Written Answers (Commons) of 24 June 1997 Series 6 Vol. 296

    1. c421W
    2. Civil Service (Sickness Absence) 108 words
    3. c421W
    4. Cash Limits 200 words
    1. c422W
    2. Cash Limits 132 words
    3. c422W
    4. National Lottery 91 words
    5. c422W
    6. Camelot Directors 61 words
    7. c422W
    8. Accommodation Grading Schemes 122 words
    1. cc423-4W
    2. Royal Navy Fleet Maintenance and Repair Organisation 554 words
    3. cc424-5W
    4. Science and Technology Division 440 words
    5. c425W
    6. Polaris 192 words
    7. c425W
    8. Chemical Weapons 107 words
    9. cc425-6W
    10. Trident 73 words
    11. c426W
    12. Dockyard Workers, Chatham 107 words
    13. c426W
    14. Falklands Garrison 59 words
    15. c426W
    16. Nuclear Submarines, Chatham 136 words
    17. cc426-7W
    18. Family Quarters 65 words
    1. c427W
    2. Speeding Offences (Fines) 193 words
    3. c427W
    4. Tote 165 words
    5. cc427-8W
    6. Puppy Farms 45 words
    7. c428W
    8. HM Prison, Weare 147 words
    9. c428W
    10. Animal Welfare 78 words
    11. c428W
    12. Cash Limits 160 words
    13. c429W
    14. Police Grant 59 words
    15. c429W
    16. Internet 138 words
    17. cc429-30W
    18. UK Passport Agency 242 words
    19. cc430-41W
    20. Drugs 7,755 words
    21. cc441-2W
    22. Deportations 300 words
    23. cc442-3W
    24. Polygraphs 263 words
    25. c443W
    26. Electro-shock Devices 180 words
    27. c443W
    28. Departmental Advisers 129 words
    29. c444W
    30. Protection from Harassment Act 234 words
    1. c444W
    2. Sustainable Development 170 words
    3. cc444-5W
    4. Training and Enterprise Councils 460 words
    5. c446W
    6. University Degrees 88 words
    7. c446W
    8. Drug Abuse 226 words
    9. c446W
    10. Education Action Zones 49 words
    11. cc446-7W
    12. Key Stage 2 147 words
    13. c447W
    14. Further Education Colleges 47 words
    15. c447W
    16. Racial Discrimination 165 words
    17. c447W
    18. Young People 71 words
    19. c448W
    20. Jobseeker's Allowance 400 words
    21. cc448-9W
    22. Vocational Courses 131 words
    23. c449W
    24. Nursery Education 81 words
    1. c449W
    2. Social Chapter 109 words
    3. c449W
    4. "Britain: The Preferred Location in Europe" 35 words
    5. c449W
    6. National Physical Laboratory (Land Disposal) 90 words
    7. cc449-50W
    8. Indonesia 156 words
    9. c450W
    10. Chemical Weapons Convention 198 words
    11. cc450-1W
    12. Computers (Century Date Change) 166 words
    13. c451W
    14. Fuel Poverty 121 words
    15. c451W
    16. Auditors 61 words
    17. c451W
    18. Atomic Energy 133 words
    19. cc451-2W
    20. Cash Limits 268 words
    21. c452W
    22. Kenya 90 words
    23. cc452-3W
    24. Post Office 201 words
    25. cc453-4W
    26. Nuclear Power Stations 724 words
    27. c454W
    28. Political Parties (Donations) 63 words
    29. c454W
    30. Social Chapter 99 words
    31. cc454-5W
    32. Oil Exploration 109 words
    33. c455W
    34. Defence-related Jobs 58 words
    1. c455W
    2. Bank of England 51 words
    3. c455W
    4. Gini Coefficient 116 words
    5. c455W
    6. Income Support 67 words
    7. cc455-6W
    8. Internet 133 words
    9. cc456-7W
    10. Personal Pensions (Misselling) 699 words
    11. cc457-8W
    12. Interest Rates 673 words
    13. cc458-9W
    14. Dependent Children 577 words
    15. cc459-60W
    16. Average Earnings 301 words
    17. c460W
    18. Unemployment 228 words
    19. cc460-1W
    20. Low Pay 246 words
    21. c461W
    22. Spending Review 197 words
    23. c461W
    24. Privatisation 46 words
    1. cc462-3W
    2. Amsterdam Treaty 674 words
    3. c463W
    4. European Commission (School Packs) 54 words
    5. c463W
    6. European Union (Public Image) 136 words
    7. c464W
    8. Montevideo Convention 54 words
    9. c464W
    10. Former Prisoners of War (Japan) 160 words
    11. c464W
    12. Indonesia (Arms Exports) 66 words
    13. c464W
    14. Saudi Arabia 90 words
    15. cc464-5W
    16. Diplomatic Immunity 169 words
    17. c465W
    18. Cash Limits 160 words
    1. cc465-6W
    2. Malawi 119 words
    3. c466W
    4. Internation Development White Paper 79 words
    1. c466W
    2. Church of England Pensions Board 114 words
    1. cc466-7W
    2. Cigarette Smokers 274 words
    3. c467W
    4. Pensions Agency 139 words
    5. cc467-8W
    6. Prison Service 571 words
    7. cc468-9W
    8. Capital Receipts 515 words
    9. c469W
    10. Schools 38 words
    1. cc469-70W
    2. Low Pay 324 words
    3. cc470-3W
    4. Nursery Education 1,556 words
    5. c475W
    6. Government Training Centres 175 words
    7. c475W
    8. Southern Area Health Board Headquarters 109 words
    9. cc475-6W
    10. Health Centres 254 words
    11. c476W
    12. Arts Policy 75 words
    13. c476W
    14. Council for Voluntary Action 55 words
    15. c476W
    16. Targeting Social Need Policy 78 words
    17. cc476-7W
    18. Unemployment 201 words
    1. cc477-8W
    2. Courts (Essex) 697 words
    3. c478W
    4. Running Costs 65 words
    1. c479W
    2. Town Centre Management Schemes 111 words
    3. c479W
    4. Unfit Homes (Portsmouth) 178 words
    5. c479W
    6. Environmental Taskforce 67 words
    7. c480W
    8. Regional Development Agencies 52 words
    9. c480W
    10. Sex Offenders 231 words
    11. c480W
    12. Housing Estates (Pavements) 122 words
    13. cc480-1W
    14. Environment Agency 121 words
    15. c481W
    16. Composting Sites 67 words
    17. c481W
    18. Solar Homes 184 words
    19. cc481-2W
    20. Oil Extraction (Atlantic Ocean) 133 words
    21. c482W
    22. Zoo Licensing Act 1981 97 words
    23. c482W
    24. Compulsory Competitive Tendering 119 words
    25. c482W
    26. Footpaths and Bridleways 133 words
    27. c483W
    28. Energy Efficiency 120 words
    29. c483W
    30. Leghold Traps 222 words
    31. cc483-4W
    32. Council Tax (Carer's Discount) 245 words
    33. c484W
    34. Police Wildlife Liaison Officers 292 words
    35. c485W
    36. Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (Police) 106 words
    37. cc485-6W
    38. Housing, London 442 words
    39. c486W
    40. OECD Multilateral Agreement on Investment 107 words
    41. c486W
    42. Nuclear Waste 169 words
    43. c487W
    44. Road Accidents 92 words
    45. cc487-8W
    46. Cones Hotline 489 words
    47. c488W
    48. Variable Speed Limiters 280 words
    49. c489W
    50. Cycling (London) 357 words
    51. cc489-90W
    52. A27 Polegate Bypass 111 words
    53. c490W
    54. Air Services (London) 63 words
    55. c490W
    56. Cycling 103 words
    57. c490W
    58. Integrated Transport Policy 169 words
    59. c491W
    60. Warsaw Convention Compensation 332 words
    61. cc491-2W
    62. Birmingham Northern Relief Road 126 words
    63. c492W
    64. Traffic Control 141 words
    1. c492W
    2. Mr. McCall 114 words
    3. c492W
    4. Absent Parents 111 words
    5. c493W
    6. Jobseeker's Allowance 64 words
    7. c493W
    8. Domestic Fuel (VAT) 242 words
    9. cc493-4W
    10. Fraud 183 words
  16. WALES
    1. c494W
    2. Class Sizes 92 words
    3. c494W
    4. Nursery Education 140 words
    5. c494W
    6. Ponthir Primary School 68 words
    7. cc494-5W
    8. Monnow Bridge 181 words
    9. c495W
    10. School Transport 229 words
    11. cc495-6W
    12. Assisted Places Scheme 209 words
    13. c496W
    14. Speech Therapists 117 words
    15. c496W
    16. Smoke Detectors 65 words
    17. cc496-7W
    18. Hip Replacements 119 words
    19. c497W
    20. NHS Expenditure 51 words
    21. c497W
    22. NHS Service Provision 84 words
    23. c497W
    24. Exports and Imports 102 words
    25. cc497-8W
    26. Teacher:Pupil Ratios 362 words
    27. c498W
    28. Ambulance Service 109 words
    29. c498W
    30. Cigarette Smokers 88 words
  17. HEALTH
    1. c499W
    2. Hospital Performance Ratings 89 words
    3. c499W
    4. Surrogacy 191 words
    5. c499W
    6. Accident and Emergency Services 71 words
    7. c499W
    8. Social Service Funding 51 words
    9. c500W
    10. Children (Domestic Violence) 90 words
    11. c500W
    12. Life Expectancy 52 words
    13. c500W
    14. Locality Commissioning Projects 85 words
    15. c500W
    16. NHS Pharmacists Bill 28 words
    17. c500W
    18. Bureaucracy 60 words
    19. c500W
    20. Dental Services 47 words
    21. c501W
    22. Redbridge and Waltham Forest 89 words
    23. c501W
    24. NHS Trusts (Deficits) 103 words
    25. c501W
    26. Consultation 35 words
    27. c501W
    28. Hospital Ward Closures (North Thames Region) 76 words
    29. c501W
    30. Breast Cancer Services 81 words
    31. c502W
    32. Silicone Breast Implants 47 words
    33. c502W
    34. Elderly People (Care) 95 words
    35. c502W
    36. GP Fundholders (Croydon) 40 words
    37. c502W
    38. NHS Funding (Northern England) 77 words
    39. cc502-3W
    40. Public Health Minister 195 words
    41. c503W
    42. Hospital Closures (Mental and Psychiatric Care) 94 words
    43. c503W
    44. Hepatitis C 194 words
    45. cc503-4W
    46. Adoption 117 words
    47. c504W
    48. Radiotherapy 293 words
    49. cc504-5W
    50. Hernias 300 words
    51. c505W
    52. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 92 words
    53. cc505-6W
    54. Drugs 281 words
    55. c506W
    56. Asthma 143 words
    57. c506W
    58. Cystic Fibrosis 69 words
    59. c507W
    60. Prescription Charges 89 words
    61. c507W
    62. Sight Testing Scheme 48 words
    63. c507W
    64. Cash Limits 107 words
    65. cc507-8W
    66. Radiotherapy Overdoses (Compensation) 400 words
    67. c508W
    68. Occupational Health Services 91 words
    69. c508W
    70. Regional Health Authorities 48 words
    71. cc508-9W
    72. Speech Impediments 91 words
    1. cc509-10W
    2. Landfill Sites (BSE Waste) 146 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 24 June 1997 Series 5 Vol. 580

  1. St. Helena: Aid Budget 79 words
  2. Baltic States: English Language Textbooks 129 words
  3. Religious Discrimination 64 words
  4. Firearms: Penalties for Illegal Possession 115 words
  5. Passport Agency: Performance against Targets 256 words
  6. Child Benefit for Over-16s 71 words
  7. British Citizens from Sierra Leone: Habitual Residence Test 67 words
  8. Chemical Manufacture and Export Information 197 words
  9. Legal Aid: R. v. Kevin Maxwell and Others 189 words
  10. Dr. Jawad Hashim: Payments to Counsel 118 words
  11. "Highway Code": Revision 60 words
  12. "Manifesto for Change" 286 words