Mr Edward Moon
1858 - September 11, 1949Summary information for Mr Edward Moon
KING'S SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 3, 1904
Customs Duty—Tobacco for Personal Consumption Commons February 8, 1904
Appointment of British Consuls at Muk den, Antung, and Tatungkau. Commons February 16, 1904
Russian Tonnage Dues at Port Arthur. Commons February 16, 1904
2 speeches — KINGS SPEECH (MOTION FOR AN ADDRESS). Commons February 17, 1904
Russia and the Treaty of Aigun. Commons February 18, 1904
CLASS II. Commons February 24, 1904
Interference with Patients treated at the Macedonian Relief Hospital at Castoria. Commons March 7, 1904
Reorganisation of Macedonian Gendarmerie. Commons March 10, 1904
Future of the Volunteer Force—Report of Royal Commission. Commons March 14, 1904
Suez Canal Convention. Commons March 18, 1904
CONSOLIDATION FUND (No. 1) BILL. Commons March 28, 1904
EAST INDIAN REVENUES (TIBET). Commons April 13, 1904
Officers of Macedonian Gendarmerie. Commons April 18, 1904
Discharges from South African Constabulary. Commons April 20, 1904
Chinese Labour Ordinance and Regulations. Commons April 20, 1904
Belgian and Swedish Officers of Turkish Gendarmerie. Commons June 8, 1904
European Officers of Macedonian Gendarmerie. Commons June 8, 1904
Duties of Foreign Officers in Macedonian Gendarmerie. Commons June 16, 1904
Consular Vote—Payment for Commercial Intelligence. Commons June 23, 1904
Delimitation of Anglo-German Boundary in Central Africa—Amount of Estimate. Commons June 23, 1904
Macedonian Gendarmerie-Payment to Colonel Fairholme. Commons June 24, 1904
Expenditure of Money Voted for Unfore seen Services. Commons June 24, 1904
Constitution of the Consular Service—Recommendations of Committee. Commons June 27, 1904
The Mutessarifliks of Selfidge and Koritza and the Muerzteg Agreement. Commons June 29, 1904
British Commercial Agent at Vladivostock. Commons June 29, 1904
Prohibition against Macedonians and Bulgarians Moving to other Parts of European Turkey. Commons June 30, 1904
Terms of Retirement of Paymasters of Army Pay Department. Commons July 5, 1904
Medal for Naval Service against Fenians in 1868. Commons July 6, 1904
Proposed Tithe Schemes for Villages in European Turkey. Commons July 14, 1904
Constitution of New Army Finance Department. Commons July 29, 1904
Area of Spheres of the Gendarmerie Officers of the Five Powers in Macedonia. Commons August 11, 1904
Papers on Macedonia Commons August 11, 1904
Sphere Allotted to England in Macedonia. Commons August 15, 1904
Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.