Mr Andrew McIntosh

April 30, 1933 -
Summary information for Mr Andrew McIntosh



3 speeches — Court of Auditors: EUC Report Lords January 8, 2002

Statistical Information Written Answers January 8, 2002

Landfill Tax Written Answers January 8, 2002

Private Finance Initiative Written Answers January 8, 2002

House of Lords Reform Lords January 9, 2002

9 speeches — Euro: Economic Tests Lords January 16, 2002

Scottish Constituencies: Westminster Elections Written Answers January 16, 2002

Climate Change Levy Written Answers January 22, 2002

Tax Simplification Lords January 23, 2002

3 speeches — Northern Ireland: Aggregates Tax Levy Written Answers January 28, 2002

Scotland: Personal Care for Elderly People Written Answers January 28, 2002

Life Expectancy Rates Written Answers January 30, 2002

Annuities Purchased by Occupational Pension Schemes Written Answers January 30, 2002

Scottish Constituencies: Westminster Elections Written Answers January 31, 2002

Internet Access Packages: VAT Written Answers February 4, 2002

National Survey of Time Use Written Answers February 4, 2002

Sports Clubs: Tax Relief Written Answers February 4, 2002

7 speeches — Economic Growth Lords February 5, 2002

Annuity Reform Written Answers February 5, 2002

Medical Practitioner Services: VAT Written Answers February 5, 2002

5 speeches — Poverty Lords February 6, 2002

Rebated Fuels: Introduction of the Euromarker Written Answers February 11, 2002

Economic and Monetary Union Written Answers February 11, 2002

Milne Task Force Report Written Answers February 12, 2002

2 speeches — Government Departments: Assets of Cultural Significance Written Answers February 12, 2002

Scotland: Dental Sedation Written Answers February 13, 2002

Aggregates Levy Written Answers February 25, 2002

Private Finance Initiatives Written Answers February 25, 2002

10 speeches — Sterling Exchange Rate Lords February 26, 2002

13 speeches — Employment Bill Lords February 26, 2002

Heavily Indebted Poorer Countries Written Answers February 26, 2002

Public Service Agreements: Opportunity for All Written Answers February 26, 2002

10 speeches — "Strong Pound" Lords February 28, 2002

3 speeches — Special Advisers Lords February 28, 2002

Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill [H.L.] Lords March 1, 2002

12 speeches — Growth and Stability Pact Lords March 5, 2002

Employment Bill Lords March 6, 2002

8 speeches — Financial Regulation Lords March 7, 2002

Police Reform Bill [H.L.] Lords March 7, 2002

Scottish Parliament Written Answers March 7, 2002

2 speeches — Companies (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 Lords March 11, 2002

Taxation Written Answers March 11, 2002

9 speeches — London Underground Lords March 13, 2002

8 speeches — Central Government: Audit and Accountability Lords March 13, 2002

Financial Services Authority Written Answers March 13, 2002

21 speeches — Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 13, 2002

5 speeches — Banking Services: Competition Commission Report Lords March 14, 2002

Sterling Exchange Rate Written Answers March 14, 2002

Government Departments: Entertainment Written Answers March 14, 2002

Charities: Dividend Tax Credits Written Answers March 14, 2002

Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill: Human Rights Act Statement Written Answers March 14, 2002

17 speeches — Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 14, 2002

2 speeches — Government Departments: Assets of Cultural Significance Written Answers March 18, 2002

33 speeches — Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 18, 2002

Pension Funds: Changes to Corporation Tax Written Answers March 19, 2002

3 speeches — Corporate Regulation Lords March 20, 2002

Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 20, 2002

Social Security Administration Act 1992 (Amendment) Order 2002 Lords March 21, 2002

3 speeches — Social Security (Contributions) (Re-rating and National Insurance Funds Payments) Order 2002 Lords March 21, 2002

2 speeches — Tax Credits Up-rating Order 2002 Lords March 21, 2002

2 speeches — Zimbabwe: Targeted Sanctions Written Answers March 21, 2002

Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 21, 2002

Babies Born with Birth Defects Written Answers March 25, 2002

Government Debt and Asset Management Written Answers March 25, 2002

Occupational Pension Schemes: Preston Judgment Written Answers March 25, 2002

Tax Law Rewrite Project Written Answers March 25, 2002

13 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report March 25, 2002

Personal Income Tax: Top Rates in the EU Written Answers March 26, 2002

Working Families' Tax Credit Written Answers March 26, 2002

Pre-Budget Report: Measures for Business Written Answers March 26, 2002

24 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report March 26, 2002

2 speeches — Dignity at Work Bill [H.L.] Lords March 27, 2002

Roadbuilding Written Answers March 27, 2002

Deliveries of Heating Oil to Domestic Premises: VAT Written Answers March 27, 2002

Moldova Written Answers March 27, 2002

4 speeches — Renewables Obligation Order 2002 Lords March 28, 2002

2 speeches — Companies (Particulars of Usual Residential Address) (Confidentiality Orders) Regulations 2002 Lords March 28, 2002

Limited Liability Partnerships (Particulars of Usual Residential Address) (Confidentiality Orders) Regulations 2002 Lords March 28, 2002

Limited Liability Partnerships (No. 2) Regulations 2002 Lords March 28, 2002

Companies (Competent Authority) (Fees) Regulations 2002 Lords March 28, 2002

Limited Liability Partnerships (Competent Authority) (Fees) Regulations 2002 Lords March 28, 2002

2 speeches — Electricity and Gas (Determination of Turnover for Penalties) Order 2002 Lords April 11, 2002

8 speeches — Government Departments: Assets of Cultural Significance Written Answers April 11, 2002

Organic and Non-fossil Fuels: Duty Written Answers April 11, 2002

2 speeches — Voluntary Sporting Clubs: Taxation Written Answers April 11, 2002

Defence Budget: VAT Written Answers April 11, 2002

2 speeches — Parliamentary Questions Written Answers April 11, 2002

Register of Friendly Societies Written Answers April 11, 2002

9 speeches — The Committee met at eleven of the clock. Grand Committee Report April 11, 2002

13 speeches — Employment Bill Grand Committee Report April 11, 2002

8 speeches — Public Sector Jobs Lords April 15, 2002

2 speeches — Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Order 2002 Lords April 15, 2002

2 speeches — Planning Lords April 17, 2002

3 speeches — Scottish Parliament (Referendum) Bill [H.L.] Lords April 17, 2002

Sterling Written Answers April 18, 2002

Biofuels: Excise Duty Written Answers April 22, 2002

Scottish Parliament Building Written Answers April 22, 2002

Privy Council Silver Written Answers April 22, 2002

8 speeches — Foreign Exchange Transactions: Taxation Lords April 23, 2002

8 speeches — National Insurance Contributions Lords April 24, 2002

Premium Bonds Written Answers April 24, 2002

Coal Mine Methane: Exemption from Climate Change Levy Written Answers April 24, 2002

Public Sector Working Days Lost Written Answers April 24, 2002

Invest to Save Initiative Written Answers April 25, 2002

2 speeches — Government Departments: Assets of Cultural Significance Written Answers April 25, 2002

Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 Instruments Written Answers April 25, 2002

Treasury: Assets of Cultural Significance Written Answers April 29, 2002

Government Contracts: Security and Competitive Tendering Written Answers April 29, 2002

Public Sector Jobs Written Answers April 29, 2002

Privy Council Silver Written Answers April 29, 2002

10 speeches — Taxation Lords May 1, 2002

Biofuels: Excise Duty Written Answers May 1, 2002

2 speeches — Channel Islands and Isle of Man: Taxation Written Answers May 1, 2002

2 speeches — Business Taxation: EU Code of Conduct Written Answers May 1, 2002

9 speeches — Five-pound Banknotes: Supply Lords May 2, 2002

6 speeches — Public Expenditure: Health and Education Lords May 2, 2002

2 speeches — Education Bill Lords May 2, 2002

Tax Credits Written Answers May 2, 2002

Customs and Excise: Vehicle Seizure Policy Written Answers May 2, 2002

9 speeches — Education Bill Lords May 7, 2002

2 speeches — Consignia Lords May 7, 2002

20 speeches — Education Bill Lords May 7, 2002

3 speeches — Copyright, etc. and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill Lords May 10, 2002

Scottish Parliament: Charities Written Answers May 10, 2002

Abortion Written Answers May 13, 2002

2 speeches — Deregulation (Correction of Birth and Death Entries in Registers or Other Records) Order 2002 Lords May 14, 2002

8 speeches — Household Electrical Waste: Disposal Lords May 15, 2002

7 speeches — Government Expenditure Lords May 15, 2002

Organic and Non-fossil Fuels: Duty Written Answers May 15, 2002

4 speeches — Tax System Written Answers May 15, 2002

10 speeches — Audio-books: VAT Lords May 16, 2002

Privy Council Silver Written Answers May 16, 2002

3 speeches — Treasury Silver Written Answers May 16, 2002

2 speeches — Tax Returns: Penalty Notices Written Answers May 16, 2002

The Committee met at four of the clock. Grand Committee Report May 16, 2002

5 speeches — Charities: National Insurance Increase Lords May 20, 2002

Northern Ireland: Illegal Importation of Fuel Written Answers May 20, 2002

Northern Ireland: Illegal Distilling of Liquor Written Answers May 20, 2002

Railtrack Written Answers May 21, 2002

Northern Ireland: Customs and Excise Staff Written Answers May 21, 2002

VAT on Digitally Delivered Products Written Answers May 21, 2002

3 speeches — Channel Islands and Isle of Man: Taxation Written Answers May 21, 2002

3 speeches — Business Taxation: EU Code of Conduct Written Answers May 21, 2002

10 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report May 21, 2002

8 speeches — Economic Growth Lords May 22, 2002

4 speeches — Competitive Tendering: National Security Exemptions Lords May 22, 2002

Public Services (Disruption) Bill [H.L.] Lords May 22, 2002

Smuggling of Illegal Drugs Written Answers May 22, 2002

20 speeches — Education Bill Lords May 23, 2002

Lymphoma Written Answers May 23, 2002

Aid and Development Written Answers May 23, 2002

8 speeches — The Committee met at four of the clock. Grand Committee Report May 23, 2002

Wales: Gross Value Added Written Answers May 27, 2002

Scotland: Gross Value Added Written Answers May 27, 2002

Procurement Written Answers May 27, 2002

United States: War Loans to UK Written Answers May 27, 2002

Small Breweries Written Answers May 27, 2002

Exchange Rates Written Answers May 27, 2002

18 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report May 28, 2002

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Lords May 29, 2002

2 speeches — Scotland: Generating Stations Written Answers May 29, 2002

Northern Ireland: Illegal Import of Fuel Written Answers May 29, 2002

7 speeches — Postal Ballots Lords May 30, 2002

5 speeches — Employment Bill Lords May 30, 2002

19 speeches — Employment Bill Lords May 30, 2002

Union of the Crowns: 400th Anniversary Written Answers May 30, 2002

Jobs Written Answers May 30, 2002

Adoption and Children Bill Lords June 10, 2002

Northern Ireland Customs Staff Written Answers June 10, 2002

Procurement Policy Written Answers June 10, 2002

G8 Summit, Kananaskis Written Answers June 10, 2002

Privy Council Silver Written Answers June 10, 2002

2 speeches — Treasury Silver Written Answers June 10, 2002

2 speeches — Newly Released £5 Notes Written Answers June 10, 2002

Exchange Rates Written Answers June 10, 2002

Banknotes Written Answers June 10, 2002

Deaths from Suicide: Young People Written Answers June 10, 2002

7 speeches — London Underground Lords June 11, 2002

24 speeches — Employment Bill Lords June 11, 2002

Health Funding Lords June 11, 2002

Small Business Category Written Answers June 11, 2002

Illegal Distilling of Liquor Written Answers June 11, 2002

9 speeches — Clergy: Employment Status Review Lords June 12, 2002

6 speeches — Afghanistan: Security Lords June 12, 2002

12 speeches — Consignia Lords June 13, 2002

Criminal Defence Service (Representation Order Appeals) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 Lords June 13, 2002

3 speeches — Scotland Act 1998 (Modifications of Schedule 5) Order 2002 Lords June 13, 2002

2 speeches — Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) Order 2002 Lords June 13, 2002

5 speeches — Business Taxation: EU Code of Conduct Written Answers June 13, 2002

7 speeches — Railway Infrastructure Lords June 17, 2002


2 speeches — Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (Amendment) (Electronic Commerce Directive) Order 2002 Lords June 17, 2002

7 speeches — National Air Traffic Services Lords June 18, 2002

15 speeches — Employment Bill Lords June 18, 2002

7 speeches — Road Works: Disruption Lords June 19, 2002

5 speeches — Tax Credits Bill Lords June 20, 2002

Jersey: Financial Information Written Answers June 20, 2002

Financial Services Authority Annual Report Written Answers June 20, 2002

Biodiesel Written Answers June 21, 2002

2 speeches — People Aged over 60 in the EU Written Answers June 21, 2002

6 speeches — Deep Vein Thrombosis and Air Travel Lords June 24, 2002

Gold Written Answers June 24, 2002

8 speeches — Exchange Rates Lords June 25, 2002

Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill Lords June 25, 2002

4 speeches — Education Bill Lords June 26, 2002

9 speeches — Transport Policy: Division of Responsibilities Lords June 27, 2002

8 speeches — Vauxhall Cross Lords June 27, 2002

Railtrack Lords June 27, 2002

7 speeches — Employment Bill Lords June 27, 2002

2 speeches — Single Currency Written Answers July 1, 2002

Malawi Written Answers July 1, 2002

IMF: Accountability Written Answers July 1, 2002

RPIX Written Answers July 1, 2002

3 speeches — National Insurance Contributions Bill Lords July 2, 2002

4 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 2, 2002

8 speeches — Customs and Excise Lords July 3, 2002

7 speeches — Road Safety Lords July 3, 2002

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill Lords July 3, 2002

8 speeches — Education Bill Lords July 3, 2002

Birth Rate Written Answers July 3, 2002

Business Taxation: EU Code of Conduct Written Answers July 3, 2002

3 speeches — Taxation of Savings Written Answers July 3, 2002

Consolidated Fund Appropriation (No. 2) Bill: Human Rights Act Statement Written Answers July 3, 2002

Procedure of the House: Select Committee Report Lords July 4, 2002

2 speeches — Financial Statement and Budget Report Lords July 4, 2002

5 speeches — World War II Debt Lords July 8, 2002

Network Rail: Accounting Written Answers July 8, 2002

8 speeches — Retail Savings Lords July 9, 2002

6 speeches — Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) (England) Regulations 2002 Lords July 9, 2002

11 speeches — Bypasses: Funding Lords July 10, 2002

2 speeches — Offshore Installations (Emergency Pollution Control) Regulations 2002 Lords July 10, 2002

Proceeds of Crime Bill Lords July 11, 2002

Boeing 747 Wreckage Written Answers July 11, 2002

The Committee met at four of the clock. Grand Committee Report July 11, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords July 12, 2002

3 speeches — Finance Bill Lords July 12, 2002

Treasury Silver Written Answers July 12, 2002

6 speeches — Network Rail Lords July 15, 2002

12 speeches — Spending Review Lords July 15, 2002

Devolved Assemblies: Funding Arrangements Written Answers July 15, 2002

The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report July 15, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords July 16, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords July 16, 2002

2 speeches — Insider Dealing (Securities and Regulated Markets) (Amendment) Order 2002 Lords July 16, 2002

12 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 16, 2002

Railway Activity in Scotland Written Answers July 16, 2002

Northern Ireland: Air Travel Written Answers July 16, 2002

Businesses: Tax Affairs and Redress of Grievance Written Answers July 16, 2002

Single Currency Written Answers July 16, 2002

Road Fuel Duty Written Answers July 16, 2002

9 speeches — Post Office and Railways Lords July 17, 2002

3 speeches — RPIX Written Answers July 17, 2002

2 speeches — United States: War Loans to UK Written Answers July 17, 2002

3 speeches — British Airports Lords July 18, 2002

14 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 18, 2002

5 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 18, 2002

Contracts between Public and Private Sectors Written Answers July 18, 2002

New £5 Notes Written Answers July 18, 2002

Euro Preparations Written Answers July 18, 2002

10 speeches — European Union Budget Lords July 22, 2002

Business of the House: Enterprise Bill Lords July 22, 2002

24 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 22, 2002

Investment in Industry Written Answers July 22, 2002

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Written Answers July 22, 2002

Highland Midges Written Answers July 23, 2002

3 speeches — Treasury Silver Written Answers July 23, 2002

Life Peers Written Answers July 23, 2002

LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 24, 2002

2 speeches — Insolvency Act 1986 (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations 2002 Lords July 24, 2002

2 speeches — National Minimum Wage Regulations 1999 (Amendment) Regulations 2002 Lords July 24, 2002

2 speeches — Directors' Remuneration Report Regulations 2002 Lords July 24, 2002

6 speeches — Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002 Lords July 24, 2002

Scotland and England: Anniversaries of the Act of Union and of the Joining of the Crowns Written Answers July 24, 2002

5 speeches — Single Currency Written Answers July 24, 2002

2 speeches — Inland Revenue: IT Services Written Answers July 24, 2002

8 speeches — National Stadium Lords July 25, 2002

Inverness and Stirling Written Answers July 25, 2002

Fixed-term Employees (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002 Lords July 29, 2002

Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 (Amendment) Regulations 2002 Lords July 29, 2002

32 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 29, 2002

House Price Increases Written Answers July 29, 2002

11 speeches — Traffic Measures in London Lords July 30, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords July 30, 2002

First World War Debt Written Answers July 30, 2002

Customs: Vehicle Seizure at Channel Ports Written Answers July 30, 2002

Investment in Industry Written Answers July 30, 2002

EU Financial Management: 5 Per Cent Error Rate Written Answers July 30, 2002

Contingent Liabilities of Government Written Answers July 30, 2002

Treasury Special Advisers Written Answers July 30, 2002

Labour Market: 18–24 year olds Written Answers September 24, 2002

2 speeches — Labour Market: 50–65 year-olds Written Answers September 24, 2002

Single Currency Written Answers September 24, 2002

Africa and Asia: Debts to the UK Written Answers September 24, 2002

Bio Fuels Written Answers September 24, 2002

6 speeches — Tobacco and Alcohol Imports Lords October 7, 2002

Scotland and England: Anniversaries of the Act of Union and of Joining of the Crowns Written Answers October 9, 2002

Scotland Act 1998 Written Answers October 9, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords October 10, 2002

Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs etc.) Bill Lords October 11, 2002

4 speeches — Adoption and Children Bill Lords October 14, 2002

7 speeches — Transport Strategy in London Lords October 15, 2002

8 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 15, 2002

10 speeches — Adoption and Children Bill Lords October 16, 2002

8 speeches — West Coast Main Line Franchise Lords October 17, 2002

14 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 21, 2002

39 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 21, 2002

3 speeches — London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill [H.L.] Lords October 21, 2002

12 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 21, 2002

Non-fossil Fuels: Excise Duty Written Answers October 21, 2002

Insurance Mediation Directive Written Answers October 21, 2002

8 speeches — Economic Growth Lords October 22, 2002

National Insurance: Employers' Contributions Written Answers October 22, 2002

12 speeches — Transport Plan Lords October 23, 2002

8 speeches — Central Government: Financial Reporting Standards Lords October 23, 2002

4 speeches — Adoption and Children Bill Lords October 23, 2002

10 speeches — Adoption and Children Bill Lords October 23, 2002

National Insurance Contributions Written Answers October 23, 2002

First World War Debt Written Answers October 23, 2002

9 speeches — Pension Contributions: Tax Relief Lords October 24, 2002

4 speeches — Miners: Vibration White Finger Scheme Lords October 24, 2002

Newspaper Industry: Taxes Written Answers October 24, 2002

Alternative Investment Market: Stamp Duty Written Answers October 24, 2002

Immigration: Population Trends Written Answers October 24, 2002

6 speeches — Disabled People: Equal Opportunities Lords October 28, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords October 28, 2002

33 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 28, 2002

2 speeches — Heritage Assets Lords October 28, 2002

Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative Written Answers October 28, 2002

Money Laundering Regulations Written Answers October 28, 2002

Road Fuel Gases: Duty Written Answers October 29, 2002

Cross-Channel Smuggling Written Answers October 29, 2002

10 speeches — Euro: Economic Tests for UK Entry Lords October 30, 2002

16 speeches — Adoption and Children Bill Lords October 30, 2002

4 speeches — Equitable Life: Penrose Inquiry Lords October 31, 2002

5 speeches — Scottish Parliament (Elections etc.) Order 2002 Lords October 31, 2002

United Kingdom: Ageing Population Written Answers October 31, 2002

Pension Contributions: Tax Relief Written Answers October 31, 2002

Pensioners: Taxation Written Answers October 31, 2002

5 speeches — Adoption and Children Bill Lords November 5, 2002

Private Finance Initiatives and Public/Private Partnerships Written Answers November 5, 2002

10 speeches — Private Finance Initiative Lords November 6, 2002

Betting Tax Written Answers November 6, 2002

6 speeches — National Air Traffic Services Lords November 7, 2002

2 speeches — Maternity and Parental Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2002 Lords November 7, 2002

Paternity and Adoption Leave Regulations 2002 Lords November 7, 2002

Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay (Weekly Rates) Regulations 2002 Lords November 7, 2002

2 speeches — PFI/PPP Contracts Written Answers November 7, 2002

Unfunded Public Service Pensions Written Answers November 7, 2002

EMU Written Answers November 7, 2002

2 speeches — Business Lords November 14, 2002

10 speeches — Tax Harmonisation Lords November 20, 2002

Address in Reply to Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech Lords November 20, 2002

National Minimum Wage (Enforcement Notices) Bill [H.L.] Lords November 21, 2002

7 speeches — Air Traffic: Bilateral Agreements Lords November 25, 2002

8 speeches — Private Finance Initiative Lords November 26, 2002

9 speeches — European Monetary Union Lords November 26, 2002

4 speeches — Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords November 26, 2002

Tax Relief for Private Pension Contributions Written Answers November 26, 2002

Zimbabwe Written Answers November 26, 2002

9 speeches — Buses Lords November 27, 2002

9 speeches — Marine Environment: "Prestige" Incident Lords November 27, 2002

6 speeches — Pre-Budget Report Lords November 27, 2002

Software: Government Procurement Written Answers November 27, 2002

5 speeches — Seat Belts Lords November 28, 2002

5 speeches — Railway Stations: Passenger Lifts Lords November 28, 2002

5 speeches — British Energy Lords November 28, 2002

Proposed Legislation: Effect on Scotland Written Answers November 28, 2002

Treasury: External Consulting Contracts Written Answers November 28, 2002

National Insurance: Employers' Contributions Written Answers November 28, 2002

6 speeches — London Underground Contracts: Consultancy Costs Lords December 2, 2002

8 speeches — Household Debt Lords December 3, 2002

8 speeches — Central London: Congestion Charging Lords December 3, 2002

7 speeches — Euro: Price Convergence Lords December 4, 2002

Contaminated Land Remediation: Tax Relief Written Answers December 4, 2002

Property in Disadvantaged Areas: Stamp Duty Relief Written Answers December 4, 2002

Public Service Agreement Targets Written Answers December 4, 2002

2 speeches — Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 Lords December 5, 2002

2 speeches — Age-related Tax Allowances Written Answers December 5, 2002

Census: Under-Enumeration of Males aged 20–44 Written Answers December 5, 2002

7 speeches — Electricity Supplies Lords December 9, 2002

3 speeches — Budget Report Lords December 10, 2002

5 speeches — Buses and Coaches: Passenger Safety Lords December 11, 2002

Traffic and Transport in London Lords December 11, 2002

Consolidated Fund Bill Lords December 12, 2002

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill Lords December 12, 2002

20 speeches — Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords December 12, 2002

19 speeches — Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords December 12, 2002

Tax Harmonisation Written Answers December 12, 2002

Air Travel Written Answers December 12, 2002

Charitable Gifts: Tax Relief Written Answers December 12, 2002

Consolidated Fund Bill and Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill: Human Rights Act Compatibility Written Answers December 12, 2002

7 speeches — Network Rail: Debt Lords December 16, 2002

Thalidomide Trust Beneficiaries: Tax Repayments Written Answers December 16, 2002

6 speeches — Overseas Hauliers: Charges Lords December 17, 2002

8 speeches — Financial Services Authority Lords December 17, 2002

9 speeches — Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords December 17, 2002

10 speeches — Transport Investment Plan Lords December 17, 2002

Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords December 17, 2002

7 speeches — Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords December 17, 2002

6 speeches — UK Exports Lords December 18, 2002

Hydrogen Oils Duties Act 1979: Form EX 103 Written Answers December 18, 2002

Biodiesel Duty Rebate: Modified Waste Vegetable Fat Written Answers December 18, 2002

5 speeches — Remand in Custody Lords December 19, 2002

5 speeches — English Channel: Collisions Lords December 19, 2002

8 speeches — Licensing Bill [H.L.] Lords December 19, 2002

2 speeches — Companies (Fees) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2002 Lords December 19, 2002

3 speeches — Regulatory Reform (Removal of 20 Member Limit in Partnerships etc.) Order 2002 Lords December 19, 2002

4 speeches — Local Delivery of Central Policy: Better Regulation Task Force Report Written Answers December 19, 2002

Public Sector Workers: London Weighting Allowances Written Answers December 19, 2002

Euro: Transfer of Powers and Prerogatives Written Answers December 19, 2002

Income Tax Written Answers December 19, 2002

Financial Services Authority Written Answers December 19, 2002

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.