Commons Sitting of 28 February 2000 Series 6 Vol. 345

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
    1. c1
    2. DEATH OF A MEMBER 62 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. cc1-16
      1. cc1-3
      2. Social Exclusion 475 words
      3. cc3-5
      4. Television Licences 1,055 words
      5. cc5-6
      6. Art Exports 665 words
      7. cc6-8
      8. Millennium Dome 1,180 words
      9. cc8-9
      10. Lottery Grants 519 words
      11. cc9-11
      12. Millennium Dome 516 words
      13. c11
      14. Social Exclusion 277 words
      15. cc11-3
      16. Gender Balance (Sport) 809 words
      17. cc13-4
      18. Art Collections 399 words
      19. cc14-5
      20. Dance 522 words
      21. c15
      22. Green Spaces Initiative 256 words
      23. cc15-6
      24. Rugby League World Cup 197 words
      1. c16
      2. Churches (Theft) 347 words
      3. cc16-8
      4. Redundant Churches 517 words
      1. cc18-20
      2. National Audit Office 823 words
  5. Mozambique 5,622 words
  6. c32
  7. Business of the House 424 words
  8. c32
  10. cc33-126
  11. Defence White Paper 52,357 words, 3 divisions
  12. cc127-30
  13. Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 2,003 words, 1 division
  14. cc131-6
  15. Parking (Disabled People) 3,239 words

Written Answers (Commons) of 28 February 2000 Series 6 Vol. 345

    1. cc1-2W
    2. Rathgael School 441 words
    1. c2W
    2. Recycling 215 words
    1. cc2-3W
    2. A3 (Hindhead) 225 words
    3. cc3-4W
    4. Pollution (Yeovil) 517 words
    5. c4W
    6. Public Transport (Rural Areas) 268 words
    7. cc4-5W
    8. Departmental Staff 109 words
    9. c5W
    10. Road Accidents 50 words
    11. c5W
    12. London Underground 90 words
    13. cc5-6W
    14. Thames Water 363 words
    15. c6W
    16. Recycling 102 words
    17. c6W
    18. Rail Connections (Electrification) 179 words
    19. cc6-7W
    20. Aircraft Altitude (Heathrow Approach) 202 words
    21. cc7-8W
    22. Precautionary Principle 527 words
    23. c8W
    24. Housing 157 words
    25. cc8-9W
    26. Birmingham Northern Relief Road 262 words
    27. c9W
    28. M25 139 words
    29. cc9-10W
    30. Funding Inequalities (Education) 106 words
    31. c10W
    32. Heavy Goods Transport 81 words
    33. c10W
    34. Serco 181 words
    35. cc10-1W
    36. Eurostar 75 words
    37. c11W
    38. Non-domestic Rates (Consultation) 372 words
    39. cc11-2W
    40. West Sussex Coastal Strip 200 words
    41. c12W
    42. Virgin Trains 139 words
    43. c12W
    44. Uniform Business Rate 109 words
    45. cc12-3W
    46. Council Tax 47 words
    47. c13W
    48. Peat Compost 135 words
    49. c13W
    50. Local Deprivation 54 words
    51. cc13-4W
    52. Erica Oil Spill 194 words
    53. c14W
    54. Rural Bus Subsidy Grant 104 words
    1. cc14-5W
    2. Research Contracts 491 words
    3. c15W
    4. Fur Farms 168 words
    5. cc15-6W
    6. Meetings 170 words
    7. c16W
    8. GM Crops 191 words
    9. c16W
    10. Correspondence 53 words
    11. cc16-7W
    12. Diversification 112 words
    13. c17W
    14. Recycling 167 words
    15. c17W
    16. Subsidies (Shropshire) 200 words
    17. cc17-8W
    18. Marine Animal Bycatch 293 words
    19. cc18-9W
    20. Farms (Shrewsbury and Atcham) 418 words
    21. c19W
    22. Broiler Chickens 129 words
    23. cc19-20W
    24. Peat Compost 159 words
    25. c20W
    26. Departmental Staff 82 words
    27. c20W
    28. Water Quality 64 words
    29. c20W
    30. Farm Incomes 58 words
    31. cc20-1W
    32. Meat Industry 444 words
    33. cc21-2W
    34. Paper and Timber Products 235 words
    35. c22W
    36. Remploy 48 words
    37. c22W
    38. Agricultural Development Scheme 56 words
    39. cc22-3W
    40. Austria (Bilateral Meetings) 328 words
    41. c23W
    42. Animal Slaughter 100 words
    43. c23W
    44. Gardening Leave 43 words
    45. cc23-4W
    46. Chicken Imports (Thailand) 371 words
    47. cc24-5W
    48. Pig Industry (EU Aid) 177 words
    49. c25W
    50. Farmer Suicides 151 words
    51. c25W
    52. Livestock Imports (BSE and TB) 157 words
    53. cc25-6W
    54. Beef on the Bone 74 words
    55. c26W
    56. Live Animal Exports 84 words
    57. c26W
    58. Peat 86 words
    59. c26W
    60. Ministerial Meetings 55 words
    1. c26W
    2. Property Management Market Test 66 words
    3. cc26-7W
    4. RAF 253 words
    5. cc27-8W
    6. Departmental Staff 564 words
    7. cc28-30W
    8. Collaborative Programme (USA) 474 words
    9. c30W
    10. TRACER 437 words
    11. cc30-1W
    12. Weapons Contracts 59 words
    13. c31W
    14. A400M Programme 396 words
    15. cc31-2W
    16. Cancelled Exercises 104 words
    17. c32W
    18. Ammunition 83 words
    19. c32W
    20. Staff Targets and Requirements 37 words
    21. c32W
    22. Indonesia (Arms Exports) 75 words
    23. cc32-3W
    24. Nancekuke 346 words
    25. c33W
    26. Defence Capability 216 words
    27. cc33-4W
    28. Nuclear Test Veterans 237 words
    29. c34W
    30. Chinook Crash (Mull of Kintyre) 169 words
    31. cc34-5W
    32. Through-deck Carriers 96 words
    33. c35W
    34. DERA 93 words
    35. c35W
    36. Departmental Functions (Food) 82 words
    37. c35W
    38. Defence Exports 115 words
    39. c35W
    40. Parliamentary Questions 84 words
    41. cc35-6W
    42. Contractors 125 words
    43. c36W
    44. Communications Equipment (Balkans) 133 words
    45. c36W
    46. Cluster Bombs 111 words
    47. cc36-7W
    48. Recycling 60 words
    49. c37W
    50. RAF Accidents 254 words
    51. c37W
    52. Boarding School Allowance 162 words
    53. cc37-8W
    54. Equipment 111 words
    55. c38W
    56. Trident 78 words
    57. c38W
    58. Low Flying Training 29 words
  6. WALES
    1. c38W
    2. Recycling 129 words
    3. cc38-9W
    4. Child Abusers 60 words
    5. c39W
    6. Traffic Flow (Shotwick) 88 words
    7. c39W
    8. Departmental Functions (Food) 75 words
    9. c39W
    10. Central Government Expenditure 51 words
    11. c39W
    12. Objective 1 Funding 50 words
    13. cc39-40W
    14. Advertising Budget 54 words
    15. c40W
    16. Health Authority Funding 204 words
    17. cc40-1W
    18. Sub-post Offices 237 words
    19. c41W
    20. Rateable Values 75 words
    21. c41W
    22. Research Contracts 71 words
    23. c41W
    24. New Deal 91 words
    25. c41W
    26. Theatre in Education 55 words
    1. cc41-2W
    2. Child Contact Court Orders 117 words
    3. c42W
    4. Family Courts 144 words
    5. c42W
    6. Public Interest Immunity Certificates 49 words
    7. cc42-3W
    8. National Insurance Commissioners 187 words
    9. cc43-4W
    10. Ministerial Visits 752 words
    1. c44W
    2. HOC Commission Meetings 109 words
    1. c45W
    2. Ilisu Dam 420 words
    3. cc45-6W
    4. Minimum Wage 150 words
    5. cc46-7W
    6. Arms Brokering 368 words
    7. c47W
    8. Shareholders 175 words
    9. c47W
    10. British Coal Pensions 95 words
    11. c47W
    12. Supermarkets 88 words
    13. cc47-8W
    14. Wages Councils 50 words
    15. c48W
    16. Low Pay Commission 110 words
    17. c48W
    18. Miners Pension Scheme 208 words
    19. cc48-9W
    20. Broadcasting 87 words
    21. c49W
    22. Export Credits Guarantee Department 454 words
    23. cc49-50W
    24. Renewable Energy 82 words
    25. c50W
    26. International Price Comparisons 138 words
    27. c50W
    28. Austria 118 words
    29. cc50-1W
    30. North Sea Oilfield 211 words
    31. c51W
    32. End of Life Vehicles 63 words
    33. c51W
    34. Offshore Wind Power 112 words
    35. cc51-2W
    36. MOX Shipments 235 words
    37. c52W
    38. WTO 140 words
    39. cc52-7W
    40. Departmental Staff 2,576 words
    41. cc57-8W
    42. ACT 91 words
    43. c58W
    44. Charter of Pardon 82 words
  10. HEALTH
    1. c58W
    2. Volunteering 61 words
    3. cc58-60W
    4. Dental Services 801 words
    5. c60W
    6. Children (Physical Punishment) 85 words
    7. cc60-1W
    8. Lancashire County Council 197 words
    9. c61W
    10. NHS Direct 979 words
    11. cc61-3W
    12. Primary Care Groups 645 words
    13. cc63-5W
    14. PFI Projects 752 words
    15. cc65-8W
    16. Health Authority Funding 1,567 words
    17. cc68-9W
    18. Infertility Treatment 74 words
    19. c69W
    20. Hearing Equipment 107 words
    21. c69W
    22. Tooth Whitening Products 69 words
    23. cc69-70W
    24. NHS Professional Staff 237 words
    25. c70W
    26. Cancelled Operations 167 words
    27. c70W
    28. Amputations 97 words
    29. cc70-1W
    30. Rickets and TB 393 words
    31. cc71-2W
    32. NHS Trusts (Shropshire) 410 words
    33. c72W
    34. Waiting Lists (Durham) 176 words
    35. cc72-3W
    36. Learning Disabilities 148 words
    37. c73W
    38. Assaults (NHS Staff and Social Workers) 286 words
    39. c73W
    40. Stoma Services 44 words
    41. cc73-4W
    42. Elderly and Disabled People (Rural Areas) 200 words
    43. c74W
    44. London Ambulance Service 93 words
    45. c74W
    46. Chiropody Services (East Staffordshire) 73 words
    47. c74W
    48. Carers 60 words
    49. cc74-5W
    50. Digital Hearing Aids 67 words
    51. c75W
    52. Blood Transfusion 161 words
    53. cc75-6W
    54. Mental Health 326 words
    55. c76W
    56. East Midlands Ambulance Service 112 words
    57. c76W
    58. Crown Report 46 words
    59. c76W
    60. Influenza 109 words
    61. c76W
    62. GP Appointments 37 words
    63. cc76-7W
    64. Compensation Payments 113 words
    65. c77W
    66. Epilepsy 27 words
    67. cc77-8W
    68. Hospital Beds 292 words
    69. c78W
    70. Dental Amalgams 368 words
    71. cc78-9W
    72. Health Service Expenditure (Wakefield) 157 words
    73. c79W
    74. MMR Vaccine 219 words
    75. cc79-80W
    76. Health Spending 168 words
    77. c80W
    78. Long-term Illness 169 words
    79. c80W
    80. Artificial Limbs and Wheelchairs 73 words
    1. c80W
    2. Alternative Service Book 69 words
    3. cc80-1W
    4. Ethical Investment 88 words
    5. c81W
    6. New Deal 88 words
    7. c81W
    8. Retired Clergy 82 words
    9. cc81-2W
    10. Church Repairs 176 words
    11. c82W
    12. Clergy Stipends 299 words
    1. cc82-3W
    2. Football Task Force 82 words
    3. cc83-9W
    4. Millennium Dome 2,698 words
    5. cc89-91W
    6. New Millennium Experience Company 834 words
    7. c91W
    8. Lottery (Unclaimed Prizes) 66 words
    9. c91W
    10. Jazz 69 words
    11. c91W
    12. Arts Council 80 words
    13. c91W
    14. Heritage Lottery Fund 51 words
    15. cc91-2W
    16. Free Television Licences 253 words
    17. c92W
    18. Lottery (Sports Safety) 106 words
    19. c92W
    20. National Foundation for Youth Music 136 words
    21. cc92-3W
    22. National Lottery Distribution Fund 225 words
    23. cc93-5W
    24. Nazi Art Thefts 744 words
    25. c95W
    26. Austria (Bilateral Meetings) 322 words
    27. cc95-6W
    28. Lottery Grants 102 words
    29. c96W
    30. Film 135 words
    31. c96W
    32. Recycling 129 words
    33. cc96-7W
    34. Foreign Film Companies 183 words
    35. c97W
    36. Tourism Summit 177 words
    37. c97W
    38. Research Contracts 58 words
    39. cc97-8W
    40. Sporting Events 142 words
    41. c98W
    42. Museum Admission Charges 160 words
    43. c98W
    44. BBC 124 words
    45. cc98-9W
    46. Paper and Timber Products 519 words
    47. cc99-100W
    48. Departmental Secondees 264 words
    49. c100W
    50. National Lottery Grants (Burton) 87 words
    51. c100W
    52. Sports Action Zones 113 words
    53. cc100-2W
    54. Broadcasting and Telecommunications 71 words
    1. c103W
    2. Departmental Staff 189 words
    3. cc103-4W
    4. Advertising Budget 421 words
    5. c104W
    6. Police (Port Duties) 61 words
    7. cc104-5W
    8. Grants 571 words
    9. c105W
    10. Police Officers (Insurance) 139 words
    11. cc105-7W
    12. Prison Service (Disability Legislation) 172 words
    13. c107W
    14. Gammahydroxybutyrate 177 words
    15. c107W
    16. Correspondence 78 words
    17. c107W
    18. Women Prison Officers 90 words
    19. cc107-8W
    20. Smoke Detectors 141 words
    21. c108W
    22. Hillsborough Inquiry 75 words
    23. cc108-9W
    24. Supporting Families 285 words
    25. cc109-11W
    26. Asylum Seekers 1,195 words
    27. cc111-2W
    28. Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill 89 words
    29. c112W
    30. Metropolitan Police (Recruitment) 170 words
    31. c112W
    32. Criminal Records Bureau 53 words
    33. cc112-3W
    34. British Citizenship 171 words
    35. c113W
    36. Prison Nursing Service 213 words
    37. c113W
    38. Prison Segregation 56 words
    39. c113W
    40. Prisons (Disabled People) 58 words
    41. cc113-4W
    42. Prisoners (Controls and Constraints) 175 words
    43. cc114-5W
    44. Prison Boards of Visitors 224 words
    45. cc115-6W
    46. Recycling 177 words
    47. cc116-7W
    48. Metropolitan Police 289 words
    49. c117W
    50. Special Constables 457 words
    51. cc117-8W
    52. DNA Database 112 words
    53. c118W
    54. PR and Marketing Consultants 82 words
    55. c118W
    56. Police Station Closures 80 words
    57. cc118-9W
    58. Rural Policing 336 words
    59. cc119-20W
    60. Public Safety Radio Communications Service 458 words
    61. cc120-5W
    62. Police Officers 2,682 words
    63. c125W
    64. Police Buildings 100 words
    65. c125W
    66. Crime Tackling Priorities 52 words
    67. cc125-6W
    68. Crime Reduction Targets 195 words
    69. c126W
    70. Police 87 words
    71. cc126-7W
    72. Hampshire Constabulary 349 words
    73. c127W
    74. Immigration Rules 93 words
    75. c127W
    76. West Mercia Police 118 words
    77. cc127-8W
    78. Child Pornography (Internet) 295 words
    79. c128W
    80. Drug Treatment and Testing Orders 87 words
    81. cc128-9W
    82. Nuclear Bunker (Soar) 128 words
    83. c129W
    84. Fire Service Vehicles 552 words
    85. cc129-30W
    86. Ricky Reel Inquiry 445 words
    1. c131W
    2. Resource Accounts 119 words
    3. c131W
    4. Fair Trading 249 words
    1. cc131-2W
    2. Libya 60 words
    3. c132W
    4. Zimbabwe 235 words
    5. cc132-3W
    6. Sierra Leone 166 words
    7. c133W
    8. Kosovo 383 words
    9. cc133-4W
    10. Moscow Visit 114 words
    11. c134W
    12. Scott Inquiry Recommendations 173 words
    13. c134W
    14. EU Structural Funds 75 words
    15. cc134-5W
    16. Official Visits 199 words
    17. c135W
    18. Non-proliferation Treaty 69 words
    1. cc135-6W
    2. Millennium Bug 295 words
    1. c136W
    2. Education Maintenance Awards 70 words
    3. cc136-7W
    4. Higher Education (Funding) 368 words
    5. c137W
    6. Engineering Faculties 291 words
    7. cc137-8W
    8. Higher Education (UK Component Countries) 386 words
    9. cc138-9W
    10. Qualifications 226 words
    11. c139W
    12. School Threshold Payments 90 words
    13. cc139-40W
    14. Youth Services (North-west) 453 words
    15. c140W
    16. Pupil Mobility 73 words
    17. cc140-1W
    18. Class Sizes (Newcastle) 633 words
    19. cc141-3W
    20. Education Funding (Leicestershire) 575 words
    21. c143W
    22. School Meals 213 words
    23. cc143-4W
    24. University (Somerset) 60 words
    25. c144W
    26. Schools (Urban Wards) 60 words
    27. c144W
    28. Maintained Secondary Schools 86 words
    29. cc144-5W
    30. Disabled Student Allowance 352 words
    31. c145W
    32. Primary School Class Sizes 73 words
    33. cc145-6W
    34. Nursery Pupils 131 words
    35. c146W
    36. Teachers' Pay 405 words
    37. cc146-7W
    38. Employment Targets 79 words
    39. c147W
    40. Assisted Places Scheme (Shropshire) 148 words
    41. c147W
    42. Education Action Zones 87 words
    43. c147W
    44. New Deal (50 Plus) 95 words
    45. cc147-8W
    46. Schools Funding (Staffordshire) 82 words
    47. c148W
    48. Remploy 37 words
    49. c148W
    50. LEA Funding 201 words
    51. cc148-9W
    52. Special Educational Needs 247 words
    1. c149W
    2. Magisterial Appointments 72 words
    3. c149W
    4. Cabinet Committee on Rural Affairs 58 words
    5. c149W
    6. Drugs Policy 83 words
    7. cc149-50W
    8. New Deal (Paisley, South) 219 words
    9. cc150-1W
    10. GM Conununications Unit 256 words
    11. c151W
    12. Racism 126 words
    13. c151W
    14. Gardening Leave 38 words
    1. c151W
    2. Research Contracts 58 words
    3. cc151-2W
    4. Audit and Accounts 224 words
    5. c152W
    6. International Monetary Fund 96 words
    7. c152W
    8. Working Families Tax Credit 127 words
    9. cc152-3W
    10. Birmingham Northern Relief Road 59 words
    11. c153W
    12. Pensioners (Taxation) 92 words
    13. c153W
    14. Injury Statistics 139 words
    15. c153W
    16. Child Care 136 words
    17. cc153-4W
    18. Population (Newcastle upon Tyne) 395 words
    19. cc154-5W
    20. Household Incomes 406 words
    21. c155W
    22. Consumer Debt 104 words
    23. cc155-6W
    24. Customs 142 words
    25. c156W
    26. High Street Banks 41 words
    27. c156W
    28. Banking Ombudsman 152 words
    29. c156W
    30. EU Trade 131 words
    31. cc156-7W
    32. Third World Debt 136 words
    33. cc157-8W
    34. Taxes 581 words
    35. c158W
    36. Agriculture (Fuel Tax) 102 words
    37. cc158-9W
    38. Wales (Earnings) 469 words
    39. c159W
    40. Income Tax 50 words
    41. cc159-60W
    42. National Insurance 175 words
    43. cc160-1W
    44. Fiscal Changes 777 words
    1. cc161-6W
    2. Pensioner Incomes 2,512 words
    3. cc166-9W
    4. Winter Fuel Payment 1,151 words
    5. cc169-70W
    6. Income Support 336 words
    7. cc170-2W
    8. Departmental Staff 922 words
    9. c172W
    10. Benefit Claimants (Savings) 122 words
    11. cc172-3W
    12. Compensation Recovery 262 words
    13. c173W
    14. Asbestos-related Diseases 191 words
    15. c173W
    16. Compensation Recovery Unit 148 words
    17. cc173-6W
    18. Housing Benefit 1,295 words
    19. c176W
    20. Maternity Payment 159 words
    21. cc176-7W
    22. Ministerial Meeting 83 words
    23. c177W
    24. Welfare Reform 258 words
    25. cc177-8W
    26. Poverty Statistics 654 words
    27. cc178-9W
    28. National Insurance Commissioners 492 words
    29. cc179-80W
    30. War Pensions 73 words
    31. c180W
    32. Lone Parents 350 words
    33. cc180-1W
    34. Average Incomes 187 words
    35. c181W
    36. Pensions 136 words
    37. c181W
    38. Pensioners 164 words
    39. cc181-2W
    40. Independent Tribunal Service (Sutton) 381 words
    41. c182W
    42. Research Contracts 89 words
    43. cc182-4W
    44. Benefits Agency (Somerset) 603 words

Lords Sitting of 28 February 2000 Series 5 Vol. 610

  1. Preamble 23 words
  2. cc317-8
  3. Greater London Authority: Election 445 words
  4. cc318-20
  5. Internet and Technology Stocks 912 words
  6. cc320-3
  7. Gay Relationships: Inheritance Tax Laws 1,551 words
  8. cc323-6
  9. Nuclear Disarmament 1,129 words
  10. c326
  11. Business 41 words
  12. c326
  13. Transport Salaried Staffs' Association (Amendment of Rules) Bill 6 words
  14. cc326-49
  15. Local Government Bill [H.L.] 11,888 words, 1 division
  16. cc349-57
  17. Mozambique 4,034 words
  18. cc357-94
  19. Local Government Bill [H.L.] 18,612 words
  20. cc394-409
  21. Epilepsy 7,877 words
  22. cc410-44
  23. Local Government Bill [H.L.] 17,207 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 28 February 2000 Series 5 Vol. 610

  1. WEU Membership 66 words
  2. Government Computer Network: Protection 32 words
  3. Millennium Dome: Staffing 124 words
  4. New Millennium Experience Company: Payments to Designers 66 words
  5. New Millennium Experience Company: Overtime Payments 58 words
  6. New Millennium Experience Company: Termination Payments 65 words
  7. New Millennium Experience Company/Koch Hightex Dispute 73 words
  8. Millennium Dome Displays: Life Expectancy 87 words
  9. Millennium Dome: Living Island Zone 142 words
  10. Statutory Interpretation 141 words
  11. New Millennium Experience Company: Appointment of M. Gerbeau 96 words
  12. 10 Downing Street Website 272 words
  13. Legislation: Compatibility with EU Law 203 words
  14. Strategic Communications Unit 617 words
  15. Immigration Act Detainees 80 words
  16. Prison Accommodation 223 words
  17. HM Prison Armley 128 words
  18. Depleted Uranium 66 words
  19. Armed Forces Meat Supply 248 words
  20. Bowman Communication System 52 words
  21. Healthcare: Administrative Costs 218 words
  22. State Pensions: Backlog 100 words
  23. Pig Offal Subsidy 124 words
  24. British Beef: French Ban 167 words
  25. Common Agricultural Policy 108 words
  26. IACS Area Aid Applications 85 words
  27. Epichlorohydrin 298 words
  28. UNIDROIT Convention 78 words
  29. Khmer Sculptures 138 words
  30. Constable Sketches: Theft Investigation 101 words
  31. Museums: Security Arrangements 106 words
  32. New Opportunities Fund and Non-maintained Special Schools 107 words
  33. Football: Supporters Direct Scheme 118 words
  34. Women's Incomes 206 words