- European Union 264 words
- Council of Foreign Ministers 75 words
- Space and Anti-ballistic Missiles (Soviet Research) 128 words
- Mr. Raoul Wallenberg 77 words
- Italy 49 words
- Sri Lanka 249 words
- Chemical Weapons Talks (Geneva) 92 words
- European Council of Ministers (Majority Voting) 107 words
- BBC External Services 68 words
- Gulf Oil Installations (Angola) 72 words
- Hong Kong 106 words
- South Africa 163 words
- Chile 165 words
- Mr. Ahmed Waled Rajab 224 words
- El Salvador 91 words
- Falkland Islands 346 words
- Mexico 108 words
- European Community Budgetary Procedure 64 words
- Nicaragua 48 words
- Central America 209 words
- Argentina (British Citizens) 89 words
- Lebanon 98 words
- Arms Control Talks (Vienna) 268 words
- Cyprus 91 words
- Middle East 625 words
- Strategic Defence Initiative 76 words
- Namibia 198 words
- EC (Foreign Policy) 229 words
- Former Public Employees (Rhodesia) 136 words
- soviet Foreign Minister 40 words
- Contadora Process 85 words
- EC Budget 40 words
- Diplomatic Immunity 49 words
- Anglo-Chinese Relations 123 words
- NATO-WEU (Co-operation) 62 words
- EC Staffing 180 words
- Council of Ministers 119 words
- EC (Decision-making) 154 words
- Non-Proliferation Treaty 227 words
- International Debt 107 words
- EUREKA Project 117 words
- Drug Smuggling 110 words
- Namibia (Members' Visit) 101 words
- Israel (Military Equipment) 74 words
- Indonesia 64 words
- Guatemala 81 words
- European Commission 119 words