- Griffiths Report 334 words
- Benefits (Claimants) 273 words
- Occupational Therapists 72 words
- Drugs (Advertising Regulations) 85 words
- Youth Training Scheme 193 words
- Supplementary Benefit 742 words
- Miners (Supplementary Benefit) 52 words
- Computer Centre (Newcastle) 138 words
- Housing Benefit 78 words
- Infant Mortality 245 words
- Anti-poverty Programme 183 words
- Pensions (Disregards) 86 words
- Camberwell Resettlement Unit 491 words
- Industrial Injuries Scheme 86 words
- Mobility and Attendance Allowances 642 words
- Wythenshawe Hospital (Heart Surgery) 144 words
- Industrial Injuries Advisory Council 65 words
- State Retirement Pension 71 words
- Widowed Mother's Allowance 141 words
- Benefits 547 words
- Single Payments 132 words
- Pensions and Benefits 199 words
- Take-up Campaign (Merseyside) 48 words
- Invalid Care Allowance 169 words
- Spyways Home, Dorset 100 words
- NHS (Premature Retirement) 433 words
- Abortion 155 words
- Drug Addiction 162 words
- Mr John Sinclair 64 words
- Voluntary Organisations (Grants) 191 words
- NHS (Products Suppliers) 127 words
- Community Dental Service 377 words
- Health Authorities (Patient Records) 106 words
- Disabled Persons 236 words
- Mentally Handicapped and Mentally Ill Persons 222 words
- Spastic Society (Waiting List) 67 words
- Value Added Tax 94 words
- Spinal Injuries 152 words
- Drug Addicts 217 words
- Building Alterations (Disabled Persons) 196 words
- Private Patients (Bad Debts) 79 words
- Voluntary Unemployment Deductions 362 words
- Cervical Cytology 83 words
- Fluoridation 82 words
- Nuclear War 125 words
- Hospitals (Food Poisoning) 182 words
- Private Patients 512 words