HL Deb 16 May 2002 vol 635 c65WA
The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In respect of the tax year 2000–01, how many penalty notices for late tax returns were issued by the Inland Revenue in error; and what procedures have been put in place (a) to apologise for the inconvenience and distress to taxpayers so affected and (b) to prevent a recurrence in the future. [HL4257]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

First fixed late filing penalty notices for tax returns for 2000–01 were issued on 26 April 2002. No details are held of how many of these were issued in error.

Penalty notices tell people to telephone their tax office if they have any concerns or queries about the notice. Where a penalty notice has been issued in error, the Inland Revenue will put matters right by cancelling the penalty and apologise to the taxpayer affected. The Inland Revenue works continuously to prevent errors occurring and improve the system. This year it will be working particularly on improving the accuracy of logging returns and the quality of information on its database.

The Earl of Northesk

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much money has been received by the Inland Revenue in respect of penalty notices for late tax returns for the 2000–01 tax year issued in error. [HL4258]

Lord McIntosh of Haringey

No details are held of the payments made against incorrect penalty notices.