§ Angus RobertsonTo ask the Secretary of State for International Development when the EU Committee on implementation of the programme of assistance to promote the transition to a market economy and to strengthen democracy and the rule of law in the partner states of eastern Europe and central Asia (Tacis) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive have been members of it; and if she will make a statement. [64907]
§ Clare ShortThe next meeting of the Tacis Committee is scheduled for 24 July 2002.
Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scottish Act sets out areas of policy that are reserved, that is, where responsibility has not been devolved to the Scottish Executive. Section 7(1) of schedule 5 states:
International relations, including relations with territories outside the United Kingdom, the European Communities (and their institutions) and other international organisations, regulation of international trade, and international development assistance and co-operation are reserved matters".The United Kingdom is represented on the Tacis Committee by officials from my Department and by members of staff from the United Kingdom Permanent Representation to the European Union in Brussels.
§ Angus RobertsonTo ask the Secretary of State for International Development when the EU Committee on financial and technical assistance and economic cooperation with developing countries in Asia and Latin America is next due to meet, what the UK representation is on it, whether representatives of the Scottish Executive have been members of it; and if she will make a statement. [64906]
§ Clare ShortThe next meeting of the EU Committee on financial and technical assistance and economic co-operation with developing countries in Asia and Latin America (ALA) is scheduled for 18 July 2002.
Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scottish Act sets out areas of policy that are reserved, that is, where responsibility has not been devolved to the Scottish Executive. Section 7 (1) of Schedule 5 states:
International relations, including relations with territories outside the United Kingdom, the European Communities (and their institutions) and other international organisations, regulation of international trade, and international development assistance and co-operation are reserved matters.The United Kingdom is represented on the ALA Committee by officials from the Department for International Development.
§ Angus RobertsonTo ask the Secretary of State for International Development when the EU MED Committee (financial and technical cooperation between the Community and Mediterranean non-member countries) is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive have been members of it; and if she will make a statement. [64909]
§ Clare ShortThe next meeting of the EU MED Committee is scheduled for 17 July 2002.
Schedule 5 of the 1998 Scottish Act sets out areas of policy that are reserved, that is, where responsibility has not been devolved to the Scottish Executive. Section 7 (1) of Schedule 5 states:
International relations, including relations with territories outside the United Kingdom, the European Communities (and their institutions) and other international organisations, regulation of international trade, and international development assistance and co-operation are reserved matters.The United Kingdom is represented on the MED Committee by officials from the Department for International Development.
§ Angus RobertsonTo ask the Secretary of State for International Development when the EU Committee on aid for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is next due to meet; whether representatives of the Scottish Executive have been members of it; and if she will make a statement. [64908]
§ Clare ShortThe next meeting of the EU CARDS Committee on aid for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is scheduled for 24 October 2002.
147WSchedule 5 of the 1998 Scottish Act sets out areas of policy that are reserved, that is, where responsibility has not been devolved to the Scottish Executive. Section 7 (1) of Schedule 5 states:
International relations, including relations with territories outside the United Kingdom. the European Communities (and their institutions) and other international organisations, regulation of international trade, and international development assistance and co-operation are reserved matters.The United Kingdom is represented on the CARDS Committee by officials from the Department for International Development.