Commons Sitting of 26 January 2004 Series 6 Vol. 417

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. cc1-20
    2. DEFENCE 6 words
      1. cc1-3
      2. Army Training 496 words
      3. cc3-4
      4. Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer 568 words
      5. cc4-5
      6. Armed Forces Education and Training 597 words
      7. cc5-8
      8. Iraq 1,353 words
      9. cc8-10
      10. Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft 792 words
      11. cc10-1
      12. Modern Apprenticeships 254 words
      13. c11
      14. Joint Strike Fighter 309 words
      15. cc11-3
      16. Territorial Army 840 words
      17. cc13-5
      18. Army Welfare Services 787 words
      19. c15
      20. Air Defence 175 words
      21. cc15-7
      22. Iraq 1,078 words
      23. cc17-8
      24. Logistics Support 384 words
      25. cc18-9
      26. Fleet Air Defence 393 words
      27. cc19-20
      28. International Terrorism 348 words
      29. c20
      30. Reserve Forces (Gulf Region) 225 words
  5. Constitutional Reform 8,376 words
  6. cc37-9
  7. Points of Order 1,245 words
    1. c39
  9. Orders of the Day
    1. cc40-129
    2. Fire and Rescue Services Bill 48,672 words, 1 division
    3. c130
    5. c130
    6. Committal 10 words
    7. c130
    8. Proceedings in Standing Committee 43 words
    9. c130
    10. Consideration and Third Reading 80 words
    11. c130
    12. Other proceedings 88 words
    13. cc130-1
    15. c131
    17. c131
      1. c131
      2. CATERING 24 words
      3. c131
      4. WELSH AFFAIRS 24 words
      5. c131
      6. HOME AFFAIRS 26 words
    20. PETITION
      1. c132
      2. Telecommunications Masts 238 words
    21. Railway Pedestrian Crossings 4,593 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 26 January 2004 Series 6 Vol. 417

    1. c1W
    2. Badgers 267 words
    3. cc1-2W
    4. Birds of Prey 347 words
    5. cc2-3W
    6. Bovine Tuberculosis 484 words
    7. cc3-4W
    8. Departmental Advertising 151 words
    9. c4W
    10. Large Combustion Plant Directive 94 words
    11. c4W
    12. Energy Efficiency 113 words
    13. c4W
    14. Fallen Stock 99 words
    15. cc4-5W
    16. Fisheries 92 words
    17. c5W
    18. Flooding 252 words
    19. c5W
    20. GM Crops 93 words
    21. cc5-7W
    22. Snares 546 words
    23. cc7-14W
    24. Sudden Oak Death 3,426 words
    1. cc14-7W
    2. Adam Smith Institute 838 words
    3. c17W
    4. Advertising and Information 191 words
    5. cc17-8W
    6. Afghanistan 370 words
    7. c18W
    8. Civil Servants 71 words
    9. cc18-9W
    10. Democratic Republic of the Congo 265 words
    11. c19W
    12. Departmental Funding 115 words
    13. cc19-20W
    14. EU Aid Projects 191 words
    15. c20W
    16. Global Fund 196 words
    17. cc20-2W
    18. HIV/AIDS 771 words
    19. cc22-3W
    20. Infant Mortality 759 words
    21. cc23-6W
    22. Iraq 895 words
    23. c26W
    24. Maternal Mortality 276 words
    25. cc26-7W
    26. Middle East 167 words
    27. c27W
    28. Pakistan 99 words
    29. cc27-8W
    30. Rwanda and Burundi 341 words
    31. c28W
    32. Sudan 144 words
    33. c28W
    34. Think Tanks 82 words
    35. cc28-9W
    36. Uganda 129 words
    37. c29W
    38. World Food Programme (Southern Africa) 226 words
    39. c29W
    40. World Trade Organisation 82 words
  3. WALES
    1. c29W
    2. Civil Servants 56 words
    3. cc29-31W
    4. Higher Education Bill 623 words
    1. c31W
    2. Obesity 85 words
    3. c31W
    4. Political Parties (Donations) 147 words
    1. c32W
    2. Transport for London 250 words
    3. c32W
    4. Vehicle Excise Duty 77 words
    5. c32W
    6. Aircraft (Carbon Dioxide Emissions) 72 words
    7. cc32-3W
    8. Banned Airlines 104 words
    9. c33W
    10. Biofuels Directive 126 words
    11. c33W
    12. Bristol/Bath to South Coast Transport Study 151 words
    13. cc33-4W
    14. British Airways 164 words
    15. c34W
    16. Bugaled Breizh 191 words
    17. c34W
    18. Civil Servants 48 words
    19. cc34-5W
    20. Consultants 183 words
    21. c35W
    22. Crosswind Runway 151 words
    23. cc35-6W
    24. Edinburgh Airport 316 words
    25. c36W
    26. IT Contracts 78 words
    27. c36W
    28. Light Rail Schemes 70 words
    29. cc36-7W
    30. Local Authority Transport Projects 194 words
    31. c37W
    32. Management Consultants 71 words
    33. cc37-8W
    34. Rail Freight 343 words
    35. c38W
    36. Rail Infrastructure Asset Register 325 words
    37. cc38-9W
    38. Rail Network (Repair and Maintenance) 243 words
    39. c39W
    40. Recruitment Advertising 130 words
    41. cc39-40W
    42. Royal Train 81 words
    43. c40W
    44. Security Passes 251 words
    45. c40W
    46. Ships (Dangerous Cargoes) 176 words
    47. cc40-1W
    48. Station Improvements 83 words
    49. c41W
    50. Statutory Sick Pay 169 words
    51. c41W
    52. US Security (Passenger Screening) 57 words
    1. cc41-2W
    2. Sports Activities (Children) 152 words
    3. c42W
    4. Cinema 152 words
    5. cc42-3W
    6. Civil Servants 313 words
    7. c43W
    8. Commercial Radio Stations 255 words
    9. cc43-4W
    10. Film Distribution 297 words
    11. cc44-5W
    12. Heritage Lottery Funding 164 words
    13. c45W
    14. Imperial War Museum North 57 words
    15. c45W
    16. National Lottery 75 words
    17. c45W
    18. Michele Verroken 66 words
    19. cc45-6W
    20. Ministerial Visits 201 words
    21. c46W
    22. Queen (Diamond Jubilee) 87 words
    23. c46W
    24. Royal Family 133 words
    25. cc46-7W
    26. Sports Expenditure 281 words
    27. c47W
    28. Sportsmatch Scheme 87 words
    29. c47W
    30. Sub-regional Television Stations 73 words
    31. cc47-8W
    32. Tourism 113 words
    33. c48W
    34. UK Rowing 104 words
    35. c48W
    36. UK Sport 60 words
    1. cc48-9W
    2. Equal Pay 223 words
    3. c49W
    4. Sex Discrimination Act 67 words
    1. cc49-50W
    2. Prisoners (Egypt) 298 words
    1. cc50-1W
    2. Advertising Expenditure 330 words
    3. c51W
    4. Legal Finance 215 words
    5. cc51-2W
    6. Magistrates Courts 229 words
    1. cc52-3W
    2. Afghanistan 581 words
    3. cc53-4W
    4. Saudi Arabia 85 words
    5. c54W
    6. British Indian Ocean Territory 214 words
    7. cc54-5W
    8. China 142 words
    9. cc55-6W
    10. Cyprus 536 words
    11. cc56-9W
    12. Departmental Properties 1,317 words
    13. cc59-60W
    14. Entry Clearance 384 words
    15. c60W
    16. EU Countries (Access) 129 words
    17. c60W
    18. European Court of Human Rights 135 words
    19. cc60-1W
    20. Libya 75 words
    21. c61W
    22. Nuclear-related Technology 208 words
    23. c61W
    24. Olympic Games 96 words
    25. cc61-2W
    26. Publicity Campaigns 85 words
    27. c62W
    28. Sri Lanka 174 words
    29. cc62-3W
    30. St. Helena 159 words
    31. cc63-4W
    32. Taiwan 70 words
    1. c65W
    2. Territorial Army 78 words
    3. c65W
    4. Afghanistan/Iraq (Withdrawal of Troops) 111 words
    5. c65W
    6. Eurofighter Typhoon 128 words
    7. cc65-6W
    8. Procurement (British Manufacturing) 100 words
    9. c66W
    10. Iraq 225 words
    11. c66W
    12. Alcohol Consumption 52 words
    13. c66W
    14. Apache 58 words
    15. cc66-7W
    16. Atlantic Crusader 111 words
    17. c67W
    18. Depleted Uranium 101 words
    19. c67W
    20. Deployment 120 words
    21. cc67-8W
    22. Far East Prisoners 295 words
    23. c68W
    24. Foreign Ship Chartering 93 words
    25. cc68-9W
    26. Human Rights 201 words
    27. c69W
    28. Project Soothsayer 100 words
    29. c69W
    30. Rape/Violence Against Women 203 words
    31. cc69-71W
    32. Reserve Forces 601 words
    33. c71W
    34. Royal Navy 36 words
    1. c71W
    2. Central Office of Information 91 words
    3. c71W
    4. Civil Contingencies Bill 138 words
    5. cc71-2W
    6. Motor Vehicles 90 words
    7. c72W
    8. Public Services Audit 102 words
    9. cc72-3W
    10. Publicity Campaigns 259 words
    11. c73W
    12. Regulatory Impact Assessments 104 words
    13. c73W
    14. Special Advisers 79 words
    1. cc73-5W
    2. Regional Development Agencies 975 words
    3. cc75-7W
    4. Research and Development 412 words
    5. c77W
    6. Trade Agreements 157 words
    7. c77W
    8. British Energy 182 words
    9. cc77-9W
    10. Bullying/Harassment 648 words
    11. cc79-80W
    12. Business Link 673 words
    13. cc80-1W
    14. Civil Servants (Disabilities) 326 words
    15. c81W
    16. Clergy Employment Rights 110 words
    17. cc81-2W
    18. Credit Agencies 122 words
    19. cc82-4W
    20. Departmental Advertising 999 words
    21. cc84-5W
    22. Departmental Grants 586 words
    23. cc85-6W
    24. Departmental Publications 126 words
    25. c86W
    26. Agricultural Produce (Dumping) 162 words
    27. c86W
    28. EU Regional Funding 149 words
    29. cc86-7W
    30. Fireworks Act 152 words
    31. c87W
    32. Friction Dynamex 220 words
    33. c87W
    34. Germany 123 words
    35. cc87-8W
    36. Home Security Systems 111 words
    37. c88W
    38. Honduras 48 words
    39. c88W
    40. Internet Usage 210 words
    41. cc88-9W
    42. Miners' Compensation 355 words
    43. cc89-90W
    44. Motor Industry 244 words
    45. c90W
    46. Museums (Genetic Research) 125 words
    47. c90W
    48. National Business Angels Network 26 words
    49. cc90-2W
    50. Project Funding 876 words
    51. cc92-4W
    52. Relocation Offshore 514 words
    53. c94W
    54. Renewable Energy (Cambridgeshire) 107 words
    55. c94W
    56. Strategic Export Controls (Israel) 169 words
    57. cc94-5W
    58. Wind Farms 346 words
    59. c95W
    60. Work-Life Balance 142 words
    1. c95W
    2. Council Tax Benefit 52 words
    3. cc95-6W
    4. Transdepartmental Science and Technology Group 199 words
    5. cc96-7W
    6. Stakeholder Pensions 208 words
    7. c97W
    8. Advice Organisations 182 words
    9. c97W
    10. Benefit Payments (Computer Downtime) 101 words
    11. cc97-100W
    12. Carers Allowance 1,567 words
    13. cc100-1W
    14. Child Support Agency 441 words
    15. c101W
    16. Disability Living Allowance 139 words
    17. cc101-2W
    18. Incapacity Benefit 584 words
    19. cc102-3W
    20. New Deal 357 words
    21. cc103-4W
    22. Occupational Pension Schemes 204 words
    23. cc104-5W
    24. Pension Credit 591 words
    25. cc105-6W
    26. Pensions 387 words
    27. cc106-8W
    28. Post Office Card Accounts 731 words
    29. c108W
    30. Retirement Pension 79 words
    31. c108W
    32. Sema Group 199 words
    1. c109W
    2. Bank of England 85 words
    3. c109W
    4. Civil Servants 65 words
    5. c109W
    6. Complaints 124 words
    7. cc109-10W
    8. Compliance Performance Targets 220 words
    9. c110W
    10. Correspondence 54 words
    11. c110W
    12. Financial Services 152 words
    13. cc110-1W
    14. Green Minister 375 words
    15. c111W
    16. Information Technology 113 words
    17. cc111-3W
    18. Inland Revenue 612 words
    19. cc113-4W
    20. Inward Migration 419 words
    21. c114W
    22. Lamfalussy Committee of Banking Supervisors 253 words
    23. cc114-5W
    24. National Insurance 240 words
    25. c115W
    26. Public Service Contracts 94 words
    27. c115W
    28. Security Passes 209 words
    29. cc115-6W
    30. Public Bodies 138 words
    31. cc116-7W
    32. Sport, Health and Fitness 238 words
    33. c117W
    34. Sports Clubs 149 words
    35. c117W
    36. Standard Life 81 words
    37. c117W
    38. Tax Collection 63 words
    39. cc117-8W
    40. Tax Credits 123 words
    41. c118W
    42. Teenage Pregnancies (Yorkshire) 226 words
    43. c118W
    44. Wales 48 words
    45. cc118-9W
    46. VAT 109 words
    1. cc119-20W
    2. Assistance Funding (Tower Hamlets) 599 words
    3. c120W
    4. Asylum Seekers 111 words
    5. cc120-1W
    6. Carer Breaks 142 words
    7. c121W
    8. Child Care Strategy 232 words
    9. cc121-2W
    10. Child Poverty 205 words
    11. cc122-4W
    12. Child Protection 774 words
    13. cc124-6W
    14. Disabled Children 1,142 words
    15. cc126-7W
    16. Children (Right of Contact) 226 words
    17. cc127-34W
    18. Children's Fund 3,120 words
    19. cc134-5W
    20. Children's Green Paper 544 words
    21. c135W
    22. Divorce Courts 53 words
    23. cc135-6W
    24. Failing Schools 107 words
    25. c136W
    26. Class Sizes 108 words
    27. cc136-7W
    28. Formula Spending Share (Deprivation) 111 words
    29. c137W
    30. Further Education Funding 380 words
    31. cc137-40W
    32. Higher Education 946 words
    33. cc140-1W
    34. Learning and Skills Council 429 words
    35. c141W
    36. Nursery Vouchers 302 words
    37. c141W
    38. Ofsted 55 words
    39. cc141-3W
    40. Parentline 994 words
    41. cc143-5W
    42. Procurement (Outsourcing) 403 words
    43. c145W
    44. Pupil Referral Units 107 words
    45. cc145-6W
    46. School Meals 257 words
    47. cc146-8W
    48. Secondary Schools (Collaboration) 1,144 words
    49. cc148-50W
    50. Student Finance 718 words
    51. cc150-3W
    52. Sure Start 1,388 words
    53. cc153-4W
    54. Teacher Qualifications 204 words
    55. c154W
    56. Teenage Parents 165 words
    57. c154W
    58. Tribunal Judgments 114 words
    59. cc154-5W
    60. Universities (Children in Care) 179 words
    61. c155W
    62. University for Industry 68 words
    63. c155W
    64. Website Publications 62 words
    65. cc155-6W
    66. Working Skills 263 words
    1. c156W
    2. Cambridge Private Planning Application 95 words
    3. c156W
    4. Council Tax 124 words
    5. cc156-7W
    6. Erith Marshes 126 words
    7. c157W
    8. EU Funding 181 words
    9. cc157-9W
    10. Fire and Rescue Service 920 words
    11. cc159-60W
    12. Flooding 212 words
    13. cc160-2W
    14. Housing 1,063 words
    15. c162W
    16. IT Contracts 92 words
    17. cc162-5W
    18. Local Government 1,484 words
    19. c165W
    20. Lottery Revenue 72 words
    21. cc165-6W
    22. Parliamentary Questions 60 words
    23. c166W
    24. PPG25 168 words
    25. cc166-7W
    26. Prison Leavers 289 words
    27. c167W
    28. Regional Assemblies 273 words
    29. cc167-8W
    30. Regional Economic Disparities 164 words
    31. cc168-9W
    32. Regional Government 312 words
    33. c169W
    34. Rehousing (Brent) 115 words
    35. cc169-70W
    36. Skills Funding 71 words
    37. c170W
    38. Telecoms Companies 49 words
    39. c170W
    40. Thames Gateway 84 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. c171W
    2. Alendronate 127 words
    3. c171W
    4. Ambulance Services 49 words
    5. c171W
    6. Antibiotics 45 words
    7. cc171-3W
    8. Cancer 783 words
    9. c173W
    10. Care Provision 141 words
    11. cc173-4W
    12. Cataracts 274 words
    13. cc174-5W
    14. Children's Diets 185 words
    15. c175W
    16. Civil Service (Disabled People) 181 words
    17. c175W
    18. Colonoscopy 84 words
    19. c175W
    20. Departmental Staff 54 words
    21. cc175-6W
    22. Departmental Website 122 words
    23. c176W
    24. Digital Hearing Aids 89 words
    25. c176W
    26. Electronic Recruitment 67 words
    27. cc176-7W
    28. Eye Infections 186 words
    29. c177W
    30. Foundation Hospitals 74 words
    31. cc177-8W
    32. General Medical Council 338 words
    33. cc178-9W
    34. General Practitioners 179 words
    35. cc179-80W
    36. Haemoglobinopathies 522 words
    37. c180W
    38. Healthcare Costs (Patient Contributions) 57 words
    39. cc180-2W
    40. Health Forums 853 words
    41. cc182-3W
    42. Health Professionals 202 words
    43. c183W
    44. Health Services (Lancashire) 246 words
    45. c183W
    46. Healthy Living Centres 110 words
    47. cc183-4W
    48. Hip and Knee Replacements 125 words
    49. cc184-5W
    50. Hospital-acquired Infection 340 words
    51. c185W
    52. Human Tissue Authority 257 words
    53. cc185-6W
    54. Independent Diagnostic and Treatment Centres 189 words
    55. c186W
    56. Influenza 63 words
    57. cc186-7W
    58. IT Contracts 754 words
    59. c187W
    60. Lancashire Ambulance Service 47 words
    61. c187W
    62. Medical Records 60 words
    63. cc187-8W
    64. Memory Clinics 30 words
    65. c188W
    66. Meningitis 72 words
    67. cc188-9W
    68. Sensory Impairment 83 words
    69. c189W
    70. Mental Health 230 words
    71. cc189-90W
    72. NHS Direct 129 words
    73. c190W
    74. NHS Pay (Leeds) 74 words
    75. c190W
    76. NICE Guidance (Pregnancy) 70 words
    77. cc190-1W
    78. Nurses 239 words
    79. c191W
    80. Obesity 132 words
    81. c191W
    82. Operation Telic 137 words
    83. cc191-2W
    84. Pain Management Clinic (Guys and St. Thomas') 263 words
    85. c192W
    86. Practice Staff (Complaints) 86 words
    87. c192W
    88. Public Health 100 words
    89. cc192-3W
    90. Public Health Laboratory Service 51 words
    91. cc193-4W
    92. Stroke (Gloucestershire) 547 words
    93. c194W
    94. Waiting Times 98 words
    95. c194W
    96. Working Time Directive 57 words
  19. HOME
    1. c195W
    2. Infanticide 107 words
    3. cc195-6W
    4. Animal Experiments 582 words
    5. cc196-7W
    6. Anti-drugs Strategy 392 words
    7. c197W
    8. Asylum Seekers 166 words
    9. cc197-8W
    10. Young Offender Institutions 309 words
    11. cc198-9W
    12. Cleveland Coroner 278 words
    13. c199W
    14. Community Justice Centre 365 words
    15. cc199-200W
    16. Corporate Manslaughter 72 words
    17. c200W
    18. Correspondence 78 words
    19. cc200-1W
    20. Crime Reduction Initiatives 362 words
    21. cc201-2W
    22. Criminal Injuries Compensation 420 words
    23. c202W
    24. Criminal Justice Interventions Programme 111 words
    25. c202W
    26. Criminal Justice System 188 words
    27. cc202-6W
    28. Criminal Offences 1,435 words
    29. c206W
    30. Crown Prosecution Service 237 words
    31. c206W
    32. Curfew Orders 61 words
    33. cc206-7W
    34. Departmental Leaflets 147 words
    35. c207W
    36. Departmental Press Releases 131 words
    37. c207W
    38. Detention and Training Orders 155 words
    39. cc207-8W
    40. Discharged Cases 208 words
    41. c208W
    42. Drug or Alcohol Treatment 160 words
    43. c208W
    44. Forensic Medical Examiner Training 93 words
    45. cc208-9W
    46. Gun Crime 137 words
    47. cc209-10W
    48. Home Detention Curfew 532 words
    49. cc210-1W
    50. Human Trafficking 227 words
    51. cc211-4W
    52. Identity Cards 1,461 words
    53. cc214-6W
    54. Identity Theft 905 words
    55. c216W
    56. International Criminal Conduct 208 words
    57. cc216-7W
    58. Juvenile Prisoners 95 words
    59. c217W
    60. Intercept Evidence 31 words
    61. c217W
    62. Magistrates Courts 57 words
    63. cc217-8W
    64. Merseyside Crime Initiative Unit 379 words
    65. cc218-9W
    66. Miscarriages of Justice 415 words
    67. cc219-20W
    68. Multi-agency Public Protection 473 words
    69. cc220-1W
    70. National Offenders Management Service 377 words
    71. c221W
    72. National Probation Service 279 words
    73. cc221-2W
    74. Official Receptions 44 words
    75. c222W
    76. Parliamentary Questions 131 words
    77. c222W
    78. Passports (Vivien and Ambrose Cofie) 39 words
    79. cc222-3W
    80. Prison Deaths 393 words
    81. cc223-5W
    82. Prison Disturbances 722 words
    83. c225W
    84. Prison Population 200 words
    85. cc225-6W
    86. Prison Suicides 315 words
    87. cc226-7W
    88. Prisoner Transfers 228 words
    89. cc227-8W
    90. Prisoners on Release 845 words
    91. cc228-32W
    92. Prisons 1,939 words
    93. c232W
    94. Probation Boards 161 words
    95. c232W
    96. Rape/Sexual Offences Helpline 41 words
    97. cc232-3W
    98. Sex Offender Orders 238 words
    99. cc233-4W
    100. Child Protection 574 words
    101. cc234-5W
    102. Vulnerable Witnesses 117 words
    103. cc235-6W
    104. Sexual Assault Referral Centres 668 words
    105. cc236-8W
    106. Sexual Offenders 846 words
    107. c238W
    108. Small Businesses 41 words
    109. cc238-9W
    110. Speeding 414 words
    111. c239W
    112. Widows and Widowers 108 words
    113. cc239-40W
    114. Women Prisoners 230 words
    115. cc240-1W
    116. Young Offenders 375 words
    117. cc241-2W
    118. Youth Justice System 578 words

Written Statements (Commons) of 26 January 2004 Series 6 Vol. 417

    1. c1WS
    2. Direct Payments 220 words
    3. cc1-2WS
    4. Hepatitis C Compensation Scheme 335 words
    1. cc2-4WS
    2. Post-Primary Education 760 words
    3. c4WS
    4. Northern Ireland Prison Service 115 words
    1. c4WS
    2. Agricultural Merchants and Saddlers 146 words
    1. cc4-5WS
    2. Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft 376 words
    1. cc5-6WS
    2. Higher Education Funding 472 words

Lords Sitting of 26 January 2004 Series 5 Vol. 656

  1. Preamble 24 words
  2. cc1-3
  3. Government Investment and Planning 576 words
  4. cc3-7
  5. Public Appointments 1,669 words
  6. cc7-9
  7. EU Treaties and Institutions 1,134 words
  8. cc9-12
  9. Prisons: Mental Health Services 1,153 words
  10. c12
  11. Business 305 words
  12. cc12-30
  13. Constitutional Reform 9,141 words
  14. cc31-2
  15. Statute Law (Repeals) Bill [H.L.] 651 words
  16. cc32-47
  17. Patents Bill [H.L.] 7,742 words
  18. cc47-79
  19. European Central Bank 16,705 words
  20. cc79-82
  21. Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning Act 1997 (Amnesty Period) Order 2004 1,209 words
  22. cc82-5
  23. Criminal Defence Service (Choice in Very High Cost Cases) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 1,567 words
  24. cc85-8
  25. Harbours Bill [H.L.] 1,250 words

Grand Committee Report of 26 January 2004 Series 5 Vol. 656

  1. Official Report of the Grand Committee on the
    1. cc1-66GC
    2. European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill 34,218 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 26 January 2004 Series 5 Vol. 656

  1. Supreme Court 333 words
  2. Legislation: Evaluation 99 words
  3. Gender Recognition 73 words
  4. Children Act Sub-Committee 93 words
  5. Magistrates' Courts: Evaluation of Specialist Courts 77 words
  6. Sudan: Darfur Province 141 words
  7. European Court of Human Rights: UK Cases 363 words
  8. Gibraltar: Tercentenary Celebrations 163 words
  9. Public Servants and Racist Organisations 63 words
  10. Police Officers: Racist Behaviour 171 words
  11. Work Permits: Sectors Based Scheme 99 words
  12. Terrorism: Legislation and Publication of Information 285 words
  13. Terrorism Legislation: Arrests and Detentions 588 words
  14. Youth Offending Teams: Bereavement Counselling 94 words
  15. M6 Toll: Policing 64 words
  16. National Firearms Register 79 words
  17. Chemical Weapons: Russian Federation 425 words
  18. Gulf War 1990–91: Vaccines 136 words
  19. Duke of York's Royal Military School and Queen Victoria School 78 words
  20. Domestic Violence 113 words
  21. Pension Credit 232 words
  22. Television: Audio Description 142 words
  23. Tourism: Government Funding 178 words
  24. Financial Services Authority 99 words
  25. Millennium Dome 123 words
  26. Personal Income 102 words
  27. Medical Research Council 114 words
  28. UK Online for Business 374 words
  29. Civil Service: Training about Parliament 74 words
  30. Ministers: Induction 62 words
  31. vCJD and HIV: Public Expenditure 401 words
  32. vCJD: UK Cases 1,054 words
  33. Sexual Health and HIV: Independent Advisory Group's Recommendations 146 words
  34. Research Ethics Committees 285 words
  35. Medication Reviews for Older People 410 words
  36. Human Reproductive Cloning 75 words
  37. Sea Levels 429 words
  38. BSE 1,073 words

Written Statements (Lords) of 26 January 2004 Series 5 Vol. 656

  1. Northern Ireland Prison Service Framework Document 2000–05 127 words
  2. cc1-3WS
  3. Northern Ireland: Post-Primary Education 797 words
  4. cc3-4WS
  5. Higher Education: Variable Tuition Fees 511 words
  6. cc4-5WS
  7. Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft 403 words
  8. cc5-6WS
  9. Direct Payments 244 words
  10. c6WS
  11. Hepatitis C Compensation Scheme 363 words