Written Answers (Commons) of 24 March 2003 Series 6 Vol. 402

    1. c1W
    2. Coastal Erosion 69 words
    3. c1W
    4. Departmental Annual Report 48 words
    5. cc1-2W
    6. Eco-labelling 525 words
    7. cc2-3W
    8. Eggs (Compulsory Marking) 396 words
    9. cc3-4W
    10. Fisheries 340 words
    11. c4W
    12. GM Crops 131 words
    13. c4W
    14. Horse Welfare 191 words
    15. cc4-5W
    16. Illegal Imports 385 words
    17. cc5-6W
    18. National Parks 266 words
    19. c6W
    20. Procurement Contracts 83 words
    21. cc6-7W
    22. Rural Poverty (Wiltshire) 329 words
    1. c7W
    2. Media Interviews 66 words
    3. c7W
    4. Balance Sheets 53 words
    5. c7W
    6. Biological/Chemical Warfare 72 words
    7. cc7-8W
    8. Canister Incident (Hurst) 163 words
    9. c8W
    10. Defence Finance 284 words
    11. cc8-10W
    12. European Defence Co-operation 626 words
    13. c10W
    14. Gibraltar 403 words
    15. cc10-1W
    16. Guided Bombs 98 words
    17. c11W
    18. Gulf Forces 98 words
    19. c11W
    20. Humanitarian Relief 219 words
    21. cc11-2W
    22. Insurance Schemes 223 words
    23. cc12-3W
    24. Interdepartmental Fund Transfers 254 words
    25. c13W
    26. Iraq 65 words
    27. c13W
    28. Javelin 48 words
    29. cc13-4W
    30. Military Contracts 414 words
    31. cc14-5W
    32. Military Training 316 words
    33. cc15-6W
    34. Online Sales/Purchases 466 words
    35. cc16-7W
    36. Operation Desert Fox 634 words
    37. cc17-8W
    38. Operational Deployments 107 words
    39. c18W
    40. Public Private Partnerships 183 words
    41. c18W
    42. RAF Fairford 196 words
    43. cc18-9W
    44. RAF Stanbridge 61 words
    45. c19W
    46. Satellite Centre 108 words
    47. c19W
    48. Search and Rescue 91 words
    49. cc19-20W
    50. Stimulants 300 words
    51. c20W
    52. Tri-service Soldier Programme 42 words
    53. c20W
    54. South Korea 51 words
    1. c20W
    2. British Transport Police 115 words
    3. cc20-1W
    4. House of Commons (Legal Advice) 141 words
    5. c21W
    6. Iraq 222 words
    1. c21W
    2. Crime Reduction 89 words
    3. cc21-2W
    4. Land (Illegal Occupation) 127 words
    5. c22W
    6. Neighbourhood Wardens 50 words
    7. c22W
    8. Sex Trade 74 words
    9. c22W
    10. Police Numbers 89 words
    11. cc22-3W
    12. Sentencing Guidance Council 74 words
    13. c23W
    14. Prison Capacity 37 words
    15. c23W
    16. Antisocial Behaviour 83 words
    17. c23W
    18. Appeals 301 words
    19. cc23-4W
    20. Asylum Seekers 71 words
    21. c24W
    22. Criminal Justice IT Systems 249 words
    23. c24W
    24. Emergency Planning 96 words
    25. cc24-5W
    26. Victims' Personal Statements 86 words
    1. c25W
    2. Climate Change Levy 155 words
    3. cc25-7W
    4. Competitiveness Council 985 words
    5. c27W
    6. Departmental Website 108 words
    7. cc27-8W
    8. Energy Production 345 words
    9. cc28-9W
    10. EU Enlargement 115 words
    11. c29W
    12. Fireworks Bill 67 words
    13. c29W
    14. Genetically Engineered Animals 167 words
    15. c29W
    16. Globalisation 151 words
    17. cc29-30W
    18. Insolvency 84 words
    19. c30W
    20. New Energy Technologies 275 words
    21. cc30-1W
    22. Office of Fair Trading 135 words
    23. c31W
    24. Post Office Card Accounts 130 words
    25. c31W
    26. Pricing Policies 31 words
    27. cc31-2W
    28. Renewable Energy 509 words
    29. cc32-3W
    30. Supplier Selection (Environmental Criteria) 224 words
    31. c33W
    32. Timber Imports (Liberia) 84 words
    33. cc33-7W
    34. Trading Standards Departments 1,636 words
    1. c37W
    2. Level 2 and 3 Qualifications 253 words
    3. cc37-8W
    4. Academic Staff Morale 337 words
    5. cc38-9W
    6. Bullying 412 words
    7. c39W
    8. Business Forms 84 words
    9. cc39-40W
    10. Business Partnerships 221 words
    11. cc40-1W
    12. Child Care 415 words
    13. c41W
    14. Dyslexic Children 380 words
    15. cc41-2W
    16. Education Spending 70 words
    17. c42W
    18. Further Education Colleges 90 words
    19. c42W
    20. Higher Education 312 words
    21. cc42-3W
    22. Internal Flights (Ministers) 140 words
    23. c43W
    24. Maintained Nurseries 161 words
    25. c43W
    26. Secondary Schools 125 words
    27. cc43-4W
    28. Sure Start 297 words
    29. c44W
    30. Teacher Recruitment (Havering) 129 words
    31. cc44-6W
    32. Tuition Fees 629 words
    33. c46W
    34. Youth Inclusion Programme Areas 104 words
    1. c46W
    2. Age Discrimination 45 words
    3. c46W
    4. Care Services (Complaints) 155 words
    5. cc46-7W
    6. Financial Priorities 343 words
    7. c47W
    8. Further Education 68 words
    9. cc47-8W
    10. Higher Education 120 words
    11. c48W
    12. Hillsborough Talks 59 words
    13. c48W
    14. Hospitality 164 words
    15. cc48-50W
    16. Industrial Action/Illness 458 words
    17. c50W
    18. Insurance Premium Increases 88 words
    19. c50W
    20. Link Funding 295 words
    21. cc50-1W
    22. Midwives 76 words
    23. c51W
    24. Soccer 185 words
    25. c51W
    26. Student Debt 101 words
    27. cc51-2W
    28. Terrorism 128 words
    29. cc52-3W
    30. Vehicle Fleets 490 words
    1. c53W
    2. Child Obesity 134 words
    3. c53W
    4. National Lottery 157 words
    5. cc53-4W
    6. Youth Sports 239 words
    1. c54W
    2. Radars 63 words
    3. cc54-5W
    4. Air Safety 253 words
    5. cc55-6W
    6. Award Schemes 399 words
    7. c56W
    8. Consultation Exercise 95 words
    9. c56W
    10. Crewe-Kidsgrove Rail Route 85 words
    11. cc56-7W
    12. Dartford Crossing (Tolls) 317 words
    13. c57W
    14. First Great Western 76 words
    15. c57W
    16. M6 59 words
    17. cc57-8W
    18. Railways 270 words
    19. c58W
    20. Scotland 123 words
    21. c58W
    22. Trams 76 words
    1. c59W
    2. MRSA 246 words
    3. c59W
    4. Unemployment (Inverness, East, Nairn and Lochaber) 194 words
    5. cc59-60W
    6. Civil Service Travel 78 words
    7. c60W
    8. Computer Misuse 126 words
    9. c60W
    10. Departmental Invoices 120 words
    11. c60W
    12. Departmental Website 63 words
    13. cc60-1W
    14. Entertainment Expenditure 219 words
    15. c61W
    16. Euro 101 words
    17. c61W
    18. Financial Sector Green Paper 82 words
    19. cc61-2W
    20. Financial Services Authority 48 words
    21. c62W
    22. Inland Revenue 171 words
    23. c62W
    24. Low Incomes (Leigh) 181 words
    25. cc62-3W
    26. Pensions 162 words
    27. c63W
    28. Saving Gateway 115 words
    29. c63W
    30. Scotland 89 words
    31. c63W
    32. Second Homes 46 words
    33. cc63-4W
    34. Self-Employment 263 words
    35. cc64-5W
    36. Sustainable Timber Products 257 words
    37. c65W
    38. Tax Credits 111 words
    39. c65W
    40. Treasury Budgeting Guidance 60 words
    41. c65W
    42. Treasury Priorities 62 words
    43. cc65-6W
    44. Treasury Risks 73 words
    45. c66W
    46. Unemployment (Stoke-on-Trent) 153 words
    1. c66W
    2. Commonwealth Scholarships Commission 82 words
    3. cc66-7W
    4. GM Food 294 words
    5. cc67-9W
    6. Iraq 1,091 words
    1. cc69-70W
    2. Unemployment 104 words
    3. c70W
    4. Biological Research Centres 191 words
    5. c70W
    6. British Detainees (Guantanamo Bay) 149 words
    7. cc70-1W
    8. Consul General (Dubai) 85 words
    9. c71W
    10. Cyprus 39 words
    11. c71W
    12. Departmental Catering Services 95 words
    13. cc71-2W
    14. Iraq 371 words
    15. cc72-3W
    16. Malcolm Rennie and Brian Peters 556 words
    17. c73W
    18. North Korea 132 words
    19. cc73-4W
    20. Torture 254 words
    21. c74W
    22. UN Resolutions 110 words
    1. cc74-5W
    2. Firefighters' Dispute 59 words
    3. c75W
    4. Ministerial Meetings 89 words
    5. c75W
    6. Pre-Budget Report 162 words
    7. c75W
    8. Scotch Whisky 84 words
    1. cc75-6W
    2. Civil Defence 200 words
    3. c76W
    4. Departmental Telephone Directory 78 words
  15. HEALTH
    1. c76W
    2. Ambulance Trusts 51 words
    3. cc76-7W
    4. Asthma 220 words
    5. c77W
    6. Long-term Care 148 words
    7. cc77-8W
    8. Pharmacies 184 words
    9. c78W
    10. Renal Units 155 words
    11. c78W
    12. Scoliosis 79 words
    13. c78W
    14. Smoke-free Public Places 95 words
    1. cc78-9W
    2. Environmental Policies 54 words
    3. c79W
    4. Iraq 72 words
    5. c79W
    6. Master of the Queen's Music 42 words
    7. cc79-80W
    8. Meetings (Northern Ireland) 50 words
    9. c80W
    10. Nuclear Weapons Technology and Capacity 88 words
    11. c80W
    12. Thames Gateway (Ministerial Committee) 92 words
    1. c81W
    2. Owner Occupation 237 words
    3. c81W
    4. Policy Action Teams 83 words
    5. cc81-2W
    6. Awards 371 words
    7. cc82-3W
    8. Commercial Leases 558 words
    9. c83W
    10. Communities Plan 121 words
    11. cc83-4W
    12. Entertainment 109 words
    13. c84W
    14. Home Ownership 334 words
    15. cc84-7W
    16. Local Government Finance 1,329 words
    17. c87W
    18. Ministerial Travel 72 words
    19. c87W
    20. New Deal for Communities 116 words
    21. cc87-91W
    22. Property Prices 1,537 words
    23. c91W
    24. Seaside and Country Homes Scheme 56 words
    25. c91W
    26. Social Exclusion Unit 81 words
    27. c91W
    28. Supporting People Partnership 130 words
    29. cc91-2W
    30. Tunbridge Wells and Kent Councils 321 words
    1. cc92-3W
    2. Bail Records 175 words
    3. cc93-5W
    4. External Reports 1,279 words
    5. cc95-7W
    6. IT Contracts 529 words
    7. cc97-8W
    8. Libra Project 253 words
    1. c98W
    2. Low-income Families 89 words
    3. cc98-9W
    4. Post Office Card Accounts 372 words
    5. c99W
    6. Automated Credit Transfer 92 words
    7. cc99-100W
    8. Benefit Fraud 361 words
    9. c100W
    10. Child Support 379 words
    11. c100W
    12. Departmental Staff Survey 42 words
    13. cc100-1W
    14. European Social Funding 110 words
    15. c101W
    16. Helpline Operators 684 words
    17. cc101-4W
    18. Housing Benefit (Rent Restrictions) 941 words
    19. cc104-5W
    20. Jobcentre Plus 850 words
    21. c105W
    22. Ministerial Travel 91 words
    23. cc105-6W
    24. National Insurance 524 words
    25. cc106-7W
    26. Parliamentary Questions 103 words
    27. cc107-9W
    28. Pensions 954 words
    29. c109W
    30. Pensioner Income 328 words
    31. cc109-10W
    32. Post Office Accessibility 209 words
    33. c110W
    34. Scotland 251 words
    35. cc110-2W
    36. Verification Frame work 119 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 24 March 2003 Series 5 Vol. 646

  1. China: Aid 243 words
  2. Cayman Islands Attorney-General 230 words
  3. Prisoners: Resettlement 1,032 words
  4. Corruption Bill 1,096 words
  5. Immigration Officers: Checking Validity of Passports 223 words
  6. OGC: Design of Public Buildings 241 words
  7. Pensions 987 words
  8. Indices of Deprivation 398 words
  9. Unitary Structures of Local Government 208 words
  10. US Customs: Airline Passenger Information 377 words
  11. Ram Doctrine 572 words
  12. Army Manpower Requirement 90 words
  13. Iraq: War Correspondents 104 words
  14. Brazil: Poultry Meat Imports to UK 151 words
  15. Brazil: UK Exports 93 words
  16. ESPHCA Council, 6 March 588 words
  17. University Admissions 72 words
  18. Calthorpe Clinic, Edgbaston 101 words
  19. Food Supplements 215 words
  20. Works of Art: Government Indemnity Scheme 86 words
  21. Northern Ireland: LMC Levy 543 words
  22. Intelligence Services Commissioner 94 words