HC Deb 18 July 2001 vol 372 c250W
Tony Wright

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) what the SSA per primary and secondary pupil is for(a) Staffordshire and (b) Hertfordshire; [4549]

(2) what the percentage variation was of (a) Staffordshire and (b) Hertfordshire from the shire county average in terms of SSA per primary pupil and secondary pupil in (i) 1992–93 and (ii) 2001–02. [4550]

Mr. Timms

The table shows for 1998–99 and 2001–02 the Education SSA per primary and secondary school for Staffordshire and Hertfordshire and compares them with the shire county average. It is not possible to produce comparable figures for 1992–93, because of local government re-organisation, which was completed on 1 April 1998.

Standard spending assessments (SSAs) in cash terms
Staffordshire Hertfordshire Shire county average
Primary (£) 2,040 2,260 2,150
Percentage variation from shire county average -5.1 +5.1
Secondary (£) 2,650 2,930 2.790
Percentage variation -5.0 +5.0
Primary (£) 2,330 2,610 2,460
Percentage variation -5.3 +6.1
Secondary (£) 3,000 3,330 3,160
Percentage variation -5.1 +5.4