- Secondary Schools (Liverpool) 56 words
- Teachers (Pay) 97 words
- University Students 115 words
- Medical Research Council 439 words
- Teachers 137 words
- Education Expenditure 76 words
- Sex Education 91 words
- Student Unions 51 words
- School Governing Bodies 63 words
- School Curriculum (Science and Technology) 108 words
- Public Examinations 105 words
- Nursery Education 81 words
- Schools (Community Use) 77 words
- Hearing-aid Batteries 109 words
- Professional Engineers 167 words
- Disabled University Students 164 words
- Open University 336 words
- Technical and Vocational Educational Initiative 262 words
- Rate Capping 52 words
- Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 152 words
- Heriot-Watt University 53 words
- Drugs 220 words
- Teachers (Exchanges) 377 words
- Departmental Advisers 555 words
- Examinations 78 words
- Secondary Schools (Amalgamation) 805 words