Written Answers (Commons) of 1 July 2002 Series 6 Vol. 388

    1. c1W
    2. Medical/Dental Education 54 words
    3. cc1-2W
    4. Higher Education Students 299 words
    5. c2W
    6. Further Education 101 words
    7. c2W
    8. Higher Education Funding Council 140 words
    9. cc2-3W
    10. Capital Requirements (Higher and Further Education) 173 words
    11. c3W
    12. Fee-paying Students 191 words
    13. c3W
    14. Departmental Expenditure Limit 69 words
    15. cc3-4W
    16. Language Teaching 169 words
    17. c4W
    18. Examination Marking 195 words
    19. cc4-13W
    20. Teachers 5,580 words
    21. cc13-4W
    22. School Fire Safety 231 words
    23. cc14-5W
    24. Pupil:teacher Ratios (Suffolk) 190 words
    25. cc15-9W
    26. Education SSA 2,236 words
    27. c19W
    28. LearnDirect Plus 121 words
    29. cc19-20W
    30. Apprenticeships 135 words
    31. c20W
    32. Work Experience 169 words
    33. c20W
    34. St. Benedict's Catholic High School 82 words
    35. c20W
    36. Welsh A-level 99 words
    37. cc20-1W
    38. School Visits 198 words
    39. c21W
    40. Leonardo Da Vinci Programme 116 words
    41. c21W
    42. National Insurance 95 words
    43. cc21-2W
    44. Investors in People 83 words
    45. c22W
    46. Carlton House Terrace 60 words
    1. c22W
    2. Crown Prosecution Service 124 words
    3. cc22-3W
    4. Acquittals 395 words
    1. c23W
    2. Helicopter Equipment 110 words
    3. cc23-4W
    4. Housing 277 words
    5. cc24-6W
    6. Land Sales 785 words
    7. cc26-7W
    8. Armed Forces Exercises 371 words
    9. cc27-9W
    10. Medical Categories (Armed Forces) 995 words
    11. c29W
    12. Army (Recruitment) 91 words
    13. cc29-30W
    14. Wind Farms (Scotland) 115 words
    15. c30W
    16. Meteor BVRAAM Missile Programme 126 words
    17. c30W
    18. Chinook Helicopter 118 words
    19. c30W
    20. Annual Leave 52 words
    21. c30W
    22. Bell 412 Helicopter 56 words
    23. cc30-1W
    24. Invincible Class Ships 85 words
    25. c31W
    26. Defence Logistics Organisation 146 words
    27. cc31-3W
    28. Defence Export Services Organisation 768 words
    29. c33W
    30. Aircraft Carriers 151 words
    31. c33W
    32. HMS Talent 142 words
    33. cc33-4W
    34. Tanks 66 words
    35. c34W
    36. Defence Attaches 285 words
    37. cc34-5W
    38. Ministerial Visits 92 words
    39. c35W
    40. Defence Exhibitions 71 words
    41. c35W
    42. Project Aquatrine 240 words
    43. cc35-6W
    44. Colchester Garrison 61 words
    45. cc36-7W
    46. RAF Training 842 words
    47. c37W
    48. Afghanistan 76 words
    1. c38W
    2. Madagascar 78 words
    3. c38W
    4. European Parliamentary Investigations 273 words
    5. cc38-40W
    6. Gibraltar 618 words
    7. cc40-1W
    8. EU Events 329 words
    9. cc41-2W
    10. Visas 541 words
    11. cc42-3W
    12. East Timor 78 words
    13. c43W
    14. Western Sahara 413 words
    15. cc43-4W
    16. Zimbabwe 74 words
    17. c44W
    18. Correspondence 54 words
    19. c44W
    20. Chechnya 78 words
    21. c44W
    22. EU Applicants 144 words
    1. cc44-5W
    2. Countryside and Rights of Way Act 196 words
    3. c45W
    4. Private Veterinary Surgeons 69 words
    5. c45W
    6. Committee Mandates 201 words
    7. cc45-8W
    8. Animal Welfare 1,089 words
    9. c48W
    10. Staff Numbers 52 words
    11. cc48-50W
    12. Warm Front Scheme 1,028 words
    13. cc50-1W
    14. Bees 697 words
    15. cc51-2W
    16. Curry Report 142 words
    17. c52W
    18. Beef Exports 83 words
    19. cc52-5W
    20. Air Pollution 1,351 words
    21. c55W
    22. Environmental Performance (FTSE Companies) 115 words
    23. cc55-7W
    24. Environmental Information 852 words
    25. cc57-8W
    26. Food Contamination 130 words
    27. c58W
    28. Flood Risk 142 words
    29. cc58-9W
    30. Sheep Dip 355 words
    31. cc59-63W
    32. Fisheries 2,207 words
    33. cc63-4W
    34. GM Crops 727 words
    35. cc64-5W
    36. Agricultural Shows 156 words
    37. c65W
    38. Foot and Mouth 153 words
    39. cc65-6W
    40. Scrapie 115 words
    41. c66W
    42. Fallen Stock 248 words
    43. cc66-7W
    44. Grass 214 words
    45. cc67-8W
    46. Biomass Crops 660 words
    47. cc68-9W
    48. Agricultural Shows 220 words
    49. c69W
    50. Salmon 235 words
    51. cc69-71W
    52. EU Management Committees 682 words
    53. c71W
    54. Recycling 359 words
    55. cc71-3W
    56. Waste Paper Exporters 597 words
    57. c73W
    58. Greenhouse Gases 100 words
    59. cc73-4W
    60. Flora and Fauna 190 words
    61. c74W
    62. Kyoto Protocol 130 words
    63. c74W
    64. Biodiversity 207 words
    65. cc74-5W
    66. Sewage 263 words
    67. cc75-6W
    68. Egg Industry 241 words
    69. c76W
    70. Public Bodies 123 words
    71. c76W
    72. World Food Summit 82 words
    73. cc76-7W
    74. Contaminated Land 112 words
    75. c77W
    76. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy 69 words
  6. WALES
    1. c77W
    2. Oral Questions 26 words
    3. cc77-8W
    4. Correspondence 438 words
    5. c78W
    6. Advertising Campaigns 46 words
    7. c78W
    8. Entertainment Costs 48 words
    9. c78W
    10. Departmental Expenditure Limit 71 words
    1. c78W
    2. Hunting 87 words
    3. cc78-9W
    4. Special Advisers 82 words
    5. c79W
    6. Cabinet Sub-Committee of Green Ministers 59 words
    7. c79W
    8. Mr. Alastair Campbell 74 words
    9. c79W
    10. Balkans 158 words
    11. cc79-80W
    12. Dublin Convention 189 words
    13. c80W
    14. Departmental Responsibilities 46 words
    15. c80W
    16. Rail Journeys 79 words
    17. c80W
    18. Official Visits 62 words
    1. c81W
    2. Youth Unemployment 121 words
    3. c81W
    4. Carers 63 words
    5. c81W
    6. Disabled People 111 words
    7. cc81-2W
    8. Action Team for Jobs 110 words
    9. c82W
    10. Funded Pension Schemes 58 words
    11. c82W
    12. Jobseeker's Allowance 183 words
    13. c82W
    14. Employment Zones 117 words
    15. cc82-4W
    16. Private Pensions 580 words
    17. cc84-5W
    18. Jobcentre Plus 400 words
    19. c85W
    20. Final Salary Pensions 230 words
    21. c85W
    22. Biometric Benefit Entitlement Cards 32 words
    23. cc85-6W
    24. Pension Service 358 words
    25. cc86-7W
    26. Workplace Training 241 words
    27. c87W
    28. Child Benefit 69 words
    29. c87W
    30. New Deal 50 Plus 148 words
    31. cc87-8W
    32. Pensions 363 words
    33. cc88-90W
    34. Benefit Fraud/Error 954 words
    35. cc90-1W
    36. Departmental Helplines 601 words
    37. c91W
    38. Child Poverty 110 words
    39. cc91-3W
    40. Computers 353 words
    41. c93W
    42. Child Support 74 words
    43. cc93-4W
    44. Antisocial Tenants 135 words
    45. c94W
    46. Verification Framework 141 words
    47. cc94-5W
    48. Basic State Pension 413 words
    49. c95W
    50. Alignment Payments 268 words
    51. cc95-6W
    52. Carers Allowance 210 words
    53. cc96-7W
    54. Disability Living Allowance 357 words
    55. c97W
    56. West Pilton Post Office 97 words
    57. c97W
    58. Lone Parents 112 words
    59. cc97-8W
    60. Criminal Offences 212 words
    61. c98W
    62. Benefits (Scotland) 64 words
    63. c98W
    64. National Insurance (Reduced Rate) 65 words
    65. c98W
    66. Widows and Widowers' Benefits 140 words
    1. c99W
    2. Ministerial Salaries 129 words
    3. c99W
    4. Advertising 135 words
    5. cc99-100W
    6. Transport Costs 288 words
    7. cc100-1W
    8. 10-year Plan 308 words
    9. c101W
    10. Correspondence (Wales) 43 words
    11. c101W
    12. Noise Mitigation (Biggleswade) 196 words
    13. c101W
    14. Special Needs Transport 134 words
    15. cc101-2W
    16. Safety Risk Assessments 199 words
    17. c102W
    18. Learning to Drive 56 words
    19. c102W
    20. Vehicle Registration 90 words
    21. c102W
    22. Sangatte Refugee Camp 102 words
    23. cc102-3W
    24. Railways (Financial Support) 143 words
    25. c103W
    26. Bradford Forster Square to King's Cross Service 89 words
    27. c103W
    28. Public Transport (Safety) 52 words
    29. c103W
    30. Coastguard Helicopter Services 71 words
    31. cc103-4W
    32. Iwade-Queenborough A249 44 words
    33. c104W
    34. Road Tax 84 words
    35. c104W
    36. Bus Fuel Duty Rebate 152 words
    37. c104W
    38. Urban Bus Challenge Fund 113 words
    39. c104W
    40. Bus Punctuality 55 words
    41. cc104-5W
    42. Road and Rail Intersections 135 words
    43. cc105-7W
    44. Road Studies 565 words
    45. c107W
    46. Buses 285 words
    47. cc107-8W
    48. Road Safety 263 words
    49. cc108-9W
    50. Roads (North-West) 492 words
    51. cc109-10W
    52. Roads 219 words
    53. cc110-1W
    54. Speed Limits 165 words
    55. c111W
    56. "Walking in Towns and Cities" 113 words
    57. c111W
    58. Railtrack 106 words
    59. cc111-2W
    60. Railway Byelaws 197 words
    61. c112W
    62. Strategic Rail Authority 75 words
    63. c112W
    64. Potters Bar Rail Crash 112 words
    65. c112W
    66. Rail Freight 62 words
    67. c112W
    68. Reading Station 34 words
    69. cc112-3W
    70. Railways 114 words
    71. c113W
    72. Women's Refuges 360 words
    73. cc113-5W
    74. Performance Targets 615 words
    75. c115W
    76. British Transport Police 122 words
    77. c115W
    78. TREASURY Refrigerators 87 words
    79. c115W
    80. Financial Ombudsman 110 words
    81. cc115-6W
    82. State Pensions 84 words
    83. c116W
    84. Pensions Mis-selling 76 words
    85. c116W
    86. Spending Review 28 words
    87. c116W
    88. Regional Organisation 54 words
    89. cc116-9W
    90. OECD PISA Survey 1,766 words
    91. cc119-20W
    92. Pension Funds 132 words
    93. c120W
    94. PFI Contracts 54 words
    95. cc120-1W
    96. Demographic Change 524 words
    97. c121W
    98. Northern Ireland (Euro) 66 words
    99. c121W
    100. EU (Sustainable Convergence) 65 words
    101. c121W
    102. Correspondence 98 words
    103. cc121-2W
    104. EU Committees 102 words
    1. cc122-3W
    2. School Playing Fields 283 words
    3. cc123-4W
    4. Sport England 403 words
    5. cc124-5W
    6. Sport (West Cumbria) 671 words
    7. cc125-6W
    8. National Lottery 252 words
    9. c126W
    10. Select Committee Report 90 words
    1. cc126-7W
    2. Liabilities Management Authority 225 words
    3. c127W
    4. Energy Policy 102 words
    5. c127W
    6. Arms Exports 125 words
    7. cc127-8W
    8. Redundancy Payments 128 words
    9. c128W
    10. Heat Transfer Technology 152 words
    11. cc128-9W
    12. Export Finance (Energy Production) 497 words
    13. c129W
    14. Telephone Exchanges (Essex) 107 words
    15. cc129-30W
    16. Job Sharing 249 words
    17. c130W
    18. Nuclear Installations 73 words
    19. c130W
    20. Office for Civil Nuclear Security 294 words
    21. cc130-1W
    22. Public Holidays 128 words
    23. c131W
    24. Retail Sector (Start-up Assistance) 221 words
    25. c131W
    26. Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme 74 words
    27. cc131-2W
    28. Temporary Agency Workers 69 words
    29. c132W
    30. Nuclear Waste Storage (Dounreay) 37 words
    31. cc132-3W
    32. Committee Mandates 481 words
    33. c133W
    34. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 133 words
    35. cc133-4W
    36. Renewable Energy 361 words
    37. cc134-5W
    38. Insolvency Service 361 words
    1. cc135-6W
    2. Employment Statistics 880 words
    1. cc136-7W
    2. Terrorists 465 words
    3. c137W
    4. Evelyn Glenholmes 116 words
    5. cc137-8W
    6. Annual Leave 122 words
    7. c138W
    8. Members of Parliament (Personal Data) 89 words
    9. cc138-9W
    10. Police and Prison Officer Fatalities 263 words
    1. c139W
    2. Sudan 231 words
    3. c139W
    4. Uganda 74 words
    5. cc139-40W
    6. European Heads of Government Meeting 314 words
    7. c140W
    8. Arms Trade (Indian Sub-continent) 105 words
    9. cc140-1W
    10. Millennium Development Goals 245 words
    11. cc141-2W
    12. Development Partner Countries 445 words
    13. cc142-3W
    14. United Nations Development Programme 451 words
    15. cc143-4W
    16. Afghanistan 526 words
    17. c144W
    18. Food Shortage (Southern Africa) 50 words
    19. cc144-5W
    20. Cotonou Agreement 322 words
    21. cc145-7W
    22. EU Committees 672 words
    23. c147W
    24. Commission on Intellectual Property Rights 55 words
    25. cc147-8W
    26. Western Sahara 455 words
    27. c148W
    28. Poverty 109 words
  15. HEALTH
    1. cc148-9W
    2. Heroin 184 words
    3. c149W
    4. Multiple Sclerosis 229 words
    5. cc149-50W
    6. Acquired Brain Injury 438 words
    7. cc150-1W
    8. Head Injury 151 words
    9. cc151-2W
    10. Care Homes 624 words
    11. c152W
    12. NHS Cancer Plan 118 words
    13. cc152-3W
    14. Weight 400 words
    15. c153W
    16. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health 105 words
    17. cc153-4W
    18. Home-based Care 92 words
    19. c154W
    20. Chiropody 107 words
    21. c154W
    22. Asthma 211 words
    23. cc154-5W
    24. GPs 126 words
    25. c155W
    26. Herbal Remedies 271 words
    27. cc155-6W
    28. Mencap 196 words
    29. c156W
    30. Audiology Services 99 words
    31. c156W
    32. Health Action Zone (Cumbria) 152 words
    33. cc156-7W
    34. Private Finance Initiative (Bradford) 77 words
    35. cc157-8W
    36. Care Provision 1,184 words
    37. c158W
    38. Stroke 94 words
    39. cc158-65W
    40. Fostering 4,984 words
    41. c165W
    42. Private Medical Insurance 34 words
    43. c165W
    44. Health Checks (Over-75s) 114 words
    1. cc165-6W
    2. Re-offending 85 words
    3. c166W
    4. Asbestos 106 words
    5. c166W
    6. London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority 120 words
    7. cc166-7W
    8. Planning 564 words
    9. cc167-8W
    10. Wind Farms 105 words
    11. c168W
    12. Social Housing Grant 61 words
    13. cc168-9W
    14. Planning Green Paper 82 words
    15. c169W
    16. Regional Assemblies 238 words
    1. cc169-70W
    2. Child Abductions 326 words
    3. c170W
    4. Contact Centres 146 words
    5. c170W
    6. Annual Leave 153 words
    7. cc170-1W
    8. Entertainment Costs 39 words
    9. cc171-2W
    10. Road Traffic Accidents 585 words
    11. c172W
    12. Judicial Appointments 290 words
    13. cc172-3W
    14. Repossessed Homes 85 words
    15. c173W
    16. "Making Decisions" 182 words
    17. c173W
    18. Office for the Supervision of Solicitors 112 words
    19. cc173-4W
    20. Immigration Appellate Authority 359 words
    21. c174W
    22. Correspondence 64 words
    23. c174W
    24. Judges (Complaints) 77 words
    25. cc174-5W
    26. Statutory Instruments 177 words
    1. c175W
    2. Drugs 106 words
    3. c175W
    4. Custodial Sentences 45 words
    5. cc175-6W
    6. Louis Farrakhan 85 words
    7. c176W
    8. Ministerial Accommodation 244 words
    9. cc176-7W
    10. European Border Management 200 words
    11. c177W
    12. Conviction Rates 89 words
    13. c177W
    14. Domestic Violence 244 words
    15. cc177-8W
    16. Young Offenders 135 words
    17. c178W
    18. Criminal Justice System 173 words
    19. cc178-9W
    20. Correspondence 234 words
    21. c179W
    22. Royal Prerogative of Mercy 131 words
    23. cc179-81W
    24. Justice and Home Affairs Council 973 words
    25. cc181-2W
    26. Criminal Records Bureau 160 words
    27. c182W
    28. Work Permits 454 words
    29. cc182-3W
    30. Criminal Injuries Compensation 136 words
    31. c183W
    32. Hunting 148 words
    33. cc183-4W
    34. Crime Statistics 262 words
    35. c184W
    36. Dutch Somalians 154 words
    37. c184W
    38. Ethnic Minorities 126 words
    39. cc184-5W
    40. Antisocial Behaviour Orders 352 words
    41. cc185-6W
    42. Carrier Liability 164 words
    43. c186W
    44. Public Service Pensions 205 words
    45. c186W
    46. Criminal Records Checks 156 words
    47. cc186-7W
    48. DNA Samples 353 words
    49. c187W
    50. Asylum Seekers 153 words
    51. cc187-91W
    52. Police 1,549 words
    53. cc191-4W
    54. Prisons 1,632 words
    55. cc194-6W
    56. Police Authorities 466 words
    57. c196W
    58. Children in Care 55 words
    1. c196W
    2. Departmental Website 34 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 1 July 2002 Series 5 Vol. 637

  1. Prisoners: Resettlement 1,090 words
  2. Trafficking People 352 words
  3. Justice and Home Affairs Council, 13 and 14 June 1,001 words
  4. Single Currency 220 words
  5. Malawi 323 words
  6. IMF: Accountability 295 words
  7. RPIX 274 words
  8. Deaths of Privates Benton, James, Gray and Collinson 336 words
  9. Trafalgar 119 words
  10. RAF Human Centrifuge Contract: Environmental Tectonics Corporation 469 words
  11. Courts Martial 433 words
  12. ASTUTE Class Submarines 64 words
  13. Strategic Sealift Capability 191 words
  14. Radioactive Waste 144 words
  15. Small Farmers: EU Subsidy Scheme 103 words
  16. Casualty Watch Surveys 199 words
  17. Mixed Sex Wards 503 words
  18. Borderline Substances Advisory Committee 78 words
  19. Embryonic Stem Cell Research 172 words
  20. Government Documents: Availability to Peers 208 words
  21. Electoral Commission: Accountability 130 words