Captain George Sandys

1875 - September 3, 1937
Summary information for Captain George Sandys



MOTION FOR SECOND READING.— [First Day.] Commons February 27, 1911

Royal Garrison Artillery. Written Answers March 14, 1911

Mexico (British Subjects). Written Answers March 14, 1911

Vaccination. Commons March 20, 1911

Ex-Soldiers in Postal Service. Commons March 20, 1911

Somaliland. Written Answers March 20, 1911

Espionage in Germany (Arrest of British Subject). Commons March 22, 1911

VOTE A.—NUMBER OF LAND FORCES. Commons March 22, 1911

3 speeches — H.M.S. "Hermione." Commons March 23, 1911

H.M.S. "Hermione" (Admission to Entertainment Refused to Sailors in Uniform). Commons March 27, 1911

Aliens Undergoing Imprisonment. Written Answers March 27, 1911

Infantry Officers (New Sash). Commons March 28, 1911

Higher Education. Commons March 29, 1911

Military Officers' Sashes (Order Cancelled). Written Answers March 31, 1911

Officers' Messes. Written Answers March 31, 1911

Manual of Drill and Training for Yeomanry. Commons April 4, 1911

Army Aeroplanes. Commons April 4, 1911

2 speeches — Territorial Force (Officers' Provisional Promotion). Commons April 4, 1911

CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Bill.) Commons April 4, 1911

CLAUSE 1.—(Powers of House of Lords as to Money Hill.) Commons April 5, 1911

4 speeches — ARMY (ANNUAL) BILL. Commons April 5, 1911

Military Outfits. Written Answers April 6, 1911

Army Officers' Mess Furniture. Commons April 11, 1911

Range-finders (Territorial Infantry). Commons April 11, 1911

Aeroplanes (Army). Commons April 11, 1911

2 speeches — NEW CLAUSE.—(Amendment of Section 46 of the Army Act with respect to powers of Commanding Officers.) Commons April 19, 1911

WELSH DISESTABLISHMENT. Commons April 24, 1911

Woolwich and Sandhurst (Prize Cadetships). Commons April 25, 1911

Duke of York's Royal Military School. Commons April 25, 1911

CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons April 25, 1911

Suicide of Sergeant Stokes (Parkhurst Barracks). Commons April 27, 1911

2 speeches — Royal Army Medical Corps. Commons April 27, 1911

3 speeches — Army Air Battalion. Commons May 2, 1911

3 speeches — CLAUSE 4.—(Saving for existing rights and privileges of the House of Commons.) Commons May 2, 1911

Dirigibles (New Gun). Written Answers May 4, 1911

Compulsory Military Training (New Zealand). Written Answers May 4, 1911

Cavalry of the Line at Home and Abroad. (Crime). Written Answers May 4, 1911

Duke of York's School. Commons May 9, 1911

Army Desertions. Commons May 9, 1911

Lebaudy Dirigible Accident. Commons May 9, 1911

Navy (Admissions, 1908–1910). Written Answers May 9, 1911

Army Air Battalion. Written Answers May 10, 1911

Territorial Force. Written Answers May 18, 1911

Army Cadets. Written Answers May 18, 1911

2 speeches — Payment of Members. Commons May 22, 1911

Aeroplane Work (Mechanics). Commons May 23, 1911

4 speeches — Territorial Force Advisory Council. Commons July 4, 1911

5 speeches — Air Battalion. Commons July 4, 1911

3 speeches — Army Air Ships. Commons July 11, 1911

2 speeches — National Service. Commons July 11, 1911

CLAUSE 4.—(Rates and rules for contributions by employed contributors and their employers.) Commons July 11, 1911

6 speeches — CLAUSE 5.—(Rates and Rules for Contributions by Voluntary Contributors.) Commons July 11, 1911

CLAUSE 8.—(Rates and Conditions of Benefits.) Commons July 12, 1911

3 speeches — REPRESENTATION OF MEDICAL PROFESSION. Commons July 17, 1911

6 speeches — Military Aeroplanes. Commons July 18, 1911

3 speeches — New Army Biplane. Commons July 25, 1911

Pure Milk. Commons July 25, 1911

4 speeches — NATIONAL INSURANCE BILL. Commons August 1, 1911

5 speeches — Clause 14.—(Administration of Medical Benefit.) Commons August 2, 1911

4 speeches — Territorial Force. Commons August 8, 1911

Veteran Reserve. Commons August 8, 1911

2 speeches — PAYMENT OF MEMBERS. Commons August 10, 1911

2 speeches — Territorial Force. Commons October 26, 1911

Territorial Force (Training). Written Answers October 26, 1911

MILITARY AEROPLANES. Commons October 30, 1911

MEDICAL BENEFIT. Written Answers November 1, 1911

4 speeches — CLAUSE 23.—(Appointment of British Judge and Deputy Judge of International Court.) Commons November 3, 1911

CLAUSE 25.—(Appeals to International Prize Court.) Commons November 3, 1911

4 speeches — Territorial Force. Commons November 7, 1911

2 speeches — Compulsory Military Service. Commons November 7, 1911

2 speeches — Imperial Parliament. Commons November 7, 1911

CLAUSE 36.—(Special Provisions with Regard to Persons in the Naval and Military Service of the Crown.) Commons November 7, 1911

Schools of Aviation. Written Answers November 21, 1911

2 speeches — Army Air Battalion. Written Answers November 24, 1911

Royal Garrison Artillery. Written Answers November 24, 1911

Army Aviation Department. Written Answers December 4, 1911

4 speeches — Army Air Battalion. Commons December 5, 1911

4 speeches — Territorial Force. Commons December 5, 1911

Army Aircraft Factory (Officers). Written Answers December 6, 1911

CLAUSE 4.—(Definition of Premises for the Purpose of the Valuation of Licensed Premises.) Commons December 11, 1911

10 speeches — Army Air Battalion. Commons December 12, 1911

To Extend Allowances in Respect of the Duty on Motor Spirits to Veterinary Surgeons. Commons December 12, 1911

Exemption for Market Gardens. Commons December 12, 1911

Parcel Post. Written Answers December 12, 1911

British Army (General Annual Report). Commons December 13, 1911

ARMY AEROPLANES. Commons December 14, 1911

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.