HC Deb 04 June 1984 vol 61 c36W
Mrs. Jill Knight

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will seek to amend section 37 of the Social Security Act 1975 to allow a wife who has to give up her job to look after a sick husband to claim invalid care allowance in the same way as a husband who has to give up his job to look after a sick wife.

.Dr Boyson

I regret that we have no plans to do so. To extend eligibility for invalid care allowance to married women as a group would cost over £60 million a year net. It can therefore be seen as only one of a number of possibilities for consideration in the context of what is available for social security spending as a whole. My hon. Friend will, however, appreciate that a married woman looking after her sick husband would gain little or nothing from an extension of invalid care allowances since her husband, in receipt of a benefit, will already have an increase for his wife.