HC Deb 09 July 1907 vol 177 cc1413-4
Mr. HORNIMAN (Chelsea)

To ask the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the desire of many provident societies and clubs to be allowed to deposit funds received by them on the same night as collected, up to ton o'clock, at district offices where other postal business is transacted up to that hour; and whether he can arrange for this to be done at specified offices, so removing temptation and advancing the cause of thrift.

(Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) If the arrangement suggested by the hon. Member were made it could not be confined to friendly societies; nor if deposits were received could payment of withdrawals be refused. I fear that it would not be possible to extend what would practically be Savings Bank business after 8 p.m. Offices in which business is carried on after 8 p.m. are kept open chiefly for those who desire to post letters for the latest collections; and, as a rule, only the simple business of selling stamps and postal orders is transacted. The officer in charge, therefore, may be only a junior clerk; and such an officer would not necessarily have sufficient experience to be employed on. Savings Bank work. Further, the proposal would involve the accumulation of large sums of money at the post office which could not be remitted the same night. Thus a grave additional responsibility for its custody would be thrown on the postmaster. This would be especially the case if the deposits are made on Saturday nights. I would point out that formerly the closing hour for Savings Bank business was 6 p.m., and in some cases 4 p.m., so that the present closing is in itself an extension of time. It should also be remembered that the ordinary hours of closing in banking businesses is 4 p.m. I especially regret to be unable to meet the wishes of the hon. Member, and I am anxious that all reasonable facilities shall be given to friendly societies.