Written Answers (Commons) of 27 January 2004 Series 6 Vol. 417

    1. c243W
    2. Domestic Violence 118 words
    3. c243W
    4. Serious Fraud Office 79 words
    1. c243W
    2. Cycle Lanes 66 words
    3. cc243-4W
    4. Speed Cameras 294 words
    1. c244W
    2. Aircraft Carriers 91 words
    3. c244W
    4. Airfield Support Service Project 65 words
    5. cc244-5W
    6. Body Armour 73 words
    7. c245W
    8. Foreign Defence Equipment 47 words
    9. c245W
    10. Future Rapid Effects Project 90 words
    11. c245W
    12. Reservists 79 words
    13. c245W
    14. Sea King Helicopters 146 words
    15. cc245-6W
    16. Service Personnel (Osteoporosis) 118 words
    1. cc246-7W
    2. Bovine TB 500 words
    3. c247W
    4. Bumble Bees 169 words
    5. cc247-8W
    6. Dairy Farming 184 words
    7. c248W
    8. Commission on Food and Farming 213 words
    9. cc248-9W
    10. Departmental Staff 78 words
    11. c249W
    12. EU Regulations (Fruit) 98 words
    13. cc249-51W
    14. Fisheries 1,196 words
    15. cc251-2W
    16. Common Agricultural Policy 134 words
    17. cc252-3W
    18. Foot and Mouth 645 words
    19. c253W
    20. Maize Subsidy 109 words
    21. cc253-5W
    22. Milk 661 words
    23. c255W
    24. Organic Farms 89 words
    25. cc255-6W
    26. Permitted Killing Methods 286 words
    27. c256W
    28. Pesticides 143 words
    29. c256W
    30. Pig Welfare (Poland) 146 words
    31. cc256-7W
    32. Poultry 237 words
    33. c257W
    34. Prosecutions 94 words
    35. cc257-8W
    36. US Farm Bill 171 words
    1. c258W
    2. Action on Elder Abuse 120 words
    3. cc258-9W
    4. Advertising Expenditure 205 words
    5. cc259-62W
    6. Asylum Seekers 1,637 words
    7. cc262-3W
    8. Correspondence 177 words
    9. c263W
    10. Criminal Justice Board (Gloucestershire) 115 words
    11. cc263-4W
    12. Drug-related Crime 322 words
    13. c264W
    14. Entry Clearance 187 words
    15. cc264-5W
    16. Roma 325 words
    17. c265W
    18. Fines 144 words
    19. cc265-6W
    20. Immigration Appeals 109 words
    21. c266W
    22. Medicines (Disposal) 73 words
    23. c266W
    24. Penalty Points 115 words
    25. c266W
    26. Police Guidelines 164 words
    27. cc266-7W
    28. Prisons (Foreign Nationals) 196 words
    29. c267W
    30. Racist Incident Reporting Form 66 words
    31. c267W
    32. Risk of Sexual Harm Orders 130 words
    33. cc267-8W
    34. Terrestrial Trunked Radio 131 words
    35. cc268-9W
    36. Terrorism 884 words
    37. c269W
    38. Visa Requirement 116 words
    39. cc269-70W
    40. Yarl's Wood Removal Centre 105 words
    41. c270W
    42. Youth Justice System 123 words
    1. c270W
    2. IRA Terrorism 49 words
    3. cc270-1W
    4. Post Office/Banking Services 201 words
    5. c271W
    6. Public Expenditure 154 words
    7. c271W
    8. Sewel Motions 100 words
    9. cc271-2W
    10. Solectron Dunfermline 64 words
    1. c272W
    2. Banking Supervision 124 words
    3. c272W
    4. Benefit Fraud 50 words
    5. c272W
    6. Economic Survey 63 words
    7. cc272-3W
    8. Financial Services Authority 257 words
    9. c273W
    10. Public Finances 102 words
    11. cc273-4W
    12. Infant Mortality 315 words
    13. cc274-6W
    14. Information Technology 873 words
    15. c276W
    16. Public Bodies 310 words
    1. cc276-7W
    2. Heritage Lottery Funding 230 words
    3. c277W
    4. Information Technology 231 words
    5. cc277-8W
    6. Royal Family 203 words
    7. c278W
    8. Royal Parks Constabulary 150 words
    9. cc278-9W
    10. Stonehenge (Parker Plan) 126 words
    11. c279W
    12. UK Sport 154 words
    1. cc279-80W
    2. Civil Service Pensions 178 words
    1. cc280-1W
    2. Angola 450 words
    3. c281W
    4. Burundi 127 words
    5. cc281-2W
    6. Congo 289 words
    7. c282W
    8. Iraq 333 words
    9. cc282-3W
    10. Nigeria 197 words
    11. c283W
    12. Preferential Access 145 words
    13. cc283-4W
    14. South Africa 157 words
    15. c284W
    16. Sunset Clauses 91 words
    17. c284W
    18. Zimbabwe 154 words
    1. c284W
    2. Iraq 112 words
    3. cc284-5W
    4. Parliamentary Questions 52 words
    5. c285W
    6. Vice-chancellor (Buckingham University) 83 words
    1. cc285-6W
    2. Iraq 445 words
    3. cc286-7W
    4. Israel 689 words
    5. cc287-8W
    6. Guantanamo Bay 136 words
    7. c288W
    8. Hamdi Acikgoz 96 words
    9. c288W
    10. Occupied Territories 191 words
    11. cc288-9W
    12. The Netherlands 100 words
    13. c289W
    14. Palestinian Authority 87 words
    15. c289W
    16. Burma 98 words
    17. c289W
    18. Civil Servants 57 words
    19. cc289-90W
    20. Ethiopia/Eritrea 101 words
    21. c290W
    22. European Constitution 94 words
    23. cc290-1W
    24. European Union 538 words
    25. c291W
    26. Genocide 145 words
    27. c291W
    28. Gibraltar 51 words
    29. cc291-2W
    30. Information Technology 234 words
    31. c292W
    32. International Criminal Court 176 words
    33. cc292-3W
    34. Libya 349 words
    35. cc293-5W
    36. Overseas Territories 608 words
    37. c295W
    38. State Visits 168 words
    39. c295W
    40. Ukraine 138 words
    41. cc295-6W
    42. UN Security Council Resolution 1325 407 words
    1. c296W
    2. Reinstatement Committees 93 words
    3. cc296-8W
    4. Business Link 579 words
    5. c298W
    6. Emissions Trading Directive 208 words
    7. cc298-9W
    8. Insolvency Service 164 words
    9. c299W
    10. Internet Usage 162 words
    11. c299W
    12. IT Contracts 232 words
    13. cc299-300W
    14. Manufacturing Employment 189 words
    15. c300W
    16. Market Access 149 words
    17. cc300-1W
    18. Post Office Account Cards 98 words
    19. c301W
    20. Post Offices 413 words
    21. cc301-2W
    22. Sugar 99 words
    23. c302W
    24. Regional Development Agencies 258 words
    25. cc302-3W
    26. Work-Life Balance 270 words
    1. cc303-4W
    2. Council Tax 296 words
    3. c304W
    4. Local Government Pension Scheme 111 words
    5. c304W
    6. Cambridgeshire Schools Budget 73 words
    7. cc304-5W
    8. Fire and Rescue Service 543 words
    9. cc305-7W
    10. Housing 842 words
    11. c307W
    12. New Build (Chorley) 71 words
    13. cc307-8W
    14. Permitted Development Order Review 188 words
    15. c308W
    16. Regional Assemblies 111 words
    1. cc308-9W
    2. British Monarchy Studies 142 words
    3. c309W
    4. Child Poverty 68 words
    5. c309W
    6. Departmental Staff 75 words
    7. cc309-10W
    8. Employer Training Pilots 474 words
    9. c310W
    10. Modern Apprenticeships 92 words
    11. c310W
    12. Oath of Allegiance 89 words
    13. cc310-1W
    14. Pupil Exclusions 113 words
    15. c311W
    16. Rural Youth Grant 47 words
    17. c311W
    18. Schoolbags 96 words
    19. c311W
    20. School Drinking Water 98 words
    21. c311W
    22. University Attendance 84 words
    23. cc311-3W
    24. University for Industry 606 words
    1. c313W
    2. Judicial Review 101 words
    3. cc313-4W
    4. Court Service 204 words
    5. c314W
    6. Immigration Appeal Tribunal 116 words
    7. c314W
    8. Jury Research 116 words
    9. c314W
    10. Monarchy 40 words
    11. cc314-5W
    12. Royal Courts of Justice 229 words
  17. HEALTH
    1. c315W
    2. "Making Amends" 135 words
    3. cc315-6W
    4. BSE 395 words
    5. cc316-7W
    6. Building Maintenance 187 words
    7. c317W
    8. Cancer 156 words
    9. c317W
    10. Cannabis 189 words
    11. cc317-8W
    12. Colonoscopies 33 words
    13. c318W
    14. Coronary Disease 169 words
    15. c318W
    16. Dentistry 58 words
    17. cc318-9W
    18. Dermatology 153 words
    19. cc319-20W
    20. Erythropoietic Treatments 612 words
    21. c320W
    22. EU Health Insurance Cards 59 words
    23. cc320-1W
    24. Fruit for Schools Scheme 275 words
    25. cc321-2W
    26. General Practitioners 582 words
    27. cc322-3W
    28. Haemoglobinopathies 268 words
    29. cc323-4W
    30. Havering 604 words
    31. c324W
    32. Health Service Recovery Plans 68 words
    33. cc324-5W
    34. Hepatitis C 84 words
    35. c325W
    36. HIV/AIDS 245 words
    37. cc325-6W
    38. Hospital-acquired Infection 201 words
    39. c326W
    40. Hospitals (Durham) 157 words
    41. cc326-7W
    42. Local Government 242 words
    43. cc327-8W
    44. Lung Cancer 368 words
    45. c328W
    46. Mental Health 133 words
    47. c328W
    48. Negative Extrathoracic Pressure 115 words
    49. cc328-9W
    50. NHS Bank 233 words
    51. c329W
    52. NHS Finance 163 words
    53. cc329-30W
    54. Performance Indicators 184 words
    55. c330W
    56. Public Bodies 307 words
    57. cc330-1W
    58. Public Health 276 words
    59. c331W
    60. Raloxifene 172 words
    61. cc331-2W
    62. Refusal of GP Referrals (Avon) 105 words
    63. c332W
    64. Residential Care 205 words
    65. cc332-3W
    66. Salt Intake 223 words
    67. cc333-4W
    68. Sensory Impairment 795 words
    69. cc334-5W
    70. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 858 words
    71. c335W
    72. Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust (Overspend) 53 words
    73. cc335-6W
    74. Sir Roy Meadow 43 words
    75. cc336-7W
    76. South Sefton Primary Care Trust 79 words
    77. c337W
    78. Strategic Health Authorities 212 words
    79. c337W
    80. Tees, East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 72 words
    81. cc337-8W
    82. Weston Area Health Trust 151 words
    83. c338W
    84. Working Time Directive 204 words
    1. cc338-41W
    2. Appeals 906 words
    3. c341W
    4. Child Maintenance 183 words
    5. c341W
    6. Child Support 88 words
    7. c341W
    8. Citizenship Pension 87 words
    9. cc341-2W
    10. Civil Servants 246 words
    11. cc342-3W
    12. Departmental Advertising 239 words
    13. c343W
    14. Departmental Staff 79 words
    15. cc343-4W
    16. Departmental Staff Sickness 413 words
    17. cc344-5W
    18. Disability Living Allowance 1,521 words
    19. cc345-6W
    20. EU Enlargement 93 words
    21. cc346-7W
    22. Incapacity Benefit 397 words
    23. c347W
    24. Leak Inquiries 159 words
    25. c347W
    26. Low-income Households 128 words
    27. cc347-8W
    28. Pension Credit 131 words
    29. c348W
    30. Pensioner Couples 129 words
    31. c348W
    32. Pensions 93 words
    33. cc348-9W
    34. Procurement (Outsourcing) 127 words
    35. c349W
    36. Progress2Work 248 words
    37. cc349-50W
    38. Transfer Payments 339 words
    39. cc350-1W
    40. War Disablement Pensioners 298 words
    41. cc351-2W
    42. Winter Fuel Payments 178 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 27 January 2004 Series 5 Vol. 656

  1. Special European Union Programmes Body: Resignation of Chief Executive 294 words
  2. Northern Ireland: Voting Patterns 63 words
  3. North/South Implementation Bodies: Funding 80 words
  4. Northern Ireland Civil Service: Pay 311 words
  5. Statutes: Consolidated Versions 180 words
  6. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Investment in South-Eastern Europe 266 words
  7. Supreme Court 393 words
  8. European Union Select Committee 75 words
  9. Defence Stores Management Solution 253 words
  10. Management of Materiel in Transit 191 words
  11. A400M 119 words
  12. Armed Forces: Ministerial Responsibility for Supply of Equipment 105 words
  13. Universities: Fees 139 words
  14. Higher Education: Entry Figures 319 words
  15. Fathers 385 words
  16. School Sport 1,238 words
  17. Student Numbers 142 words
  18. Gender Recognition Bill 295 words
  19. Game Licences 59 words
  20. BSE 138 words