Written Answers (Commons) of 3 July 2003 Series 6 Vol. 408

    1. c367W
    2. Cancer/Heart Disease 373 words
    3. cc367-8W
    4. Average Wage 312 words
    5. c368W
    6. Child Benefit 145 words
    7. cc368-9W
    8. Child Tax Credit 142 words
    9. c369W
    10. Child Trust Funds 99 words
    11. c369W
    12. Correspondence 79 words
    13. c369W
    14. Departmental Staff 145 words
    15. cc369-70W
    16. Disabled People 270 words
    17. c370W
    18. Equitable Life 70 words
    19. cc370-1W
    20. European Economic Convergence 140 words
    21. c371W
    22. Graduate Earnings 154 words
    23. c371W
    24. Housing Market 164 words
    25. cc371-3W
    26. Income Tax 570 words
    27. c373W
    28. Labour Statistics 97 words
    29. cc373-6W
    30. Public Appointments 688 words
    31. c376W
    32. Savings 86 words
    33. c376W
    34. Sixth VAT Directive 100 words
    35. c376W
    36. Small Business (Tax Collection) 111 words
    37. c376W
    38. Stamp Duty 22 words
    39. cc376-7W
    40. Tax Codes 178 words
    41. cc377-80W
    42. Tax Credits 1,640 words
    43. cc380-1W
    44. Tax Rates 316 words
    45. c381W
    46. Tax Rises 46 words
    47. cc381-2W
    48. Taxes (Accruals Adjustments) 446 words
    49. c382W
    50. Tied Financial Advisers 117 words
    51. c382W
    52. Widow's Bereavement Allowance 93 words
    53. cc382-3W
    54. Working Tax Credit 191 words
    1. cc383-4W
    2. Council of Ministers 354 words
    1. cc384-5W
    2. Council of Ministers 353 words
    3. c385W
    4. Cycling 215 words
    5. c385W
    6. EU Legislation 59 words
    7. cc385-6W
    8. Freight Companies 52 words
    9. c386W
    10. Graffiti 86 words
    11. cc386-7W
    12. Green Car Fuels 366 words
    13. c387W
    14. Rail Freight 108 words
    15. c387W
    16. Road Haulage 130 words
    17. cc387-8W
    18. Trunk Roads 245 words
    19. c388W
    20. Vehicle Excise Duty 124 words
    1. c388W
    2. Baljit Kaur/Jaspal Singh 53 words
    3. cc388-9W
    4. Correspondence 145 words
    5. c389W
    6. Criminal Justice Bill 159 words
    7. c389W
    8. Criminal Records Bureau 186 words
    9. cc389-90W
    10. Deportations 133 words
    11. c390W
    12. Drug Treatment 144 words
    13. cc390-1W
    14. EU Constitution 257 words
    15. c391W
    16. Identity Cards 137 words
    17. cc391-2W
    18. Immigration 272 words
    19. c392W
    20. Memorials 97 words
    21. c392W
    22. Mr. Rezart Elmarzi 54 words
    23. c392W
    24. Prison Incidents 285 words
    25. cc392-4W
    26. Prisoner Transfers 398 words
    27. c394W
    28. Retired Police Officers 180 words
    1. c394W
    2. GM Crops 112 words
    3. cc394-5W
    4. Biotechnology 255 words
    5. c395W
    6. Emissions Trading Directive 135 words
    7. cc395-6W
    8. Endangered Species 169 words
    9. c396W
    10. Fly Tipping 174 words
    11. c396W
    12. GM Debate Website 86 words
    13. cc396-7W
    14. GM/Organic Produce 398 words
    15. cc397-9W
    16. Hazardous Waste 694 words
    17. c399W
    18. Hens 120 words
    19. c399W
    20. Horse Welfare 141 words
    21. cc399-400W
    22. Household Waste 439 words
    23. cc400-1W
    24. Invasive Weeds 535 words
    25. cc401-2W
    26. Live Exports 116 words
    27. cc402-3W
    28. Live Animal Transport 220 words
    29. c403W
    30. Methane 137 words
    31. c403W
    32. Modulation 174 words
    33. cc403-4W
    34. OSPAR Ministerial Meeting 85 words
    35. c404W
    36. Recycling 209 words
    37. c404W
    38. Rights of Way 115 words
    39. cc404-7W
    40. Rural Payments Agency 1,191 words
    41. c407W
    42. Waste and Resources Action Programme 186 words
    43. cc407-9W
    44. Waste Incineration 869 words
    45. cc409-12W
    46. Waste Management 1,097 words
    47. c412W
    48. Waste Oil Burners 139 words
    1. c412W
    2. Asbestos 105 words
    3. cc412-3W
    4. Gambling 138 words
    5. c413W
    6. Government Reshuffle 145 words
    7. c413W
    8. Mobile Phones 104 words
    9. cc413-4W
    10. Sports Funding 104 words
    11. c414W
    12. Regeneration (Sports) 232 words
    13. cc414-5W
    14. Rugby Union 442 words
    15. cc415-6W
    16. Volunteering 230 words
    17. c416W
    18. Tennis 146 words
    1. c417W
    2. Small Business Regulation 71 words
    3. c417W
    4. Developing Countries (UK Trade Access) 73 words
    5. c417W
    6. Community Pharmacies 112 words
    7. cc417-8W
    8. Miners' Compensation 272 words
    9. c418W
    10. Veterinary Medicines 82 words
    11. c418W
    12. Paper-making Industry 34 words
    13. c418W
    14. Civil Partnerships 67 words
    15. cc418-9W
    16. Departmental Staff 171 words
    17. c419W
    18. Employment Rights (Information and Consultation) 56 words
    19. cc419-20W
    20. EUREKA Programme 303 words
    21. c420W
    22. Export Licences (Colombia) 94 words
    23. cc420-1W
    24. Grants 300 words
    25. c421W
    26. Insurance Contract Law 45 words
    27. c421W
    28. Net Metering Arrangements 210 words
    29. cc421-7W
    30. Regeneration (Staffordshire) 2,462 words
    31. cc427-8W
    32. Senior Departmental Posts 349 words
    33. cc428-9W
    34. University Departments 119 words
    35. c429W
    36. Working Time Directive 186 words
    1. c429W
    2. Work/Life Balance 114 words
    3. cc429-30W
    4. Pensions (Payments Overseas) 95 words
    5. c430W
    6. Iraq 64 words
    1. c430W
    2. Holyrood Site 247 words
    3. cc430-1W
    4. Air Transport Consultation 67 words
    5. c431W
    6. EU Regulations 46 words
    7. c431W
    8. Euro Roadshow 65 words
    9. c431W
    10. Friends of Scotland Initiative 192 words
    11. cc431-2W
    12. Hallmarks 113 words
    13. c432W
    14. International Flights 83 words
    15. c432W
    16. Job Dispersal 207 words
    17. cc432-3W
    18. Scotland Office Address 20 words
    19. c433W
    20. Sewel Motions 514 words
    21. cc433-4W
    22. Sunset Clauses 96 words
    23. c434W
    24. Trade Links 84 words
    1. c434W
    2. Autistic Spectrum Disorders 198 words
    3. cc434-5W
    4. Child Care Standards 80 words
    5. c435W
    6. Education Maintenance Allowance 69 words
    7. c435W
    8. Further Education Colleges (Student Satisfaction) 90 words
    9. c435W
    10. Gross Earnings 85 words
    11. cc435-6W
    12. Higher Education 436 words
    13. cc436-7W
    14. Modern Language Courses 177 words
    15. c437W
    16. Overseas Students (Further Education Colleges) 247 words
    17. cc437-8W
    18. Senior Departmental Posts 128 words
    19. c438W
    20. Qualification Levels 135 words
    21. c438W
    22. Sixth-Form Provision 111 words
    23. cc438-42W
    24. Student Finance 1,701 words
    25. c442W
    26. Top-up Fees 180 words
    27. c442W
    28. Training and Skills Councils 53 words
    29. cc442-3W
    30. Tuition Fees 150 words
    31. cc443-4W
    32. University Students 433 words
    33. cc444-6W
    34. Vocational Education and Training 1,279 words
    1. c447W
    2. Afghanistan 57 words
    3. c447W
    4. Colombia 50 words
    5. c447W
    6. Defence Medical Services 173 words
    7. cc447-8W
    8. Executive Agencies 300 words
    9. c448W
    10. Health Care Funding 80 words
    11. cc448-9W
    12. Iraq 272 words
    13. c449W
    14. Less-than-lethal Weapons 71 words
    15. cc449-50W
    16. RAF Church Fenton 491 words
    17. c450W
    18. Senior Departmental Posts 100 words
    19. cc450-1W
    20. Service Manning 762 words
    21. cc451-2W
    22. Service Pension 159 words
    23. cc452-3W
    24. Suez Award 374 words
    25. c453W
    26. United States Task Force 20 37 words
    1. c453W
    2. Colombia 64 words
    3. cc453-4W
    4. Cyprus 339 words
    5. c454W
    6. EU (Official Languages) 93 words
    7. cc454-5W
    8. George Orwell 153 words
    9. cc455-6W
    10. Indonesia 296 words
    11. c456W
    12. Iraq 397 words
    13. cc456-7W
    14. Pakistan 240 words
    15. c457W
    16. Sudan 210 words
    1. c458W
    2. Africa (Deforestation) 89 words
    3. c458W
    4. Aid Project Funding 243 words
    5. c458W
    6. EU Regulations 60 words
    1. c459W
    2. Colombia 205 words
    1. cc459-60W
    2. Allotments 227 words
    3. c460W
    4. Brownfield/Greenfield Sites 117 words
    5. cc460-1W
    6. Emissions 395 words
    7. c461W
    8. Housing Revenue Account 187 words
    9. cc461-3W
    10. Regional Assemblies 865 words
    11. c463W
    12. Waste Strategy 59 words
    1. c464W
    2. Departmental Ministers 63 words
    3. cc464-5W
    4. Public Appointments 315 words
    5. c465W
    6. Unpaid Fines 199 words
    1. c466W
    2. Autistic Children 107 words
    3. c466W
    4. Classroom Assistants 105 words
    5. cc466-7W
    6. Commissioners 413 words
    7. c467W
    8. Firefighters 50 words
    9. c467W
    10. Language Rights 130 words
    11. cc467-9W
    12. Non-departmental Public Bodies 483 words
    13. c469W
    14. Northern Ireland Police Board 82 words
    15. c469W
    16. Private Care Organisations 166 words
    17. cc469-70W
    18. Private Office Costs 131 words
    19. c470W
    20. Real IRA 114 words
    21. cc470-1W
    22. Saville Inquiry 637 words
    23. c471W
    24. Senior Citizens 210 words
    25. cc471-2W
    26. Targeted Benefits 210 words
    27. c472W
    28. Tourism 126 words
  18. HEALTH
    1. c472W
    2. Antidepressants 63 words
    3. cc472-4W
    4. Arthritis 852 words
    5. cc474-5W
    6. Back Pain 341 words
    7. cc475-6W
    8. Basildon Hospital 175 words
    9. c476W
    10. Botox 191 words
    11. cc476-7W
    12. Cancer Plan 310 words
    13. c477W
    14. Care Homes 189 words
    15. c477W
    16. Commission for Social Care Inspection 171 words
    17. cc477-8W
    18. Community Health Councils 225 words
    19. c478W
    20. Cystic Fibrosis 89 words
    21. cc478-9W
    22. Dementia/Alzheimer's 183 words
    23. c479W
    24. DNA (Insurance) 174 words
    25. c479W
    26. Draft Food Supplements (England) Regulations 102 words
    27. cc479-80W
    28. Drug Treatment Regimes 122 words
    29. cc480-1W
    30. Fluoridation 590 words
    31. cc481-2W
    32. Food Contaminants Regulations 201 words
    33. c482W
    34. Food Labelling 126 words
    35. c482W
    36. Food Supplements 178 words
    37. cc482-3W
    38. Foundation Hospitals 210 words
    39. c483W
    40. Genetically Modified Food 127 words
    41. c483W
    42. Health and Social Care Bill 125 words
    43. cc483-4W
    44. Health Insurance Cards 318 words
    45. cc484-5W
    46. Heathrow 185 words
    47. c485W
    48. Hospital Food 55 words
    49. c485W
    50. Hospital Acquired Infections 155 words
    51. c485W
    52. Human Organ Sales 103 words
    53. cc485-6W
    54. Insulin Pump Therapy 276 words
    55. c486W
    56. London Mayor 63 words
    57. c486W
    58. Maternity Services 61 words
    59. cc486-7W
    60. Mental Health 420 words
    61. cc487-8W
    62. Mixed-sex Wards 125 words
    63. cc488-9W
    64. Mobile Phone Masts 297 words
    65. c489W
    66. Multiple Sclerosis 205 words
    67. c489W
    68. Mutuality 95 words
    69. cc489-90W
    70. Nanoparticles in Drugs 182 words
    71. c490W
    72. Neurological Nurses 93 words
    73. c490W
    74. Neurologists 258 words
    75. cc490-1W
    76. NHS Recruitment 200 words
    77. cc491-2W
    78. NHS Services (Gloucestershire) 716 words
    79. c492W
    80. NHS Staff 76 words
    81. cc492-3W
    82. NHS Treatment (Age of Consent) 177 words
    83. cc493-4W
    84. Parliamentary Questions 396 words
    85. c494W
    86. Paroxetine 196 words
    87. cc494-5W
    88. Physical Activity 349 words
    89. c495W
    90. Physical Disability 73 words
    91. cc495-6W
    92. Prisons 252 words
    93. c496W
    94. Private Health Care 290 words
    95. cc496-7W
    96. Public-Private Initiative 123 words
    97. c497W
    98. Smoking 283 words
    99. cc497-8W
    100. Social Services (Older People) 70 words
    101. c498W
    102. St George's Hospital, Tooting 131 words
    103. c498W
    104. Working Time Directive 213 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 3 July 2003 Series 5 Vol. 650

  1. Department for Constitutional Affairs 70 words
  2. The Lord Chancellor: Sitting Time on the Woolsack, Session 2001–02 108 words
  3. Iraq: Military List Equipment Exports 185 words
  4. Sexual Offences Legislation: Sado-masochistic Activity 136 words
  5. Criminal Cases Review Commission 59 words
  6. Counter-terrorism, Security and Resilience 1,871 words
  7. Disposal Services Agency: Key Targets 2003–04 579 words
  8. Deaths by Suicide: Students 172 words
  9. EC Communications Directives: Implementation 874 words
  10. National Lottery 752 words
  11. Zoos: North-West England 106 words
  12. Sea Defences 260 words
  13. Food Supplements 1,084 words
  14. Prescriptions: Electronic Transmission Pilots 226 words
  15. Carers 279 words
  16. Care Direct 413 words