HC Deb 06 April 1911 vol 23 c2572W

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether he is aware that the outfit of a second-lieutenant in the German Army costs about £18 on joining, whereas the cost to an officer of similar rank on joining the British Army for his outfit is from £60 to £80; and whether he can see his way to reducing the charges to British officers to a more reasonable sum?

Colonel SEELY

I have not been able in the short time at my disposal to verify the figure given by the hon. Gentleman as to the cost of an officer's uniform in Germany. The hon. Member is no doubt aware that under the scheme of scholarships described by the Secretary of State in his speech on Army Estimates, very considerable assistance is given in order to meet the cost of an officer's outfit. It is hoped that this will be of considerable benefit to young officers of small means. But the whole matter shall be very carefully considered.