Written Answers (Commons) of 18 July 2001 Series 6 Vol. 372

    1. c185W
    2. European Capital of Culture 55 words
    3. c185W
    4. School Sports and Arts 183 words
    5. c185W
    6. Lottery Funding 117 words
    7. cc185-6W
    8. Arts Council 176 words
    9. c186W
    10. Osborne House 244 words
    11. cc186-7W
    12. New Opportunities Fund 104 words
    13. c187W
    14. Green Ministers 193 words
    15. c187W
    16. Television Licences 61 words
    17. c187W
    18. Party Political Broadcasts 104 words
    19. cc187-8W
    20. Regional Arts Board (West Midlands) 286 words
    21. c188W
    22. BBC 112 words
    23. cc188-9W
    24. Welsh Language Programmes 86 words
    25. c189W
    26. Foot and Mouth (Tourism) 189 words
    27. c189W
    28. London Underground 63 words
    1. cc189-90W
    2. Walton Group 159 words
    1. c190W
    2. IT Contracts 179 words
    3. c190W
    4. Train Safety 125 words
    5. cc190-1W
    6. Nuclear Freight 104 words
    7. c191W
    8. Housing Developments 92 words
    9. cc191-2W
    10. Chorley Railway Station 215 words
    11. c192W
    12. Road Building 60 words
    13. c192W
    14. Housing (Lancashire) 259 words
    15. cc192-3W
    16. Landlords 155 words
    17. c193W
    18. Millennium Dome 89 words
    19. c193W
    20. Shared Ownership (Housing) 90 words
    21. cc193-4W
    22. Housing Register 442 words
    23. cc194-5W
    24. Bedroom Standard 485 words
    25. cc195-200W
    26. London Underground 2,078 words
    27. c200W
    28. Greenwich Peninsula Land Sale 293 words
    29. cc200-1W
    30. Speed Restrictions (Trains) 303 words
    31. cc201-2W
    32. Air Traffic Control 370 words
    33. c202W
    34. Compulsory Purchase 190 words
    35. cc202-3W
    36. Empty Homes 177 words
    37. c203W
    38. Deep Vein Thrombosis 174 words
    39. cc203-4W
    40. PFI Road Schemes 151 words
    41. c204W
    42. PPG8 52 words
    43. c204W
    44. Planning Inquiry Commission 74 words
    45. c204W
    46. Green Ministers 91 words
    47. c204W
    48. St. Leonard's Hospital, Dorset 116 words
    49. cc204-5W
    50. Bus Travel 209 words
    51. c205W
    52. Departmental Duties 64 words
    53. c205W
    54. Leases (Insurance) 152 words
    55. cc205-6W
    56. American Vehicle Imports 82 words
    57. c206W
    58. Unexploded Bomb (Epping Forest) 116 words
    1. c206W
    2. Ministerial Visits 25 words
    3. c206W
    4. Government Annual Report 135 words
    5. c206W
    6. Public Correspondence 57 words
    1. c207W
    2. Green Ministers 66 words
    1. cc207-8W
    2. Service Children's Education 609 words
    3. cc208-9W
    4. Gulf Veterans 390 words
    5. c209W
    6. Defence Research (Animals) 271 words
    7. cc209-10W
    8. Green Ministers 160 words
    9. c210W
    10. Military and Defence Exports 197 words
    11. cc210-1W
    12. Aberporth 346 words
    13. c211W
    14. Kenya 52 words
    15. c211W
    16. Liquidated Damages 54 words
    17. c211W
    18. NATO Enlargement 137 words
    19. cc211-2W
    20. Ministerial Duties 84 words
    1. c212W
    2. Indirectly Held Securities 146 words
    3. c212W
    4. UK Debt Management Office 60 words
    5. cc212-3W
    6. Statistics Commission 70 words
    7. c213W
    8. Stroke Deaths 173 words
    9. c213W
    10. Green Ministers 68 words
    11. c213W
    12. VAT (Home Care Services) 109 words
    13. cc213-4W
    14. Working Families Tax Credit 170 words
    15. c214W
    16. Tax Relief (Film Expenditure) 117 words
    17. c214W
    18. Biofuels 113 words
    19. cc214-5W
    20. Sports Clubs (Taxation) 150 words
    21. c215W
    22. VAT Relief (Places of Worship) 123 words
    1. c215W
    2. London Underground 79 words
    1. cc215-6W
    2. Democratic Institutions 71 words
    3. c216W
    4. Police Recruitment 41 words
    5. c216W
    6. Peace Process 278 words
    7. cc216-7W
    8. First Minister 118 words
    9. c217W
    10. Road Improvements 61 words
    11. c217W
    12. Decommissioning 221 words
    13. cc217-8W
    14. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission 93 words
    15. c218W
    16. Terrorist Organisations (Political Representation) 172 words
    17. c218W
    18. Terrorist Violence 138 words
    19. cc218-9W
    20. Royal Ulster Constabulary 130 words
    21. c219W
    22. Terrorism 55 words
    23. c219W
    24. Political Parties (Talks) 55 words
    25. c219W
    26. RUC Chief Constable 51 words
    27. c219W
    28. Human Rights 112 words
    29. cc219-20W
    30. Political Situation 49 words
  10. HEALTH
    1. c220W
    2. Children's Hospices 90 words
    3. c220W
    4. Foot and Mouth 277 words
    5. cc220-1W
    6. Advocacy in Mental Health 119 words
    7. c221W
    8. Hospital (Liskeard) 101 words
    9. c221W
    10. Mental Health Services 198 words
    11. c221W
    12. Diabetes 80 words
    13. cc221-2W
    14. Heart and Lung Disease 63 words
    15. c222W
    16. Toxic Dental Materials 72 words
    17. c222W
    18. Audible Blood Glucose Testing Equipment 63 words
    19. c222W
    20. Pharmaceutical Industry 177 words
    21. cc222-3W
    22. Overhead Powerlines 258 words
    23. c223W
    24. Prescription Drugs 198 words
    25. cc223-4W
    26. Asian Nurses 277 words
    27. c224W
    28. Food Supplements 91 words
    29. c224W
    30. Food Labelling 104 words
    31. cc224-5W
    32. Green Ministers 81 words
    33. c225W
    34. Breast Cancer Unit (Nottingham) 99 words
    35. cc225-6W
    36. Prostate/Testicular Cancer 482 words
    37. c226W
    38. Milk Tokens 113 words
    39. cc226-7W
    40. Nurses 430 words
    41. c227W
    42. Obstetric/Gynaecological Care 71 words
    43. cc227-8W
    44. Under-age Children (Medical Care) 118 words
    45. c228W
    46. Tobacco Advertising 175 words
    47. c228W
    48. NHS Prescriptions/Dental Treatment 96 words
    49. cc228-9W
    50. Bursaries (Nurses) 185 words
    51. c229W
    52. Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 133 words
    53. cc229-30W
    54. Breast Screening 396 words
    55. c230W
    56. Chiropodists 81 words
    57. cc230-1W
    58. Consultant Psychiatrists 506 words
    59. c231W
    60. Consultant Neurologists 158 words
    61. cc231-2W
    62. Alcoholics 126 words
    63. c232W
    64. Hospital Infections 84 words
    65. c232W
    66. Ice Lollies 103 words
    67. cc232-3W
    68. Regent GM Laboratories 140 words
    69. c233W
    70. Older People 203 words
    71. cc233-4W
    72. Flu Vaccine 298 words
    73. c234W
    74. Surveys 208 words
    75. cc234-5W
    76. Stroke Units 168 words
    77. cc235-6W
    78. Research Expenditure 384 words
    79. cc236-7W
    80. Out-patient Appointments 463 words
    81. c237W
    82. NHS Charter 122 words
    83. cc237-8W
    84. St. Leonard's Hospital, Dorset 118 words
    85. c238W
    86. Meat Hygiene Service 77 words
    1. c238W
    2. Teachers 209 words
    3. cc238-9W
    4. FE Student Funding 153 words
    5. c239W
    6. Curriculum and Staffing Survey 42 words
    7. c239W
    8. Ministerial Travel 57 words
    9. cc239-40W
    10. Student Support 577 words
    11. cc240-2W
    12. Child Care 1,019 words
    13. cc242-3W
    14. School Premises (Coventry) 780 words
    15. c243W
    16. Green Ministers 164 words
    17. cc243-4W
    18. Nursery Places 81 words
    19. cc244-5W
    20. Early Years Places (Chorley) 291 words
    21. cc245-7W
    22. Education Action Zones 1,204 words
    23. c247W
    24. School Governors 289 words
    25. cc247-9W
    26. Education (Bedfordshire) 715 words
    27. c249W
    28. GM Technology (Teaching Materials) 95 words
    29. cc249-50W
    30. School Places (Wandsworth) 103 words
    31. c250W
    32. Standard Spending Assessment 227 words
    33. cc250-1W
    34. Universities (Management) 155 words
    35. c251W
    36. Education Funding Strategy Group 64 words
    37. c251W
    38. Examinations 246 words
    39. cc251-2W
    40. School Transport 305 words
    41. cc252-5W
    42. Computers 1,211 words
    43. cc255-6W
    44. Special Educational Needs 74 words
    45. c256W
    46. Connexions Card 111 words
    1. cc256-7W
    2. Human Rights 217 words
    3. c257W
    4. Zimbabwe 220 words
    5. c257W
    6. EU-Israel Association Committee 83 words
    7. c257W
    8. Bermuda Regiment 41 words
    9. cc257-8W
    10. Pakistan 366 words
    11. cc258-9W
    12. Brigadier Stephen Saunders 115 words
    13. c259W
    14. Spoliation 107 words
    15. c259W
    16. Botswana 126 words
    17. c259W
    18. Namibia 68 words
    19. cc259-60W
    20. Egypt 227 words
    21. c260W
    22. Kashmir 97 words
    23. cc260-1W
    24. Middle East 196 words
    25. c261W
    26. Aung San Suu Kyi 114 words
    27. c261W
    28. Afghanistan 111 words
    29. c261W
    30. Corporate Risk International 46 words
    31. c261W
    32. Green Ministers 75 words
    33. cc261-2W
    34. Institute of Export 219 words
    35. c262W
    36. Ministerial Duties 80 words
    1. c262W
    2. Women in Science 110 words
    3. cc262-3W
    4. Marconi 61 words
    5. c263W
    6. Data Protection Act 89 words
    7. c263W
    8. Transco 115 words
    9. c263W
    10. Bank Holidays 50 words
    11. cc263-4W
    12. Electricity Generation 433 words
    13. cc264-6W
    14. Energy Policy 1,049 words
    15. cc266-7W
    16. Foot and Mouth 102 words
    17. c267W
    18. Enterprise Grants 123 words
    19. c267W
    20. Post Office 84 words
    21. c267W
    22. Royal Mail 71 words
    23. cc267-8W
    24. End of Life Vehicle Directive 126 words
    25. c268W
    26. Private Finance Initiative 95 words
    27. c268W
    28. Appointments 91 words
    29. c268W
    30. Work-related Illnesses (Legal Costs) 85 words
    31. cc268-9W
    32. Chemical and Man-made Fibre Industries 326 words
    33. cc269-70W
    34. Enterprise Scholarship Scheme 224 words
    35. c270W
    36. Nuclear Material (Russia) 131 words
    37. c270W
    38. National Weights and Measures Laboratory 252 words
    39. cc270-1W
    40. University Employment Tribunals 57 words
    41. c271W
    42. Seeboard 168 words
    43. c271W
    44. Ministerial Duties 77 words
    45. cc271-2W
    46. Dounreay 181 words
    47. c272W
    48. Institute of Export 110 words
    49. c272W
    50. Green Ministers 60 words
    51. c272W
    52. Research Council (Luxembourg) 230 words
    53. cc272-3W
    54. Energy Efficiency Commitment 102 words
    1. c273W
    2. Passport Agency 53 words
    3. c273W
    4. Immigration and Nationality Directorate 150 words
    5. cc273-4W
    6. Electoral Registers 70 words
    7. c274W
    8. Airwave Radio System 143 words
    9. c274W
    10. Chief Constable (Sussex Constabulary) 123 words
    11. cc274-5W
    12. Police Custody Units 215 words
    13. cc275-7W
    14. Immigration 1,025 words
    15. c277W
    16. Murdered Children 46 words
    17. cc277-8W
    18. Criminal Proceeds 187 words
    19. c278W
    20. Petty Crime 308 words
    21. cc278-80W
    22. Hertfordshire Police 474 words
    23. c280W
    24. Green Ministers 90 words
    25. c280W
    26. Speed Cameras (Lancashire) 72 words
    27. c280W
    28. Security Industry Authority 121 words
    29. cc280-2W
    30. Asylum Seekers 807 words
    31. cc282-3W
    32. Uniformed Police Patrols 516 words
    33. cc283-5W
    34. Drugs (Medicinal Uses) 531 words
    35. c285W
    36. Child Pornography (Young Offenders) 263 words
    37. cc285-6W
    38. Norwich Prison 325 words
    39. c286W
    40. Criminal Justice and Police Act 118 words
    41. cc286-7W
    42. Asylum Appeals 164 words
    43. c287W
    44. Antisocial Behaviour Orders 133 words
    45. cc287-8W
    46. Income Support 238 words
    1. c288W
    2. Freedom of Information 219 words
    3. c288W
    4. 1911 Decennial Census 94 words
    5. cc288-9W
    6. Constitutional Arrangements 44 words
    1. c289W
    2. Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science 61 words
    3. c289W
    4. Joint Nature Conservation Committee 76 words
    5. c289W
    6. Pesticides Safety Directorate 51 words
    7. cc289-90W
    8. Flooding (Vale of York) 283 words
    9. cc290-1W
    10. Infected Foodstuffs 335 words
    11. c291W
    12. Fly Tipping 163 words
    13. c291W
    14. BNFL 225 words
    15. cc291-2W
    16. Sellafield 231 words
    17. c292W
    18. Abandoned Vehicles 106 words
    19. cc292-3W
    20. Pitsea Tip 430 words
    21. c293W
    22. National Parks 82 words
    23. cc293-5W
    24. Waste Disposal Site (Derbyshire) 835 words
    25. c295W
    26. White Goods (Recycling) 110 words
    27. cc295-6W
    28. Recycling 188 words
    29. cc296-7W
    30. Energy Efficiency 446 words
    31. c297W
    32. Ministerial Duties 66 words
    33. c297W
    34. Foot and Mouth 274 words
    1. cc297-8W
    2. Stakeholder Pensions 70 words
    3. c298W
    4. Benefit Fraud (Brent) 308 words
    5. cc298-300W
    6. Incapacity Benefit 1,214 words
    7. c300W
    8. New Deal 73 words
    9. cc300-1W
    10. Green Ministers 165 words
    11. c301W
    12. Pensioners 85 words
    13. c301W
    14. Invalid Care Allowance 112 words
    15. cc301-2W
    16. Disability Benefits 92 words
    17. c302W
    18. Child Support Agency 190 words
    19. c302W
    20. Ministerial Duties 77 words
    21. c302W
    22. Minimum Income Guarantee (Leigh) 69 words
    23. cc302-3W
    24. Income Support 239 words
    1. cc303-4W
    2. Local Government 250 words
    3. c304W
    4. Ministerial Duties 73 words
    5. c304W
    6. Work Permits 75 words
    7. c304W
    8. Departmental Units 77 words
    9. cc304-5W
    10. Green Ministers 159 words
    11. cc305-6W
    12. Electronic Communications 90 words
    13. c306W
    14. E-Government 55 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 18 July 2001 Series 5 Vol. 626

  1. Radon 198 words
  2. Pesticides Safety Directorate: Annual Report 46 words
  3. Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000: Implementation 1,053 words
  4. Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science 183 words
  5. Joint Nature Conservation Committee: Consultation 71 words
  6. War Disablement Pension Claims 131 words
  7. War Pensions Scheme and Disabled Living Allowances: Award Criteria 118 words
  8. French and German Teaching in Public Sector Schools 196 words
  9. BBC World Service: Grant-in-Aid 148 words
  10. BBC Short-wave Services 112 words
  11. Foot and Mouth Disease: Local Authority Costs 438 words
  12. London Underground: Air Conditioning 242 words
  13. London Underground: Rolling Stock Replacement 131 words
  14. Trans-European High Speed Rail System: Interoperability Directive 92 words
  15. Drivers and Cannabis 142 words
  16. Department of Health Regional Structure 201 words
  17. Nursing Homes: Free Nursing Care 157 words
  18. Meat Hygiene Service: Annual Report 75 words