2-3W
    2. Long-term Care 413 words
    3. c3W
    4. Social Services Grants 132 words
    5. cc3-4W
    6. Green Transport Plan 63 words
    7. c4W
    8. Local Government Finance 63 words
    9. c4W
    10. Primary Care Groups 99 words
    11. c4W
    12. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 153 words
    13. cc4-5W
    14. Departmental Budget 128 words
    15. c5W
    16. Mental Health Institutions (Deaths) 92 words
    17. c5W
    18. Organ Transplants 69 words
    19. cc5-6W
    20. Fuel Duty Increases 200 words
    21. c6W
    22. NHS Vehicles (Road Fuel Gas) 201 words
    1. c6W
    2. Working Time Directive 104 words
    3. cc6-7W
    4. Scottish Parliament 115 words
    5. c7W
    6. Millennium Compliance 170 words
    1. c7W
    2. Select Committee Reports 45 words
    3. c7W
    4. Early Day Motions 72 words
    5. cc7-8W
    6. Claim Forms (Production Costs) 163 words
    1. c8W
    2. Overseas Publications 90 words
    3. c8W
    4. Social Exclusion Unit 128 words
    5. cc8-9W
    6. Ministers Code of Conduct 75 words
    7. c9W
    8. European Union Fraud 79 words
    9. cc9-10W
    10. Lord Advocate 465 words
    1. c10W
    2. Learning Forces Initiative 97 words
    3. cc10-1W
    4. Racism 118 words
    5. c11W
    6. Cadets 112 words
    7. c11W
    8. Dr. Gwyn Prins 61 words
    9. c11W
    10. Defence Medical Services 86 words
    11. cc11-2W
    12. Iraq (Bombing Damage) 120 words
    13. c12W
    14. Rations 114 words
    15. c12W
    16. Macedonia 73 words
    17. c12W
    18. Cleaners' Pensions 76 words
    19. cc12-3W
    20. AWE Aldermaston 162 words
    21. c13W
    22. Training and Education 82 words
    23. c13W
    24. Operation Desert Fox 83 words
    25. c13W
    26. Trident Warheads 58 words
    27. c13W
    28. Gulf War Illnesses 53 words
    29. cc13-4W
    30. TA Centres (Disposal) 65 words
    31. c14W
    32. Women 172 words
    33. c14W
    34. Cadets (Solihull) 113 words
    35. cc14-5W
    36. Land Mines 221 words
    37. c15W
    38. European Defence Co-operation 47 words
    39. c15W
    40. Imphal Barracks, York 110 words
    41. c15W
    42. Defence Secondary Care Agency 132 words
    43. cc15-6W
    44. Departmental Budget 306 words
    45. cc16-7W
    46. Territorial Army 184 words
    47. c17W
    48. Ministerial Meetings (US) 109 words
    49. c17W
    50. Recruitment 64 words
    51. c17W
    52. NATO Subventions 146 words
    53. cc17-8W
    54. Iraq 421 words
    55. cc18-9W
    56. Aircraft Carriers (Contractors) 83 words
    1. c19W
    2. Electronic Red Boxes 508 words
    3. cc19-20W
    4. Ministerial Meetings (US) 87 words
    5. cc20-1W
    6. Appointments 170 words
    7. c21W
    8. Commonwealth Games Headquarters 175 words
    9. c21W
    10. Sports Meetings 149 words
    1. cc21-2W
    2. Disestablishment 64 words
    3. c22W
    4. Clergy Pensions 110 words
    5. c22W
    6. Redundant Churches 104 words
    7. cc22-3W
    8. Church Risk Management Group 156 words
    1. c23W
    2. European Asylum System 112 words
    3. c23W
    4. Sergeant Gurpal Virdi 258 words
    5. cc23-6W
    6. EU Justice and Home Affairs Council 1,012 words
    7. cc26-7W
    8. EU General Affairs Council 394 words
    9. c27W
    10. Emergency Calls (Accidents) 79 words
    11. c27W
    12. Millennium Compliance 272 words
    13. cc27-8W
    14. Prisons (Drugs) 98 words
    15. c28W
    16. Prisons (Seconded Probation Staff) 212 words
    17. c28W
    18. Home Detention Curfew 77 words
    19. cc28-9W
    20. Electronic Tagging 109 words
    21. c29W
    22. Communications Interception 248 words
    23. cc29-30W
    24. Fire Engines (London) 201 words
    25. c30W
    26. Prisoners 104 words
    27. c30W
    28. Fire Research 77 words
    29. c30W
    30. Asylum Applications 88 words
    31. cc30-1W
    32. Green Transport Plan 72 words
    33. c31W
    34. Local Authority Spending 46 words
    35. c31W
    36. Fire Service (Staffing) 71 words
    37. cc31-2W
    38. Prisoner Deaths (Notification) 474 words
    39. c32W
    40. Strip Searches 81 words
    41. c32W
    42. Data Protection Act 1998 85 words
    43. cc32-3W
    44. Metropolitan Police (Objectives) 427 words
    45. c33W
    46. Appointments 99 words
    47. cc33-4W
    48. Foyle Fisheries Commission 92 words
    1. cc34-5W
    2. Ministerial Travel 651 words
    3. cc35-6W
    4. Pre-school Education 137 words
    5. c36W
    6. Airports 181 words
    7. c36W
    8. Human Rights Commission 114 words
    9. cc36-7W
    10. Company Licences 96 words
    11. c37W
    12. Paramilitary Violence 363 words
    13. cc37-8W
    14. Police Complaints 398 words
    15. cc38-9W
    16. Independent Police Ombudsman 108 words
    17. c39W
    18. Northern Ireland Police Authority 63 words
    19. c39W
    20. Terrorist Organisations 358 words
    21. cc39-40W
    22. Maze Prison 331 words
    23. cc40-1W
    24. Northern Ireland Prison Service 65 words
    1. cc41-2W
    2. Genetically Modified Crops 591 words
    3. cc42-3W
    4. Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment 453 words
    5. cc43-4W
    6. Rural Bus Services 218 words
    7. c44W
    8. M25 188 words
    9. cc44-5W
    10. Motor Insurance 99 words
    11. c45W
    12. Green Transport Plan 86 words
    13. c45W
    14. Local Authority Spending 248 words
    15. cc45-6W
    16. GLA Building 92 words
    17. c46W
    18. National Air Traffic Control Centre 66 words
    19. cc46-8W
    20. Housing Stock 665 words
    21. c48W
    22. Driving Licences 57 words
    23. c48W
    24. New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 121 words
    25. c48W
    26. Utility Contractors 78 words
    27. cc48-9W
    28. Regional Airports 163 words
    29. cc49-50W
    30. Air Traffic Management 735 words
    31. c50W
    32. Town and Parish Councils 62 words
    33. cc50-1W
    34. Road Noise Mitigation 360 words
    35. cc51-2W
    36. Ministerial Visits 413 words
    37. c52W
    38. Water's Edge, Barton upon Humber 127 words
    39. c52W
    40. Driving Licence Holders 89 words
    1. cc52-3W
    2. Civil Servants (Flights) 162 words
    3. c53W
    4. Working Time Directive 152 words
    5. c53W
    6. Select Committee Documents 103 words
    7. c53W
    8. GM Crops 42 words
  14. WALES
    1. cc53-4W
    2. Working Time Directive 168 words
    3. c54W
    4. Waiting Lists 190 words
    5. cc54-6W
    6. Tir Cymen 644 words
    1. c56W
    2. Green Transport Plan 43 words
    3. c56W
    4. Departmental Budget 256 words
    5. cc56-7W
    6. British Lecturers (Italy) 251 words
    1. c57W
    2. Common Foreign and Security Policy 194 words
    3. cc57-8W
    4. James Miles and Paul Loseby 176 words
    5. c58W
    6. Gibraltar 215 words
    7. cc58-9W
    8. Working Time Directive 151 words
    9. c59W
    10. Written Answers 104 words
    11. c59W
    12. Ambassadors (Appointments) 81 words
    13. c59W
    14. Consul-General (New York) 143 words
    15. cc59-60W
    16. Human Rights 197 words
    17. c60W
    18. UNSCOM 151 words
    19. c60W
    20. European Scrutiny Committee 113 words
    21. cc60-1W
    22. Eritrea and Ethiopia 402 words
    23. cc61-2W
    24. Papua New Guinea 65 words
    25. c62W
    26. Mercenary Services 119 words
    27. cc62-3W
    28. European Commissioners (Emoluments) 305 words
    29. c63W
    30. Amsterdam Treaty 110 words
    31. c63W
    32. Armenian Foreign Minister 124 words
    33. c63W
    34. Ambassador's Residence 66 words
    35. cc63-4W
    36. UN Finances 120 words
    37. c64W
    38. Nuclear Missiles 172 words
    39. c64W
    40. Dubai 118 words
    41. cc64-5W
    42. Illicit Traffic by Sea 65 words
    1. c65W
    2. Football 180 words
    3. c65W
    4. Ministerial Costs 119 words
    5. cc65-6W
    6. Hospital Service Reconfiguration 385 words
    7. cc66-8W
    8. Waiting Lists 1,162 words
    9. cc68-70W
    10. Inward Investment 580 words
    11. c70W
    12. Environmental Payments 67 words
    13. c70W
    14. Long-term Care 121 words
    15. cc70-1W
    16. Statute and Case Law (Internet) 230 words
    17. cc71-2W
    18. Psychiatric Care (Children) 726 words
    19. cc72-3W
    20. Private Finance Initiative 366 words
    21. cc73-4W
    22. Excluded Pupils 163 words
    23. c74W
    24. NHS Advertising Costs 44 words
    25. cc74-5W
    26. Health Boards (Debts) 256 words
    27. cc75-83W
    28. NHS Trusts 3,757 words
    29. cc83-4W
    30. NHS Clinical Negligence Claims 283 words
    31. cc84-5W
    32. NHS Training and Education 73 words
    33. cc85-6W
    34. Timber Industry 752 words
    35. cc86-7W
    36. Special Police Officers 655 words
    37. cc87-91W
    38. Pupil Funding 1,376 words
    39. c91W
    40. Higher Education 161 words
    41. c91W
    42. Boundary Commission 107 words
    43. cc91-2W
    44. Green Transport Plan 114 words
    45. c92W
    46. Hospital Disposals 107 words
    47. c92W
    48. Water (Local Authority Control) 113 words
    49. cc92-3W
    50. Health Board Expenditure 241 words
    51. c93W
    52. Health Boards (Senior Management) 93 words
    1. c93W
    2. Dividend Tax Credits 68 words
    3. c93W
    4. European Scrutiny Committee 70 words
    5. cc93-4W
    6. Company Licences 108 words
    7. c94W
    8. Government Overdrafts 280 words
    9. cc94-5W
    10. Petrol Smuggling 102 words
    11. cc95-6W
    12. Departmental Asset Sales 695 words
    13. c96W
    14. Stamp Duty 128 words
    15. c96W
    16. Individual Savings Accounts 102 words
    17. cc96-7W
    18. Charities (Tax Relief) 220 words
    19. c97W
    20. Public Consultations 80 words
    21. c97W
    22. Financial Services and Markets Bill 72 words
    23. c97W
    24. Credit Suisse First Boston 74 words
    25. cc97-8W
    26. VAT (Domestic Fuel) 72 words
    27. c98W
    28. Appointments 87 words
    29. c98W
    30. Departmental Expenditure 104 words
    31. c98W
    32. Environmental Tax Reform 122 words
    33. cc98-9W
    34. Euro Banknotes 97 words
    35. c99W
    36. Public Sector Debt 328 words
    37. cc99-100W
    38. Money Transfers (Jersey) 92 words
    39. c100W
    40. Working Time Directive 115 words
    41. c100W
    42. Euro Coins 91 words
    43. c100W
    44. Single Currency 120 words
    45. cc100-1W
    46. Electronic Red Boxes 52 words
    47. c101W
    48. Select Committee Reports 85 words
    1. cc101-2W
    2. Pensioners 714 words
    3. cc102-3W
    4. Disablement Pension (Asbestosis) 300 words
    5. c103W
    6. Widows' Benefits 264 words
    7. cc103-4W
    8. Housing Benefit 66 words
    9. c104W
    10. Single Gateway 124 words
    11. cc104-5W
    12. Unclaimed Benefits 185 words
    13. c105W
    14. Bereavement Benefits 243 words
    15. c105W
    16. Green Transport Plan 55 words
    17. cc105-6W
    18. Miners (Compensation Payments) 115 words
    19. c106W
    20. Disability Allowance Review 345 words
    1. cc106-7W
    2. Global Services and JMT Charlesworth Ltd. 132 words
    3. c107W
    4. Mansion House Speech 26 words
    5. cc107-15W
    6. Trade Promotion 2,721 words
    7. c115W
    8. Sombrero Island 174 words
    9. cc115-6W
    10. Ilisu Dam, Turkey 195 words
    11. c116W
    12. Export Credits Guarantee Department 213 words
    13. cc116-7W
    14. Waste Tyres 155 words
    15. c117W
    16. Soft Timbers 315 words
    17. cc117-8W
    18. Pains Wessex 93 words
    19. c118W
    20. Wind Turbines 194 words
    21. c118W
    22. Prison Labour 55 words
    23. c118W
    24. Argentina 40 words
    25. c118W
    26. Northern Cyprus 42 words
    27. cc118-9W
    28. Export Promotion Directorate 103 words
    29. c119W
    30. Exports (Gulf States) 94 words
    31. c119W
    32. Petrol Retail Prices 46 words
    33. c119W
    34. Oil Prices 46 words
    35. cc119-20W
    36. Gas-fired Power Stations 135 words
    37. c120W
    38. Energy Regulator 229 words
    39. c120W
    40. New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 47 words
    1. cc120-1W
    2. Civil Court Fees 125 words
    3. c121W
    4. County Courts 45 words
    5. c121W
    6. Access to Justice 119 words
    7. cc121-2W
    8. Green Transport Plan 57 words
    9. c122W
    10. Freemasons 258 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 22 March 1999 Series 5 Vol. 598

  1. Peers Not Taking Party Whips 159 words
  2. Turkey: Arrest of HADEP Members 275 words
  3. EU Policy: Wye Agreement 171 words
  4. NATO: Strategic Concept 93 words
  5. UN Human Rights Commission: 1999 Session 209 words
  6. Ethiopia and Eritrea: Arms Embargo 213 words
  7. High Court Crown Office List 115 words
  8. Human Rights 632 words
  9. Data Protection Act 1998: Implementation 82 words
  10. Metropolitan Police: Objectives 308 words
  11. Asylum Applications: Estimates 91 words
  12. Justice and Home Affairs Council 1,052 words
  13. HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs 167 words
  14. Gibraltar: European Parliament 164 words
  15. Gibraltar: Relationship with United Kingdom 423 words
  16. Genetically Modified Animals 398 words
  17. EU: General Affairs Council 385 words
  18. Uranium: Testing for Presence in the Human Body 94 words
  19. Health: Parliamentary Statements 92 words
  20. The Royal Parks 369 words
  21. Good Friday Agreement: Release of Prisoners 453 words
  22. Beef on the Bone 297 words
  23. Bananas 95 words
  24. Badger Cull 82 words
  25. Shellfish Conservation 369 words
  26. Agriculture in the United Kingdom 45 words
  27. Pesticide Residues in Baby Foods 67 words