HL Deb 29 May 2002 vol 635 cc158-9WA
The Earl of Mar and Kellie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will list all the significant power generating stations with their fuel sources in Scotland. [HL4135]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

A list of all power generating stations in Scotland with installed capacity in excess of 1 Megawatt, and identifying their fuel sources, is provided below.

Company name Station name Fuel Installed Capacity (MW) Year of Commission or year generation began
Inverawe hydro 25 1963
Kilmelfort hydro 2 1956
Loch Gair hydro 6 1961
Lussa hydro 2.4 1952
Striven hydro 8 1951
Tummel Gaur hydro 6.4 1953
Cuaich hydro 2.5 1959
Loch Ericht hydro 2.2 1962
Rannoch hydro 42 1930
Tummel hydro 34 1933
Errochty hydro 75 1955
Clunie hydro 61.2 1950
Pitlochry hydro 15 1950
Small Hydros Chliostair hydro 1.1 1960
Kerry Falls hydro 1.3 1951
Loch Dubh hydro 1.2 1954
Nostle Bridge hydro 1.3 1950
Storr Lochs hydro 2.4 1952
Thermal Peterhead oil/gas 1,550 1980
Lerwick diesel/gas 66 1953
Scottish Power Cockenzie coal 1,152 1967
Longannet coal 2,304 1970
Methil coal slurry 57 1965
Galloway (6 stations) hydro 106 1935
Lanark (2 stations) hydro 17 1927
Cruachan pumped storage 399 1966

The Earl of Mar and Kellie

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is their policy on hydro-generation and the creation of more hydro schemes in Scotland. [HL4136]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

Electricity generation from hydro and from other renewable sources makes an important contribution to achieving the Government's objectives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Renewables Obligation and the Renewables Obligation (Scotland) impose requirements on electricity supply companies to supply an increasing proportion of their energy from renewable sources. The responsibility for determining applications for consent under the Electricity Acts for power station developments in Scotland and for planning legislation in Scotland are both devolved to the Scottish Executive.