§ Return ordered, "for the United Kingdom for each of the years 1831, 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901, and 1906, showing the, following particulars so far as available:—(1) population (millions); (2) death rate per thousand; (3) birth rate per thousand;(4) paupers, total average number, indoor and outdoor; (5) number of paupers per 10,000 of the population; (6) total cost of poor relief; (7) net passenger movement outwards to places out of Europe; (8) average Gazette price per quarter of wheat, barley, and oats; (9) average price of beef at the Metropolitan Cattle Market; (10) total value of the imports of grain, corn, and flour; (11) total value of the imports of meat, alive and dead; (12) total value of the imports of food and drink (exclusive of tobacco); (13) total value of the imports of food and drink (exclusive of tobacco) from British Colonies and Possessions; (14) total value of the imports of food and drink (exclusive of tobacco) per head of population; (15) total quantity of home-grown and imported wheat and wheat-flour retained for home consumption; (16) consumption of wheat and wheat-flour; per head of population; (17) value of fish of British taking landed on the coats of the United Kingdom; (18) net imports of merchandise (deducting re-exports), total value and value per head of population;(19) exports of the produce and manufactures of the United Kingdom, total value and value per head of the population;(20)imports of bullion and specie;(21)exports of bullion and specie;(22)income-tax, yield of each penny; (23) amount standing to credit of depositors in Post Office and Trustee Savings Banks; (24) total registered tonnage of British shipping; (25) tonnage of British shipping entered and cleared in the Foreign trade at ports in the United Kingdom; (26) tonnage of Foreign shipping entered and cleared in the Foreign trade at ports in the United Kingdom; and (27) total clearings at the London Bankers' Clearing House."—(Mr. Essex.)