HL Deb 03 July 2003 vol 650 c121WA
Lord Marlesford

asked the Leader of the House:

For how many hours per week during Session 2001–02 the Lord Chancellor sat on the Woolsack; and what proportion of the total sitting time this represents. [HL3647]

The Lord President of the Council (Lord Williams of Mostyn)

In the 2001–02 Session the Lord Chancellor sat on the Woolsack for an average of three hours and 30 minutes per week.

The House of Lords sat for a total of 1,395 hours and 21 minutes in the 2001–02 Session. The Lord Chancellor sat on the Woolsack for 141 hours and 40 minutes in the same period. He was therefore on the Woolsack for 10.02 per cent of the total sitting time.