- Fluoridation 96 words
- Mr. G. W. Beckwith 58 words
- Ambulance Men 156 words
- Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 48 words
- Departmental Staff (Travel) 183 words
- Farmers (Scotland) 108 words
- Handicapped Persons (Wiltshire) 111 words
- Thalidomide 106 words
- Kidney Patients 145 words
- Walsall 503 words
- Fraudulent Claims 107 words
- Pharmacies 675 words
- Supplementary Benefit 65 words
- Teaching Hospitals (London) 129 words
- Hospitals (Change of Function) 35 words
- Hospital Closures 90 words
- Child Benefits 186 words
- Serum alphafetoprotein Screening 390 words
- Disabled Persons (Vehicles) 278 words
- Invalidity Pensions (Housewives) 216 words
- Hospitals (Greenwich and Bexley Area Health Authority) 535 words
- Mobility Allowance 99 words
- Benefits 74 words
- Stoke Mandeville Hospital 78 words
- Statistics 104 words
- Skelmersdale New Town (Hospital) 108 words
- Dr. Lim Poh Choo 92 words
- Mill Road Maternity Hospital, Cambridge 297 words
- Electro-Convulsive Therapy 119 words
- Support Stockings and Tights 138 words
- Workmen's Compensation 179 words
- Christmas Bonus 138 words
- Reception and Resettlement Centres 675 words
- Health Centres 66 words
- Immigrants 248 words