Written Answers (Commons) of 30 June 2003 Series 6 Vol. 408

    1. c1W
    2. Health and Safety 282 words
    1. cc1-2W
    2. Aviation 217 words
    3. c2W
    4. Chancery Lane Derailment 115 words
    5. c2W
    6. Civil Servants 68 words
    7. cc2-3W
    8. Driving Licences 166 words
    9. c3W
    10. Flying Hours 234 words
    11. c3W
    12. Heathrow 72 words
    13. cc3-4W
    14. London Underground 89 words
    15. c4W
    16. Mental Health 53 words
    17. c4W
    18. Offshore Wind Farm Bill 56 words
    19. c4W
    20. Self-employed Transport Managers 152 words
    21. cc4-5W
    22. Signalling Masts 100 words
    23. c5W
    24. Stansted Airport 214 words
    25. c5W
    26. Traffic Commissioners 144 words
    27. cc5-6W
    28. Train Services 241 words
    29. c6W
    30. Underground (Dust) 131 words
    31. cc6-7W
    32. Vehicle Excise Duty 354 words
    1. c7W
    2. Anti-terrorism measures 126 words
    3. cc7-8W
    4. Anti-Semitism 167 words
    5. c8W
    6. Asylum Seekers 226 words
    7. cc8-9W
    8. Civil Contingencies 438 words
    9. cc9-10W
    10. Civil Service (New Entrants) 69 words
    11. c10W
    12. DNA Database 445 words
    13. cc10-1W
    14. Drugs 423 words
    15. cc11-2W
    16. Euro Roadshow 61 words
    17. cc12-3W
    18. Faith Communities 517 words
    19. cc13-4W
    20. Incitement of Racial Hatred 409 words
    21. c14W
    22. Parliamentary Questions 137 words
    23. cc14-5W
    24. Payroll Contracts 305 words
    25. c15W
    26. Prison Service 365 words
    27. cc15-6W
    28. Public Sector Workers (Protection from Assault) 160 words
    29. c16W
    30. Regulatory Impact Assessments 194 words
    31. c16W
    32. Sewel Motions 191 words
    33. cc16-7W
    34. Sustainable Development 111 words
    35. c17W
    36. Terrorism (European Framework Law) 113 words
    1. cc17-8W
    2. Careers Services 373 words
    3. c18W
    4. Child Care 189 words
    5. c18W
    6. Criminal Records Bureau 78 words
    7. cc18-20W
    8. Faith Schools 1,671 words
    9. cc20-1W
    10. Literacy and Numeracy 161 words
    11. c21W
    12. Public Service Agreements 72 words
    13. c21W
    14. Sewel Motions 67 words
    15. c21W
    16. Sunset Clauses 72 words
    17. cc21-2W
    18. Teacher Recruitment 53 words
    19. c22W
    20. Teacher Training 191 words
    21. c22W
    22. Young Voices 154 words
    1. cc22-4W
    2. Africa 616 words
    3. c24W
    4. International Finance Facility 87 words
    5. cc24-5W
    6. Iraq 356 words
    7. c25W
    8. Kenya 200 words
    9. cc25-6W
    10. Performance Targets 240 words
    11. c26W
    12. Senior Departmental Posts 141 words
    13. c26W
    14. WTO Meeting (Mexico) 116 words
    1. c27W
    2. Civil Contingencies Bill 104 words
    3. c27W
    4. Regulatory Impact Assessments 210 words
    5. cc27-8W
    6. Sunset Clauses 152 words
    7. c28W
    8. Traffic Commissioners 114 words
    1. cc28-9W
    2. Crown Prosecution Service 396 words
    1. c29W
    2. Tourism 115 words
    3. cc29-30W
    4. British Film Industry 75 words
    5. Regional Anthems
      1. c30W
      2. Olympic Bid 107 words
      3. c30W
      4. Social Exclusion 60 words
      5. cc30-1W
      6. National Lottery 443 words
      7. c31W
      8. Regional Anthems 43 words
      9. c31W
      10. Sports Facilities (Rural Schools) 89 words
      11. c31W
      12. Sporting/Cultural Activities (West Midlands) 69 words
      13. cc31-2W
      14. Community Sports Facilities 94 words
      15. c32W
      16. BBC Licence Fee 75 words
      17. c32W
      18. Dorrington Recreation Association 95 words
      19. cc32-3W
      20. Gaming Laws 122 words
      21. c33W
      22. Greyhound Racing 355 words
      23. cc33-4W
      24. Sports Administration 267 words
      1. c34W
      2. St. Giles Church, Imber 62 words
      1. c34W
      2. Postal Voting 83 words
    8. DEFENCE
      1. c35W
      2. A and P Shipbuilders 212 words
      3. c35W
      4. Army Housing 68 words
      5. c35W
      6. Bereaved Service Families 57 words
      7. cc35-6W
      8. Cluster Munitions 80 words
      9. c36W
      10. Compendium of Ministry of Defence Acquisition Requirements 176 words
      11. c36W
      12. Defence Medical Services (Iraq) 63 words
      13. c36W
      14. Defence Projects (Israel) 31 words
      15. cc36-7W
      16. Defence Systems Exhibition 111 words
      17. c37W
      18. Departmental Targets 151 words
      19. c37W
      20. Euro 112 words
      21. cc37-8W
      22. Executive Agencies 172 words
      23. c38W
      24. Fred Nerac and Hussein Osman 111 words
      25. c38W
      26. General Service Medal (Suez) 126 words
      27. cc38-9W
      28. Health Care Initiatives 223 words
      29. cc39-40W
      30. Infantry Deployment 405 words
      31. c40W
      32. Maintenance Costs 75 words
      33. cc40-3W
      34. Iraq 1,268 words
      35. c43W
      36. Operation Dimming Sun 268 words
      37. cc43-4W
      38. Operation Telic 154 words
      39. c44W
      40. Parliamentary Questions 91 words
      41. cc44-5W
      42. Private Sector Medical Treatment 64 words
      43. c45W
      44. Procurement 158 words
      45. c45W
      46. Radioactive Material 54 words
      47. cc45-6W
      48. RAF Northolt 355 words
      49. c46W
      50. Refurbishment Costs 117 words
      51. cc46-7W
      52. Suicide 185 words
      53. c47W
      54. Surveillance Devices 68 words
      55. c47W
      56. Tigers Road Premises, South Wigston 143 words
      57. cc47-8W
      58. War Pensions 277 words
      1. c48W
      2. Benefits Cost 125 words
      3. cc48-9W
      4. Council Tax 552 words
      5. cc49-50W
      6. Customs Seizures 491 words
      7. cc50-1W
      8. Departmental Ministers 54 words
      9. c51W
      10. Environmental Costs 96 words
      11. c51W
      12. European Economic Convergence 110 words
      13. c51W
      14. Financial Products (Charges) 104 words
      15. cc51-2W
      16. Liquefied Petroleum Gas 159 words
      17. c52W
      18. Local Authority Funding 74 words
      19. c52W
      20. Personal Debt 58 words
      21. c52W
      22. Stamp Duty 102 words
      23. cc52-3W
      24. VAT 151 words
      25. c53W
      26. War Debt 116 words
    10. SCOTLAND
      1. c53W
      2. Regulatory Impact Assessments 123 words
      3. cc53-4W
      4. Tax Credits 74 words
      1. c54W
      2. Access Disputes 42 words
      3. c54W
      4. Children's Trusts 85 words
      5. c54W
      6. Defence Contracts 119 words
      7. cc54-5W
      8. E-mail Addresses 119 words
      9. c55W
      10. European Constitution 93 words
      11. c55W
      12. Iraq 123 words
      13. c55W
      14. London Mayor 71 words
      15. cc55-6W
      16. Political Honours 87 words
      17. c56W
      18. Sellafield Nuclear Plant 77 words
      19. c56W
      20. Staff Costs 127 words
      21. c56W
      22. Tibet 78 words
      23. cc56-8W
      24. Weapons of Mass Destruction 116 words
      1. c59W
      2. Afghanistan 279 words
      3. cc59-62W
      4. Burma 1,223 words
      5. cc62-3W
      6. China 292 words
      7. c63W
      8. Christians 168 words
      9. c63W
      10. Cocaine Trafficking 124 words
      11. cc63-4W
      12. Colombia 107 words
      13. c64W
      14. Congo 150 words
      15. cc64-5W
      16. EU Regulations 189 words
      17. c65W
      18. France 91 words
      19. c65W
      20. Indonesia 123 words
      21. cc65-6W
      22. Iraq 332 words
      23. c66W
      24. Kenya 128 words
      25. cc66-7W
      26. Occupied Territories 285 words
      27. c67W
      28. Opium Trade 91 words
      29. cc67-8W
      30. Senior Departmental Posts 149 words
      31. c68W
      32. Sierra Leone 50 words
      33. c68W
      34. South Africa (Sanctions) 112 words
      35. c68W
      36. Sudan 103 words
      37. c68W
      38. Uganda 127 words
      39. cc68-9W
      40. Voluntary Organisations 144 words
      41. c69W
      42. Zimbabwe 222 words
      1. cc69-70W
      2. Bacton Gas Terminal 68 words
      3. c70W
      4. Age Discrimination 137 words
      5. c70W
      6. Arms Trade 101 words
      7. c70W
      8. Aviation Industry 83 words
      9. cc70-1W
      10. Biotechnology 115 words
      11. c71W
      12. Broadband 218 words
      13. c71W
      14. Business Diversification (Scotland) 70 words
      15. cc71-2W
      16. Copyright Directive 53 words
      17. c72W
      18. Defence Exports 110 words
      19. cc72-3W
      20. Electricity 337 words
      21. c73W
      22. Fair Trade 84 words
      23. c73W
      24. GATS Negotiations 136 words
      25. cc73-4W
      26. Government Aid 176 words
      27. c74W
      28. LG Electronics Group 111 words
      29. c74W
      30. Middle East (Gas and Water) 116 words
      31. c74W
      32. Oftel 66 words
      33. cc74-5W
      34. Pension Loss Model 121 words
      35. c75W
      36. Post Offices 117 words
      37. c75W
      38. Regulatory Bodies 155 words
      39. cc75-6W
      40. Regulatory Impact Assessments 164 words
      41. c76W
      42. Rolling Stock 205 words
      43. cc76-7W
      44. Strategic Forum for Construction 253 words
      45. c77W
      46. Vibration White Finger 151 words
      47. c77W
      48. Wind Energy 166 words
      1. c78W
      2. Ad Hoc Posts 330 words
      3. cc78-9W
      4. Child Poverty 175 words
      5. c79W
      6. Child Support Agency 361 words
      7. cc79-80W
      8. Disability Living Allowance 354 words
      9. c80W
      10. Early-day Motion 1389 90 words
      11. cc80-1W
      12. Families with Children 193 words
      13. cc81-2W
      14. Hotel Accommodation 452 words
      15. c82W
      16. Housing 142 words
      17. cc82-3W
      18. Occupational and Private Pensions 120 words
      19. c83W
      20. Pay Audit 240 words
      21. cc83-4W
      22. Pension Credit 380 words
      23. c84W
      24. Pension Service (Scotland) 61 words
      25. cc84-7W
      26. Pensions 1,375 words
      27. cc87-8W
      28. Poverty 166 words
      29. c88W
      30. Regulatory Bodies 335 words
      31. cc88-9W
      32. Sponsorship 124 words
      33. c89W
      34. State Pension Forecasts 46 words
      1. c89W
      2. 11-plus 136 words
      3. c89W
      4. Acute Hospital Beds 107 words
      5. cc89-90W
      6. Ambulance Personnel 225 words
      7. c90W
      8. Autism 246 words
      9. cc90-1W
      10. Centre for Traumas and Transformation 249 words
      11. c91W
      12. Community Sports 111 words
      13. cc91-2W
      14. Congestion Charging 48 words
      15. c92W
      16. Early Release Scheme 156 words
      17. c92W
      18. Education and Library Board Computer System 197 words
      19. cc92-3W
      20. Electoral Identity Card 87 words
      21. cc93-6W
      22. Fishing 2,191 words
      23. cc96-7W
      24. Further Education 39 words
      25. c97W
      26. Irish Language 179 words
      27. c97W
      28. Irish/Ulster Scots Languages 74 words
      29. cc97-8W
      30. Juvenile Justice Centre, County Down 168 words
      31. c98W
      32. Mental Health 84 words
      33. c98W
      34. MOT 168 words
      35. cc98-9W
      36. Northern Ireland Youth Forum 121 words
      37. c99W
      38. Peace II Initiative 134 words
      39. c99W
      40. Portadown Parade 118 words
      41. c99W
      42. Post Office Card Accounts 47 words
      43. cc99-100W
      44. Presidential Visit 65 words
      45. c100W
      46. Primary/Secondary Transfer 170 words
      47. c100W
      48. Regulatory Impact Assessments 136 words
      49. cc100-1W
      50. Roads 66 words
      51. c101W
      52. School Funding 174 words
      53. c101W
      54. School Sports 171 words
      55. cc101-2W
      56. Teenage Pregnancy 75 words
      57. c102W
      58. Train Derailment (Castlerock) 74 words
      59. c102W
      60. Transport 164 words
      61. c102W
      62. Wildlife (Northern Ireland) Order 102 words
      1. c103W
      2. Agency Workers, 194 words
      3. c103W
      4. Allotments 100 words
      5. cc103-4W
      6. Audit Commission 447 words
      7. cc104-5W
      8. Care Beds 103 words
      9. c105W
      10. Care Home Developments 124 words
      11. c105W
      12. Command Paper 5778 123 words
      13. cc105-7W
      14. Council Tax 562 words
      15. c107W
      16. Council Tax Arrears 308 words
      17. cc107-8W
      18. Departmental Underspending 122 words
      19. c108W
      20. Hotel Accommodation 197 words
      21. cc108-9W
      22. Housing 456 words
      23. cc109-10W
      24. Local Authority Construction Contracts 181 words
      25. c110W
      26. Local Authority Employees 100 words
      27. cc110-1W
      28. Mobile Phone Masts 696 words
      29. cc111-3W
      30. NDPBs 539 words
      31. cc113-4W
      32. Parliamentary Ombudsman 68 words
      33. cc114-5W
      34. Planning 347 words
      35. c115W
      36. Public Sector Contracts 120 words
      37. c115W
      38. Race Relations 183 words
      39. cc115-6W
      40. Referendums 61 words
      41. c116W
      42. Regional Assemblies 96 words
      43. c116W
      44. Retail Outlets (Planning Consents) 174 words
      45. cc116-7W
      46. Right to Buy 265 words
      1. cc117-8W
      2. Canoeists 210 words
      3. c118W
      4. Departmental Employees 65 words
      5. c118W
      6. GM Food 313 words
      7. cc118-9W
      8. Local Authority Funding 70 words
      9. c119W
      10. Low-wave Radar 166 words
      11. c119W
      12. Private Sewers 68 words
      13. cc119-20W
      14. Suckler Cow Premium 234 words
      1. c120W
      2. Regional Assemblies 99 words
      3. c120W
      4. Adjudicators 110 words
      5. cc120-1W
      6. Compensation 50 words
      7. c121W
      8. Constitutional Affairs Department 109 words
      9. c121W
      10. Coroner's Office 141 words
      11. cc121-2W
      12. Creche Facilities 214 words
      13. c122W
      14. Departmental Budget 64 words
      15. c122W
      16. Departmental Title 50 words
      17. c122W
      18. Ecclesiastical Appointments 90 words
      19. cc122-3W
      20. Electoral Systems 82 words
      21. c123W
      22. Government Reshuffle 278 words
      23. c123W
      24. House of Lords 118 words
      25. cc123-4W
      26. Human Rights Act Cases 134 words
      27. c124W
      28. Immigration Appeal Tribunal 168 words
      29. cc124-5W
      30. Legal Aid 316 words
      31. c125W
      32. Lord Chancellor 100 words
      33. cc125-6W
      34. Office for the Supervision of Solicitors 240 words
      35. c126W
      36. Official Spelling 82 words
      37. c126W
      38. Parliamentary Draftsman 45 words
      39. c126W
      40. Privy Council Judicial Committee 48 words
      41. c126W
      42. Public Guardianship Office 106 words
      43. cc126-7W
      44. Public Service Agreements 92 words
      45. c127W
      46. Regulatory Impact Assessments 180 words
      47. c127W
      48. Sunset Clauses 108 words
      49. cc127-8W
      50. Supplementary Estimates 61 words
      51. c128W
      52. Taylor House 27 words
      53. c128W
      54. Transfer of Functions 79 words
      55. cc128-9W
      56. Universities 197 words
      1. cc129-30W
      2. Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 390 words
    20. HEALTH
      1. cc131-2W
      2. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 761 words
      3. c132W
      4. Accident Statistics 185 words
      5. cc132-3W
      6. Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals (Maternity Unit) 91 words
      7. c133W
      8. Asylum Seekers 134 words
      9. cc133-4W
      10. Buprenorphine 266 words
      11. cc134-5W
      12. Cancer Plan 594 words
      13. c135W
      14. Cardiac Surgeons 303 words
      15. cc135-6W
      16. Care Homes 316 words
      17. cc136-7W
      18. CJD 112 words
      19. c137W
      20. Claims Process 337 words
      21. cc137-8W
      22. Contingency Plans 260 words
      23. c138W
      24. Delayed Transfers 121 words
      25. cc138-9W
      26. Departmental Ministers 67 words
      27. c139W
      28. Diagnostic and Treatment Centres 168 words
      29. c139W
      30. Donor Cards 151 words
      31. c139W
      32. Dr. Visnjevac (Chichester) 69 words
      33. cc139-40W
      34. Drug Addiction Treatment 91 words
      35. c140W
      36. Drug Rehabilitation Centres 200 words
      37. c140W
      38. Drugs 94 words
      39. cc140-1W
      40. Eczema 133 words
      41. c141W
      42. Ethnic Minority Staff 85 words
      43. c141W
      44. EU Regulations 110 words
      45. cc141-4W
      46. Food Supplements 1,200 words
      47. cc144-5W
      48. Funeral Industry 927 words
      49. cc145-6W
      50. Health Checks (Children) 73 words
      51. c146W
      52. General Practitioners 62 words
      53. cc146-7W
      54. Hepatitis C 440 words
      55. cc147-8W
      56. Hospital Infections 127 words
      57. c148W
      58. Housing 180 words
      59. cc148-9W
      60. In-vitro Fertilisation 79 words
      61. cc149-56W
      62. Inventures 3,632 words
      63. c156W
      64. IT Procurement 140 words
      65. cc156-7W
      66. Local Election Campaigns 164 words
      67. c157W
      68. Long-term Care 47 words
      69. cc157-8W
      70. Lung Patients 376 words
      71. c158W
      72. Measles and Mumps Vaccines 251 words
      73. cc158-60W
      74. Medical Accidents/Clinical Negligence 801 words
      75. c160W
      76. Men's Health 135 words
      77. cc160-1W
      78. Mental Health 607 words
      79. cc161-2W
      80. Mobile Phones 136 words
      81. cc162-3W
      82. Myalgic Encephalopathy 485 words
      83. c163W
      84. Neonatal Care 291 words
      85. cc163-4W
      86. Neurology Services 182 words
      87. c164W
      88. NHS Pay Beds 159 words
      89. cc164-7W
      90. NHS Staff 1,561 words
      91. cc167-8W
      92. Nurses 112 words
      93. cc168-9W
      94. NHS Trust Funding 101 words
      95. c169W
      96. Obesity 337 words
      97. cc169-70W
      98. Organ Donation 309 words
      99. cc170-1W
      100. Osteoporosis 236 words
      101. c171W
      102. Overseas Treatment 200 words
      103. c171W
      104. Pharmacies 169 words
      105. cc171-3W
      106. Physical Activity 584 words
      107. c173W
      108. Physiotherapists 42 words
      109. c173W
      110. Target Funding Allocations 129 words
      111. c173W
      112. Private Hospital Operations 72 words
      113. cc173-4W
      114. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services 409 words
      115. cc174-5W
      116. Purley Hospital 62 words
      117. c175W
      118. Radiotherapy 176 words
      119. c175W
      120. Rainbows Children's Hospice 194 words
      121. cc175-6W
      122. Recruitment Targets 264 words
      123. c176W
      124. Reservist Medical Personnel 69 words
      125. c176W
      126. Self-Diagnosis Kits 95 words
      127. cc176-7W
      128. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 109 words
      129. c177W
      130. Sharp Injuries 131 words
      131. c177W
      132. Smoking 69 words
      133. c177W
      134. St. George's Hospital Trust 75 words
      135. cc177-8W
      136. Staffing 99 words
      137. c178W
      138. Trust Chief Executives (Salaries) 94 words
      139. cc178-9W
      140. Tuberculosis 732 words
      141. cc179-82W
      142. Vitamins and Minerals 467 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 30 June 2003 Series 5 Vol. 650

  1. House of Lords: Sittings in Session 2001–02 83 words
  2. Westminster Hall: Roof Restoration 131 words
  3. Northern Ireland Office: Questions for Written Answer 231 words
  4. North/South Implementation Bodies 250 words
  5. North/South Ministerial Council 289 words
  6. Action Mental Health 92 words
  7. Prison Population 509 words
  8. International Criminal Court: Exemptions 114 words
  9. Russia: Religious Discrimination 110 words
  10. Sudan: Attacks Against Civilians 137 words
  11. Congo 307 words
  12. Convention on the Future of Europe 109 words
  13. Guantanamo Bay 292 words
  14. Rape and Sexual Assault: British Citizens Travelling Overseas 288 words
  15. Armenia: Arms Embargo 150 words
  16. Montserrat: Medical Care 378 words
  17. Montserrat: CARICOM and OECS 82 words
  18. Montserrat: Repayment of Loans 176 words
  19. Montserrat: Pensions Payments 643 words
  20. Benefit Sanctions 163 words
  21. Ministry of Defence: Questions for Written Answer 58 words
  22. Iraq: United States Internment Facilities 49 words
  23. Iraq: Prisoners Captured by British Forces 223 words
  24. Eurofighter Typhoon 301 words
  25. Food Supplements 1,518 words
  26. NHS: "University Hospitals" 105 words
  27. NHS: Healthcare Audit and Inspection 453 words
  28. NHS Commissioning 150 words
  29. EU Directive on Good Clinical Practice 121 words
  30. Clinical Negligence 793 words