Written Answers (Commons) of 7 October 2003 Series 6 Vol. 411

    1. c1W
    2. Asbestos 292 words
    3. cc1-2W
    4. Council Tax 200 words
    5. c2W
    6. Customs Officers 169 words
    7. cc2-3W
    8. Employer Documentation 181 words
    9. c3W
    10. Lambert Report 82 words
    11. c3W
    12. Media Training 77 words
    13. cc3-4W
    14. Ministerial Visits 272 words
    15. cc4-5W
    16. Public Sector Pensions 569 words
    17. c5W
    18. Ships and Aircraft (VAT) 105 words
    19. cc5-6W
    20. Tax Credits 260 words
    21. c6W
    22. VAT Registration Threshold 172 words
    23. cc6-9W
    24. Registered Maternities 1,423 words
    25. c9W
    26. Wanless Report 79 words
    27. c9W
    28. Cigarettes 224 words
    29. cc9-10W
    30. Transfer Pricing 131 words
    31. c10W
    32. Aggregates Levy/Landfill Tax 106 words
    33. cc10-1W
    34. Affordable Warmth Programme 140 words
    35. c11W
    36. Air Quality 311 words
    37. cc11-3W
    38. ASPIRE Programme 515 words
    39. c13W
    40. Baby Bond 135 words
    41. c13W
    42. Euro 191 words
    43. cc13-4W
    44. Financial Services Authority 123 words
    45. c14W
    46. Illegal Meat Importation 96 words
    47. c14W
    48. Income Tax 247 words
    49. cc14-5W
    50. Individual Learning Accounts 69 words
    51. c15W
    52. Inland Revenue 177 words
    53. cc15-6W
    54. Iraq 262 words
    55. c16W
    56. Landfill Tax Credit Scheme 62 words
    57. c16W
    58. Local Authorities: Euro Preparations Guidance 107 words
    59. c16W
    60. Penrose Report 46 words
    61. cc16-7W
    62. Events (Ministerial Attendance) 333 words
    63. c17W
    64. National Insurance Contributions 145 words
    65. cc17-8W
    66. PAYE 139 words
    67. c18W
    68. Pensioners (Tax Rates) 66 words
    69. c18W
    70. Reduced VAT Rate (Energy Saving Materials) 124 words
    71. c18W
    72. Urban Regeneration Cost 80 words
    73. c19W
    74. Stamp Duty Land Tax 67 words
    75. c19W
    76. Tax Credits 112 words
    77. c19W
    78. Tax Incentives 142 words
    79. c19W
    80. Tax Liability (Company Car Benefit) 48 words
    81. c20W
    82. Tax Relief (Employee-loaned Computers) 61 words
    83. c20W
    84. Trading Fund Models 301 words
    85. c20W
    86. VAT (Church Repairs) 67 words
    87. cc20-1W
    88. War Debt 107 words
    1. c21W
    2. Criminal Offences 89 words
    3. c21W
    4. European Security Policy 78 words
    5. c21W
    6. Far East Civilian Survivors 99 words
    7. c22W
    8. Friendly Fire 234 words
    9. c22W
    10. Iraq 185 words
    11. cc22-3W
    12. Kenya (Rape Allegations) 115 words
    13. c23W
    14. Microsoft (Licensing Fees) 199 words
    15. c23W
    16. MOD Housing 111 words
    17. cc23-4W
    18. Non-Combatant Deaths 256 words
    19. c24W
    20. QinetiQ 102 words
    21. cc24-6W
    22. Absent Without Leave 757 words
    23. c26W
    24. War Graves (Belfast) 116 words
    1. c26W
    2. Al Qaeda 75 words
    1. cc26-7W
    2. Electronic Red Boxes 114 words
    1. c27W
    2. Computer Security 205 words
    1. cc27-8W
    2. Advocacy (National Standards) 193 words
    1. cc28-30W
    2. Child Abuse 1,098 words
    3. cc30-1W
    4. Confiscated Assets 275 words
    5. c31W
    6. Fireworks 81 words
    7. c31W
    8. Graffiti 199 words
    9. cc31-2W
    10. Crime Statistics 129 words
    11. cc32-3W
    12. Crime (Merseyside) 885 words
    13. cc33-9W
    14. Criminal Cases Review Commission 2,513 words
    15. cc39-40W
    16. Criminal Injuries Compensation 344 words
    17. cc40-2W
    18. Criminal Justice Bill 987 words
    19. cc42-3W
    20. Criminal Justice Boards 222 words
    21. c43W
    22. Criminal Proceedings 250 words
    23. cc43-4W
    24. Custodial Sentences 247 words
    25. c44W
    26. Custody Plus Scheme 166 words
    27. c44W
    28. Gangs 172 words
    29. c45W
    30. Jury Intimidation 193 words
    31. cc45-6W
    32. Police Custody 342 words
    33. cc46-7W
    34. Probation Service 548 words
    35. cc47-8W
    36. Sexual Offences 478 words
    37. c48W
    38. Young Offenders 201 words
    39. cc48-9W
    40. Child Abuse 212 words
    41. c49W
    42. Criminal Records Bureau 122 words
    43. c49W
    44. Evidence Collection 279 words
    45. c50W
    46. National Probation Directorate 66 words
    47. c50W
    48. Parenting Orders 85 words
    49. c50W
    50. Vulnerable Detainees 237 words
    51. cc50-1W
    52. Tagging 134 words
    1. c51W
    2. Seized Food Products 76 words
    3. c51W
    4. "Achieving the NHS Plan" 64 words
    5. cc51-2W
    6. Alzheimer's Disease 174 words
    7. c52W
    8. Asbestos 201 words
    9. cc52-3W
    10. Asthma 195 words
    11. c53W
    12. Breast Cancer 125 words
    13. c53W
    14. Cancelled Operations 110 words
    15. cc53-5W
    16. Care Homes 763 words
    17. c55W
    18. Chauffeur Services 138 words
    19. c55W
    20. Coronary Care 99 words
    21. cc55-6W
    22. Cross-border Health Care 342 words
    23. cc56-8W
    24. Dental Services 967 words
    25. cc58-9W
    26. Diagnostic and Treatment Centres 142 words
    27. c59W
    28. Diet 164 words
    29. c59W
    30. Drug and Alcohol Training Programmes 112 words
    31. cc59-61W
    32. Food Standards 908 words
    33. cc61-2W
    34. Food Supplements Directive 147 words
    35. c62W
    36. G10 Medicines 168 words
    37. cc62-3W
    38. Health Care (Buckinghamshire) 495 words
    39. c63W
    40. Health Care (Buckinghamshire) 78 words
    41. cc63-4W
    42. Health Protection Agency 69 words
    43. c64W
    44. Hospital Admissions 65 words
    45. c64W
    46. Hospital Bed Costs 148 words
    47. cc64-5W
    48. Hospital Ward Housekeeping Services 191 words
    49. c65W
    50. Infection Control 200 words
    51. cc65-6W
    52. Involve 91 words
    53. c66W
    54. Khat 171 words
    55. c66W
    56. Listed NHS Buildings 70 words
    57. c66W
    58. Mental Health 89 words
    59. cc66-7W
    60. Microsoft (Licensing Fees) 229 words
    61. cc67-8W
    62. MMR 358 words
    63. c68W
    64. Multiple Sclerosis 110 words
    65. cc68-71W
    66. NHS Administration 1,163 words
    67. c71W
    68. NHS Expenditure 383 words
    69. cc71-3W
    70. NHS Direct 791 words
    71. c73W
    72. NHS Estate (Health and Safety) 197 words
    73. cc73-4W
    74. Nurses and Care Workers (Gender) 212 words
    75. c74W
    76. Parliamentary Questions 173 words
    77. c74W
    78. Pneumococcal Vaccination 50 words
    79. cc74-6W
    80. Post-operative Care 812 words
    81. cc76-7W
    82. PAF PI E50 337 words
    83. c77W
    84. Pre-booked Hospital Treatment 69 words
    85. c77W
    86. Spectacles 186 words
    87. cc77-8W
    88. Student Nurses (Fees) 108 words
    89. c78W
    90. Thalidomide Trust 117 words
    91. cc78-9W
    92. Urology/Gastrointestinal Surgery (Children) 125 words
    93. cc79-80W
    94. Waiting Times 509 words
    95. c80W
    96. Walk-in Centres 207 words
    97. cc80-1W
    98. Xenotransplantation 234 words
    99. cc81-2W
    100. Abortion 602 words
    101. c82W
    102. Ashford (Middlesex) Hospital 121 words
    103. cc82-3W
    104. Cancer Nursing 270 words
    105. c83W
    106. Community Health Councils 123 words
    107. c83W
    108. Consultant Numbers 78 words
    109. cc83-4W
    110. Delayed Discharges 145 words
    111. cc84-5W
    112. E.coli 486 words
    113. c85W
    114. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 253 words
    115. cc85-6W
    116. Epsom and St. Helier Hospitals 446 words
    117. cc86-7W
    118. Eye Tests 263 words
    119. c87W
    120. Fluoride 166 words
    121. cc87-8W
    122. Food Poisoning 61 words
    123. c88W
    124. Free Fruit Scheme 139 words
    125. c88W
    126. General Social Care Council 104 words
    127. c88W
    128. GP Referrals 45 words
    129. cc88-9W
    130. Grants 154 words
    131. cc89-90W
    132. Group B Streptococcus 488 words
    133. c90W
    134. Harefield Hospital 91 words
    135. c90W
    136. Hospital Financing 196 words
    137. cc90-1W
    138. Inpatients (Length of Stay) 187 words
    139. c91W
    140. Lung Disease 220 words
    141. c91W
    142. Medicine and Management 65 words
    143. cc91-2W
    144. Methotrexate 418 words
    145. cc92-3W
    146. Midwifery (Essex) 209 words
    147. c93W
    148. MRI Scans 109 words
    149. cc93-4W
    150. NHS Appointments Commission 161 words
    151. c94W
    152. NHS Land (Colchester) 70 words
    153. c94W
    154. NHSnet 143 words
    155. c94W
    156. Paddington Health Campus 92 words
    157. c94W
    158. Prescription Receipts 54 words
    159. cc94-5W
    160. Prisoners' Health 124 words
    161. c95W
    162. Private Health Care (NHS Referrals) 279 words
    163. cc95-6W
    164. Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (Finances) 97 words
    165. c96W
    166. Silverlands (Chertsey) 86 words
    167. c96W
    168. Single Sex Accommodation 146 words
    169. cc96-7W
    170. Smoking 320 words
    171. cc97-8W
    172. Social Services (Elderly People) 540 words
    173. cc98-9W
    174. Specialist Stroke Units 126 words
    1. c99W
    2. International Treaties 116 words
    3. cc99-100W
    4. Iraq 61 words
    5. c100W
    6. IT Contracts 82 words
    1. c101W
    2. Executive Agencies 49 words
    1. c101W
    2. India-United Kingdom 106 words
    3. c101W
    4. Libya 75 words
    5. c101W
    6. Burma 101 words
    7. cc101-3W
    8. Iraq 699 words
    9. c103W
    10. European Constitution 151 words
    11. cc103-4W
    12. Israel 116 words
    13. c104W
    14. Zimbabwe 75 words
    15. c104W
    16. Afghanistan 130 words
    17. c104W
    18. British Aerospace 70 words
    19. c105W
    20. Indian High Commission Visa Service 49 words
    21. c105W
    22. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 127 words
    23. c105W
    24. Pitcairn Island 100 words
    1. cc105-6W
    2. Bosnia 133 words
    3. c106W
    4. Cancun Conference 263 words
    5. cc106-7W
    6. Darfur 220 words
    7. c107W
    8. Euro 147 words
    9. cc107-8W
    10. Foreign Aid 393 words
    11. c108W
    12. HIV/AIDS Programme 142 words
    13. cc108-9W
    14. International Housing Rights 98 words
    15. c109W
    16. Liberian Refugees 234 words
    17. cc109-16W
    18. Reproductive Health 2,729 words
    19. cc116-7W
    20. Sri Lanka 348 words
    21. cc117-8W
    22. Tanzania 231 words
    1. c118W
    2. EU Chemicals Policy 252 words
    3. cc118-9W
    4. Urban Commons 401 words
    5. cc119-20W
    6. Air/Light Pollution 425 words
    7. c120W
    8. Beef Ban 93 words
    9. cc120-1W
    10. Bovine TB 279 words
    11. c121W
    12. Administrative Costs 81 words
    13. cc121-5W
    14. Committee Meetings 1,909 words
    15. cc126-31W
    16. Common Agricultural Policy 2,463 words
    17. cc131-3W
    18. Energy Efficiency 742 words
    19. cc133-4W
    20. Farm Animals (Health) 309 words
    21. c134W
    22. Farming Incomes 318 words
    23. cc134-5W
    24. Fishing Industry 225 words
    25. c135W
    26. Harmful Chemicals (Household Items) 152 words
    27. cc135-6W
    28. Home Energy Efficiency Scheme 158 words
    29. cc136-7W
    30. Particulate Matter Emissions 657 words
    31. c137W
    32. Rights of Way 96 words
    33. cc137-8W
    34. Sheep Farmers (Early Retirement) 141 words
    35. c138W
    36. Sustainable Energy 95 words
    37. c138W
    38. Veterinary Surgeons Act 277 words
    39. c139W
    40. Water Abstraction 200 words
    41. c139W
    42. Mercury Emissions 233 words
    1. c140W
    2. Liquid Petroleum Gas 103 words
    3. c140W
    4. South Sefton Partnership 261 words
    5. cc140-1W
    6. British Energy 99 words
    7. cc141-2W
    8. Broadband 413 words
    9. c142W
    10. Car pets International 241 words
    11. c142W
    12. Coal Industry 87 words
    13. cc142-3W
    14. Combined Heat and Power 128 words
    15. c143W
    16. Correspondence 76 words
    17. cc143-4W
    18. Debt Management 310 words
    19. c144W
    20. Direct Selling 85 words
    21. c144W
    22. Euro 105 words
    23. cc144-7W
    24. Export Credit Guarantees Department 1,034 words
    25. c147W
    26. Extra-territorial Control 80 words
    27. cc147-9W
    28. Food Expenditure 957 words
    29. c149W
    30. Graffiti 71 words
    31. cc149-50W
    32. Mineworkers' Compensation 59 words
    33. c150W
    34. Minimum Wage 136 words
    35. c150W
    36. Model/Photographic Agencies 233 words
    37. cc150-1W
    38. Offshore Wind Farms 220 words
    39. cc151-2W
    40. Post Offices 689 words
    41. cc152-4W
    42. Power Failures 885 words
    43. c154W
    44. Small Businesses 62 words
    45. cc154-5W
    46. Supermarkets 99 words
    47. c155W
    48. Wind Farms 56 words
    49. c155W
    50. WTO (Cancun) 168 words
    1. cc155-6W
    2. HMS Tireless 132 words
    3. c156W
    4. Alvis Vickers 142 words
    5. c156W
    6. Armed Forces (Modernisation) 107 words
    7. c156W
    8. Arms Sales Exhibition (Excel Centre) 57 words
    9. cc156-7W
    10. Death-in-service Benefits 41 words
    11. cc157-8W
    12. Defence Attaches 1,025 words
    13. cc158-9W
    14. European Competition Policy 120 words
    15. cc159-60W
    16. Firing Ranges 299 words
    17. cc160-2W
    18. Future Rapid Effects System 923 words
    19. cc162-3W
    20. Iraq 393 words
    21. c163W
    22. Suez Canal (Medals) 312 words
    1. cc163-4W
    2. 14 to 19 Curriculum 489 words
    3. cc164-5W
    4. Access Agreements 141 words
    5. c165W
    6. Class Sizes (Suffolk) 226 words
    7. cc165-6W
    8. Education Spending 223 words
    9. c166W
    10. Education Standards 164 words
    11. c166W
    12. Educational Maintenance Allowance 134 words
    13. cc166-7W
    14. EU Enlargement 157 words
    15. c167W
    16. European Higher Education Reform 169 words
    17. c167W
    18. Food Expenditure 174 words
    19. cc167-8W
    20. GCSE Pass Marks 65 words
    21. c168W
    22. Learning and Skills Councils 252 words
    23. cc168-9W
    24. Non-EU Students 160 words
    25. c169W
    26. Physical Education 174 words
    27. c169W
    28. School Catering 41 words
    29. c169W
    30. School Curriculum (Music and Dance) 126 words
    31. cc169-70W
    32. School Funding 65 words
    33. c170W
    34. School Opening Hours 166 words
    35. c170W
    36. Skills Gap (Suffolk) 107 words
    37. c170W
    38. Teacher Redundancies 74 words
    39. cc170-1W
    40. University Tuition Fees 71 words
    1. c171W
    2. BBC Licence Fee 102 words
    3. c171W
    4. Call Centres 37 words
    5. c171W
    6. Cinemas (Sub-titling and Audio Description) 124 words
    7. cc171-2W
    8. Community Sports Coaches 140 words
    9. c172W
    10. Consultancy Contracts 61 words
    11. c172W
    12. Digital Curriculum 188 words
    13. cc172-3W
    14. English Folk Songs/Dance 160 words
    15. c173W
    16. Football Grounds (Standing Areas) 145 words
    17. c173W
    18. Grade I Listed Buildings 83 words
    19. cc173-4W
    20. Iraq (Heritage/Conservation) 182 words
    21. c174W
    22. Irish Art/Culture/Sport 98 words
    23. c174W
    24. Licensing Act 2003 85 words
    25. c174W
    26. Sports Facilities (Modernisation) 137 words
    27. cc174-5W
    28. Terrestrial Television 166 words
    29. c175W
    30. Tyntesfield Estate 131 words
    31. c175W
    32. US Embassy (11 September) 140 words
    1. cc175-6W
    2. Special Advisers 139 words
    1. c176W
    2. Assaults (Minicab Drivers) 126 words
    1. c176W
    2. Employment Tribunal Appeals 70 words
    1. cc176-7W
    2. Approved Development Programme Funding 103 words
    3. c177W
    4. Consultation Documents 158 words
    5. cc177-8W
    6. Criminal Records Bureau (Fees) 184 words
    7. c178W
    8. Empty Housing 360 words
    9. c178W
    10. Departmental Advertising 106 words
    11. cc178-9W
    12. Fire Service Pensions 121 words
    13. c179W
    14. Gross Credit Approvals 149 words
    15. cc179-80W
    16. Homeless People 535 words
    17. cc180-1W
    18. Housing Renewal Pathfinder Project 174 words
    19. c181W
    20. IT Projects 139 words
    21. c181W
    22. Market Testing 41 words
    23. cc181-3W
    24. Research and Development 777 words
    25. cc183-4W
    26. Sponsorship 316 words
    27. c184W
    28. Travellers 174 words
    1. cc184-5W
    2. Air Travel Trust Fund 460 words
    3. cc185-6W
    4. Automotive Fuels 372 words
    5. c186W
    6. Balloons 108 words
    7. cc186-7W
    8. Biofuels 378 words
    9. c187W
    10. Coach Safety 188 words
    11. c187W
    12. Correspondence 55 words
    13. cc187-8W
    14. Deep Vein Thrombosis 111 words
    15. c188W
    16. Derailment (King's Cross) 81 words
    17. cc188-9W
    18. Disabled Parking Permits 275 words
    19. c189W
    20. Driving Licences 130 words
    21. c189W
    22. Euro 147 words
    23. cc189-90W
    24. Flight Paths (Walthamstow) 420 words
    25. cc190-1W
    26. Heathrow Airport 475 words
    27. c191W
    28. Horley Station 87 words
    29. cc191-2W
    30. Maritime Transport Funding (Republic of Ireland) 425 words
    31. cc192-3W
    32. Rail Franchises 74 words
    33. c193W
    34. Royal Mail 123 words
    35. c193W
    36. School Hours 130 words
    37. cc193-4W
    38. Shipping Safety 440 words
    39. c194W
    40. Transport (Concessionary Fares) Bill 138 words
    41. cc194-5W
    42. Walking Strategy 334 words
    43. cc195-6W
    44. Wind Farms 167 words
    1. c196W
    2. Official Engagements 46 words
    1. c196W
    2. Airport Expansion 52 words
    3. c196W
    4. Euro 99 words
    5. c196W
    6. Food Expenditure 99 words
    7. cc196-7W
    8. Holyrood Project 221 words
  25. WALES
    1. c198W
    2. Euro 100 words
    3. c198W
    4. Licensing Fees 96 words
    1. c199W
    2. Asbestos 76 words
    3. c199W
    4. Assembly Elections 66 words
    5. c199W
    6. Asthma 177 words
    7. cc199-200W
    8. Benefit Payments 97 words
    9. c200W
    10. Child Care Initiative 152 words
    11. c200W
    12. Chronic Diseases 116 words
    13. c200W
    14. Class Sizes 75 words
    15. cc200-2W
    16. Diabetes 555 words
    17. c202W
    18. Digital Hearing Aids 190 words
    19. cc202-3W
    20. Driver and Vehicle Testing Agency 230 words
    21. c203W
    22. Educational Psychology 352 words
    23. cc203-4W
    24. Energy Efficiency 253 words
    25. c204W
    26. Environmental Protection Agency 117 words
    27. cc204-5W
    28. Equal Opportunities 215 words
    29. cc205-6W
    30. Equality Commission 557 words
    31. cc206-7W
    32. Food Expenditure 238 words
    33. c207W
    34. Forensic Service 151 words
    35. cc207-8W
    36. Foster Carers 621 words
    37. cc208-9W
    38. Further Education 78 words
    39. c209W
    40. Gransha Road, Dundonald 209 words
    41. cc209-12W
    42. Health Service (Sick Leave) 1,473 words
    43. c212W
    44. Bill of Rights 98 words
    45. c212W
    46. Implementation Group 40 words
    47. cc212-3W
    48. Integrated Education 302 words
    49. cc213-4W
    50. International Bodies 134 words
    51. c214W
    52. Irish Hare 66 words
    53. cc214-5W
    54. Learning Disabilities 480 words
    55. cc215-6W
    56. Linguistic Diversity 402 words
    57. cc216-8W
    58. NHS Patients (Private Health Care) 1,109 words
    59. cc218-9W
    60. Northern Ireland Assembly 81 words
    61. cc219-21W
    62. Pre-school Education 1,416 words
    63. c222W
    64. Racial Assaults 135 words
    65. c222W
    66. Respite Care 165 words
    67. cc222-3W
    68. Senior Civil Service 129 words
    69. c223W
    70. Teachers 176 words
    71. cc223-4W
    72. Telecommunications Industry 402 words
    73. c224W
    74. Teletech Redundancies 105 words
    75. cc224-5W
    76. Television Licences 254 words
    77. c225W
    78. Ulster Hospital 76 words
    1. cc225-6W
    2. Employers Liability Insurance 117 words
    3. c226W
    4. Consultancy Contracts 60 words
    5. c226W
    6. Euro 154 words
    7. c226W
    8. Social Fund 86 words
    9. cc226-7W
    10. Industrial Injuries 365 words
    11. c227W
    12. Ministerial Meetings 197 words
    13. cc227-8W
    14. Pension Advice Surgeries 185 words
    15. cc228-9W
    16. Pension Credit 405 words
    17. cc229-30W
    18. Travel to Work Areas 389 words
    1. c230W
    2. Accountancy Services 100 words
    3. cc230-1W
    4. Family Law 292 words
    5. c231W
    6. Lay Magistrates 155 words
    7. cc231-2W
    8. Mobile Phones 98 words
    9. c232W
    10. Regulatory Bodies 93 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 7 October 2003 Series 5 Vol. 653

  1. Prisoners: Repatriation 113 words