- Carriage of English Mails from Egypt by French Boats. 127 words cc1413-4
- Extension of Hours of Post Office Savings Banks for tie Benefit of Provident Societies. 329 words c1414
- Working of the Chancery Registrar's Office —Report of Committee- 49 words cc1414-6
- Working of the Irish Land Act-Appointments of Staff. 604 words c1416
- Sugar Prices. 62 words c1417
- Visit of the Crofters Commission to Orkney. 116 words cc1417-8
- Transfer to Crown of East India Company —Promotion of Company s Military Officers. 218 words c1418
- Postal Arrangements at Monknewtown, County Meath. 55 words c1418
- Accounts of the Chancery Suitors' Fund. 166 words cc1418-9
- Inspector of Waterguard, Customs Service. 221 words c1419
- Salaries and Duties of Assistant Clerks in the Exchequer and Audit Department. 129 words cc1419-20
- Secretary to the Board of Customs — Retention beyond Sixty-five Years of Age. 131 words cc1420-1
- Irish Land Purchase Act, 1891. 262 words cc1421-2
- Poor Belief Expenditure. 401 words c1422
- Belfast Wax Candles—Alleged Infringement of Trade Mark. 173 words cc1422-3
- Miners Eight Hours Bill. 69 words cc1423-4
- Treatment of Consumptive Patients at the Forster Green Hospital Belfast. 406 words c1424
- Safety of Longmoor Range, Hampshire. 93 words c1424
- Housing of the Working Classes. 145 words