Written Answers (Commons) of 21 July 2004 Series 6 Vol. 424

    1. c239W
    2. Advertising 139 words
    3. cc239-40W
    4. Agricultural Wages Board 333 words
    5. c240W
    6. Annual Report 144 words
    7. cc240-1W
    8. Bottled Water 145 words
    9. c241W
    10. Business Fines 160 words
    11. c241W
    12. Cross Compliance 198 words
    13. cc241-3W
    14. Curry Report 569 words
    15. cc243-4W
    16. Dairy Cattle 360 words
    17. c244W
    18. Dairy Farm Workers 197 words
    19. cc244-5W
    20. Disposable Nappies 100 words
    21. c245W
    22. Domestic Waste Sites 119 words
    23. cc245-6W
    24. Eggs 634 words
    25. cc246-7W
    26. Energy Efficiency 204 words
    27. c247W
    28. Fisheries 85 words
    29. c247W
    30. Flood Defences 85 words
    31. cc247-9W
    32. Fly-tipping 702 words
    33. cc249-51W
    34. Hazardous Waste 526 words
    35. c251W
    36. Home Energy Efficiency Scheme (Manchester) 64 words
    37. c251W
    38. Human Pesticide Poisoning 258 words
    39. cc251-4W
    40. Landfill 1,282 words
    41. c254W
    42. Landfill Tax Credit Scheme 135 words
    43. cc254-5W
    44. Mobile Phones/Printer Cartridges 122 words
    45. c255W
    46. National Trails 38 words
    47. c255W
    48. Orchards 152 words
    49. cc255-6W
    50. Packaging Regulations 167 words
    51. cc256-7W
    52. Pay Systems 542 words
    53. cc257-8W
    54. Pesticides 124 words
    55. cc258-60W
    56. Recycling 799 words
    57. c260W
    58. Set Aside 63 words
    59. c260W
    60. Single Farm Payments 86 words
    61. c260W
    62. Stored Departmental Publications 104 words
    63. c260W
    64. Toxic Waste Disposal 86 words
    65. cc260-2W
    66. Waste 615 words
    67. c262W
    68. Water Voice Office (Exeter) 164 words
    69. cc262-3W
    70. Waterways 178 words
    1. c263W
    2. Aviation (State Aids) 92 words
    3. c263W
    4. Canteen Facilities 127 words
    5. cc263-4W
    6. Civil Aircraft (Safety) 342 words
    7. c264W
    8. Diabetic Retinopathy (Driving Licences) 99 words
    9. c264W
    10. Headed Notepaper 80 words
    11. cc264-5W
    12. Network Rail 103 words
    13. c265W
    14. Pay Systems 69 words
    15. c265W
    16. Transport Statistics 68 words
    17. c265W
    18. Travel Costs 119 words
    1. cc265-7W
    2. Iraq 507 words
    3. c267W
    4. European Rapid Reaction Force 72 words
    5. cc267-9W
    6. Management Groups 885 words
    7. c269W
    8. Missiles 275 words
    9. cc269-70W
    10. Countryside Interpretation Centres 68 words
    11. c270W
    12. Prisons 80 words
    1. cc270-1W
    2. Basic Skills Agency Data 247 words
    3. c271W
    4. Dentistry 67 words
    5. c271W
    6. Departmental Staff 197 words
    7. cc271-2W
    8. Education (Nottingham) 325 words
    9. c272W
    10. Grammar Feeder Schools 97 words
    11. cc272-3W
    12. Oversubscribed Schools 238 words
    13. c273W
    14. Partnership for Schools 63 words
    15. cc273-4W
    16. Post-16 Education (Stalybridge and Hyde) 232 words
    17. c274W
    18. Private Finance Initiatives 124 words
    19. c274W
    20. School Admissions 154 words
    21. c274W
    22. School Meals 77 words
    23. cc274-5W
    24. Surplus Places Rule 172 words
    1. cc275-6W
    2. Departmental Annual Report 328 words
    3. c276W
    4. Haiti 176 words
    5. cc276-7W
    6. HIV/AIDS 518 words
    7. cc277-8W
    8. International Aid (Water and Sanitation) 231 words
    9. cc278-80W
    10. Kenya 1,330 words
    11. cc280-1W
    12. Palestinian Authority (Funding)/Territories 400 words
    13. cc281-2W
    14. South America (Aid) 96 words
    15. cc282-3W
    16. Sudan 742 words
    1. c283W
    2. Honours 54 words
    3. cc283-4W
    4. Cabinet Secretary 90 words
    5. c284W
    6. Cyprus 31 words
    7. c284W
    8. Iraq (Briefing Papers) 63 words
    9. cc284-5W
    10. Iraq (Intelligence) 254 words
    1. cc285-6W
    2. Business Link 425 words
    3. c286W
    4. Business Regulations 149 words
    5. cc286-7W
    6. Business Start-ups 305 words
    7. cc287-8W
    8. Business Support 583 words
    9. cc288-9W
    10. Coal 145 words
    11. c289W
    12. Corporate Environmental Engagement Index 91 words
    13. cc289-91W
    14. Departmental Audit 764 words
    15. cc291-2W
    16. Departmental Expenditure 313 words
    17. c292W
    18. Environmental Impact Assessments 179 words
    19. cc292-3W
    20. Export Credits Guarantee Department 508 words
    21. cc293-5W
    22. Gershon Review 869 words
    23. cc295-6W
    24. Internet Drug Sales 106 words
    25. c296W
    26. Manufacturing 204 words
    27. c296W
    28. Metric Standardisation 145 words
    29. cc296-7W
    30. National Grid 102 words
    31. c297W
    32. Nuclear Power Stations 115 words
    33. cc297-8W
    34. Post Offices 171 words
    35. c298W
    36. Privacy 100 words
    37. c298W
    38. Regional Development Agencies 60 words
    39. c298W
    40. Renewable Energy 170 words
    41. cc298-9W
    42. Special Advisers 67 words
  8. WALES
    1. c299W
    2. Departmental Annual Report 197 words
    3. c299W
    4. Departmental Publications (Storage) 105 words
    5. cc299-300W
    6. Employment Tribunals 132 words
    7. c300W
    8. EU Funding 43 words
    9. c300W
    10. Health/Education Services 132 words
    11. c300W
    12. Job Losses (Civil Servants) 58 words
    13. cc300-1W
    14. Pay Systems 105 words
    15. c301W
    16. Richard Commission 70 words
    1. c301W
    2. Cultural Objects 132 words
    3. cc301-2W
    4. Departmental Expenditure 365 words
    5. cc302-3W
    6. Libraries 424 words
    7. cc303-4W
    8. Recruitment and Employment Costs 161 words
    9. c304W
    10. School Athletics 283 words
    11. c304W
    12. Special Advisers 70 words
    13. cc304-5W
    14. Tourism 386 words
    1. cc305-6W
    2. Departmental Annual Report 175 words
    3. c306W
    4. Departmental Staff 147 words
    5. cc306-7W
    6. Public Relations 114 words
    7. c307W
    8. Travel Costs 143 words
    9. c307W
    10. Departmental Publications (Storage) 286 words
    11. cc307-8W
    12. Childcare Tax Credit 106 words
    1. c308W
    2. Amateur Sports Clubs 130 words
    3. c308W
    4. Bank of England (Regional Offices) 119 words
    5. cc308-9W
    6. Departmental Accounting Practice 218 words
    7. c309W
    8. Departmental Annual Report 210 words
    9. cc309-10W
    10. Employment (Over-65s) 330 words
    11. cc310-1W
    12. Fuel Taxation 106 words
    13. c311W
    14. Government Offices (East Midlands) 182 words
    15. cc311-2W
    16. Green Minister 138 words
    17. c312W
    18. MRSA (Frimley Park Hospital) 322 words
    19. c312W
    20. Objections to Ministerial Decisions 64 words
    21. cc312-3W
    22. Office for National Statistics 302 words
    23. c313W
    24. Oil Price 60 words
    25. c313W
    26. Pension Schemes (Public Sector) 37 words
    27. cc313-4W
    28. Policy (Environmental Impact) 134 words
    29. c314W
    30. Regional Productivity Growth 238 words
    31. cc314-5W
    32. Stamp Duty (Residential Property) 275 words
    33. c315W
    34. Tax Credits 135 words
    35. cc315-6W
    36. West Sussex (Demographic Population) 608 words
    37. cc316-7W
    38. Working Tax Credit/Child Tax Credit 211 words
    1. c317W
    2. Growth Areas (Infrastructure Projects) 127 words
    3. cc317-8W
    4. Housing (Hertfordshire) 118 words
    5. c318W
    6. Right-to-Buy System 134 words
    7. c318W
    8. Sustainable Communities (Student Areas) 78 words
    9. c318W
    10. Planning Inspectorate 74 words
    11. cc318-9W
    12. Neighbourhood Renewal Fund 72 words
    13. c319W
    14. Polluted Land (Investment) 104 words
    15. c319W
    16. Market Renewal Pathfinder Programme 114 words
    17. cc319-20W
    18. Regional Assemblies 292 words
    19. c320W
    20. Fire and Rescue Service Equipment (Purchasing) 82 words
    21. cc320-1W
    22. Affordable Housing 493 words
    23. cc321-2W
    24. English Partnerships 251 words
    25. c322W
    26. Government Office of the East Midlands 161 words
    27. cc322-3W
    28. Home Ownership Task Force 103 words
    29. c323W
    30. Housing (North-west) 44 words
    31. c323W
    32. Planning Applications (Wandsworth) 137 words
    33. c323W
    34. Regional Planning Guidance (North-west) 44 words
    35. cc323-5W
    36. Shared Ownership 491 words
    37. c325W
    38. Starter Home Initiative 47 words
    1. c325W
    2. Access to Work Scheme 74 words
    3. c325W
    4. Appointees 192 words
    5. cc325-6W
    6. Attendance Allowance (Over-80s) 116 words
    7. c326W
    8. Computer Systems 61 words
    9. c326W
    10. Departmental Annual Report 232 words
    11. cc326-7W
    12. Departmental Re-branding 57 words
    13. c327W
    14. Departmental Staff 264 words
    15. cc327-8W
    16. Disability Discrimination Act 277 words
    17. c328W
    18. Health and Safety Executive 219 words
    19. cc328-9W
    20. Incapacity Benefit 156 words
    21. c329W
    22. New Deal for Lone Parents 62 words
    23. cc329-30W
    24. Pay Systems 478 words
    25. c330W
    26. Pension Centre (Swansea) 188 words
    27. cc330-1W
    28. Pension Credit 199 words
    29. c331W
    30. Sickness Absence 142 words
    1. c331W
    2. Job Losses (Civil Servants) 65 words
    3. cc331-2W
    4. Lord Birt 88 words
    5. c332W
    6. Public Meetings (Access) 293 words
    7. cc332-3W
    8. Security Vetting 81 words
    1. c333W
    2. Ammonium Nitrate 96 words
    3. cc333-4W
    4. Asylum Seekers 482 words
    5. c334W
    6. Greater Manchester Police 257 words
    7. cc334-5W
    8. Correspondence 52 words
    9. cc335-6W
    10. Heathrow 217 words
    11. c336W
    12. Identity Cards 303 words
    13. c336W
    14. Immigration 101 words
    15. c336W
    16. National Asylum Support Service 87 words
    17. c336W
    18. Racist Visitors 97 words
    19. cc336-7W
    20. UK Passports Service 490 words
    21. cc337-8W
    22. V2 Rocket Incidents 89 words
    1. c338W
    2. Anti-terrorism Measures 296 words
    3. cc338-9W
    4. Departmental Expenditure 138 words
    5. c339W
    6. Detention/Imprisonment Principles 118 words
    7. cc339-40W
    8. Diego Garcia 384 words
    9. c340W
    10. European Constitution 25 words
    11. c340W
    12. Guantanamo Bay 203 words
    13. cc340-1W
    14. India 243 words
    15. cc341-2W
    16. Iran 240 words
    17. c342W
    18. Mr Sandy Mitchell 124 words
    19. c342W
    20. North Korea 82 words
    21. c342W
    22. Public Relations 149 words
    23. cc342-3W
    24. Rwanda 90 words
    25. cc343-4W
    26. Spending Review 454 words
    27. c344W
    28. Sudan 82 words
    29. c344W
    30. Turkey 172 words
    31. cc344-5W
    32. US/UK Entry Bans 96 words
    1. c345W
    2. Area Child Protection Committees 84 words
    3. cc345-6W
    4. Care Workers 289 words
    5. c346W
    6. Electoral Fraud 96 words
    7. c346W
    8. Fisheries Conservancy Board Vessel 139 words
    9. c346W
    10. Flags Regulations 2000 36 words
    11. cc346-7W
    12. Juvenile Justice Centre 110 words
    13. cc347-50W
    14. MRSA 1,611 words
    15. cc350-1W
    16. Public Housing 117 words
    17. c351W
    18. Traffic Calming Measures 252 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. cc351-2W
    2. Drug Treatment Services 232 words
    3. cc352-3W
    4. Food Labelling 641 words
    5. cc353-4W
    6. Lager 122 words
    7. c354W
    8. Allergy Service 236 words
    9. cc354-5W
    10. Assisted Reproduction 414 words
    11. c355W
    12. Biochemical Assay 106 words
    13. cc355-6W
    14. Cancer 50 words
    15. c356W
    16. Care Homes 220 words
    17. c356W
    18. Coronary Heart Disease 50 words
    19. cc356-7W
    20. Delayed Discharges 90 words
    21. cc357-60W
    22. Dentistry 1,413 words
    23. c360W
    24. Expert Patients Programme 205 words
    25. cc360-2W
    26. Fairer Charging Policies 153 words
    27. cc362-3W
    28. Fairfield Hospital, Bury 2,040 words
    29. c363W
    30. Health Food Supplements 96 words
    31. cc363-4W
    32. HIB Vaccine 100 words
    33. c364W
    34. Intermediate Care 30 words
    35. cc364-5W
    36. Manchester, Central 94 words
    37. c365W
    38. Mental Health 256 words
    39. cc365-6W
    40. Myasthenia Gravis 140 words
    41. c366W
    42. Neuro Disability Centre (Newcastle) 95 words
    43. c366W
    44. Personal Care Charges 70 words
    45. c366W
    46. Pesticides 116 words
    47. cc366-7W
    48. Schizophrenia 221 words
    49. c367W
    50. Sleep Apnoea 48 words
    51. cc367-8W
    52. Solvent Abuse 439 words
    53. c368W
    54. Tuberculosis (Asylum Seekers) 47 words
    55. cc368-9W
    56. Ungraded Eggs 95 words
    57. cc369-70W
    58. Women's Health 445 words
    59. cc370-1W
    60. Yellow Card Scheme 497 words
    1. c371W
    2. Clinical Negligence 95 words
    3. cc371-2W
    4. Community Legal Service 120 words
    5. c372W
    6. Community Legal Services 276 words
    7. c372W
    8. Housing 35 words
    9. cc372-3W
    10. Individual Case Contracts 186 words
    11. cc373-4W
    12. Judicial Appointments Commission 288 words
    13. c374W
    14. Legal Adviser Costs 146 words
    15. cc374-6W
    16. Legal Aid 753 words
    17. c376W
    18. Legal Services Commission 253 words
    19. cc376-8W
    20. Legal Services Direct 289 words
    21. c378W
    22. Solicitors 135 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 21 July 2004 Series 5 Vol. 664

  1. Afghanistan: Provincial Reconstruction Teams 207 words
  2. Armed Forces: Deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan 35 words
  3. Universities: Japanese and Chinese Studies 199 words
  4. Higher Education: Diploma Supplement 113 words
  5. Higher Education: Erasmus Mundus 129 words
  6. Local Authority Building Control Departments 301 words
  7. Focus Groups 67 words
  8. Road Safety 193 words
  9. UK Olympic Medals 293 words
  10. Women's Cricket 98 words
  11. Playing Fields: Planning Applications 92 words
  12. School Sport 331 words
  13. Olympic Games 2012: London Bid 71 words
  14. Sport: Priority Groups 599 words
  15. Paralympics 90 words
  16. Athletics: World Class Performance Funding 113 words
  17. Athletics Commission 108 words
  18. Sport: National Governing Bodies 51 words
  19. Endangered Species: Imports 1,016 words
  20. European Parliamentary Elections 433 words
  21. Speed Cameras: Installation Criteria 106 words
  22. A27 406 words
  23. Segway Human Transporter 150 words