HC Deb 26 January 2004 vol 417 cc1-20

The Secretary of State was asked—

  1. Army Training 496 words
  2. cc3-4
  3. Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer 568 words
  4. cc4-5
  5. Armed Forces Education and Training 597 words
  6. cc5-8
  7. Iraq 1,353 words
  8. cc8-10
  9. Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft 792 words
  10. cc10-1
  11. Modern Apprenticeships 254 words
  12. c11
  13. Joint Strike Fighter 309 words
  14. cc11-3
  15. Territorial Army 840 words
  16. cc13-5
  17. Army Welfare Services 787 words
  18. c15
  19. Air Defence 175 words
  20. cc15-7
  21. Iraq 1,078 words
  22. cc17-8
  23. Logistics Support 384 words
  24. cc18-9
  25. Fleet Air Defence 393 words
  26. cc19-20
  27. International Terrorism 348 words
  28. c20
  29. Reserve Forces (Gulf Region) 225 words
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