HL Deb 27 January 2004 vol 656 c25WA
Lord Laird

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What was the total cost of the package awarded to the chief executive of the Special European Union Programmes Body on his resignation, including exgratia payments, pension contributions, car provision and advance salary payments. [HL456]

The Lord President of the Council (Baroness Amos)

The chief executive of the Special EU Programmes Body resigned with effect from Wednesday 10 December 2003. On his resignation he was, in addition to his earnings to that date, entitled to seven weeks' pay in lieu of notice equivalent to £12,569 (which includes compensation for loss of pension). He also received a one-off ex-gratia payment of £20,000, and solicitors' costs of £2,500. The SEUPB terminated its leasing arrangements for Mr McKinney's car with the lessor with effect from 6 pm on Tuesday 9 December 2003.

In terms of pension payments, Mr McKinney is entitled to payments equivalent to what is payable under the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) pending the introduction of the North/South scheme. Mr McKinney's entitlements are based mainly on his previous employment in the local government sector in Northern Ireland, plus amounts in respect of his employment with the SEUPB. The amounts payable to him are a lump sum of £84,824 and an annual pension payment of £28,275. These amounts are based on his final salary in SEUPB, pension benefits of 26 years 306 days which he had accrued in respect of his previous employment in local government and which will be transferred to the North/South scheme when it comes into effect; and two years 312 days reckonable service in the SEUPB. These payments will be made by the SEUPB until the North/South pension scheme commences, after which the North/South scheme will reimburse the SEUPB for any payments made and assume responsibility for all future payments.