Mr John Dillon

1851 - August 4, 1927
Summary information for Mr John Dillon



10 speeches — MIXED MARRIAGES IN IRELAND. Commons February 7, 1911

Teheran (Murder of Sain-ed-Dowleh). Written Answers February 16, 1911

Trial of Fanit Bey (Egypt). Written Answers February 16, 1911

Persia (Southern Roads). Written Answers February 17, 1911

BUDGET (1910) RESOLUTIONS. Commons February 20, 1911

Mohammed Farid Bey. Commons March 9, 1911

ARMY AND NAVY EXPENDITURE. Commons March 13, 1911

2 speeches — Abbassieh Barracks. Commons March 16, 1911

2 speeches — Committee of Supply (Naval Estimates). Commons March 16, 1911

9 speeches — MR. MCKENNA'S STATEMENT. Commons March 16, 1911

2 speeches — Baghdad Railway. Commons March 21, 1911

3 speeches — BAGHDAD RAILWAY AND PERSIAN AFFAIRS. Commons March 23, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 11.—Payment to Local Taxation Account of fixed sum in respect of the local taxation (Customs and Excise) duties. Commons March 24, 1911


Baghdad Railway. Commons March 28, 1911

4 speeches — Persia. Commons March 28, 1911

Case of Colonel Waldron. Commons March 28, 1911


2 speeches — National Schools, Ireland (Annual Grants). Commons April 20, 1911

3 speeches — HOME RULE. Commons April 24, 1911

POWERS OF CROWN. Commons April 24, 1911

4 speeches — Sir Eldon Gorst (Leave of Absence). Commons April 25, 1911

2 speeches — Disturbance in Morocco. Commons April 25, 1911

Morocco. Commons May 2, 1911

Persian Government (Proposed British Loan). Commons May 2, 1911

2 speeches — Persian Gulf (British Expedition). Commons May 2, 1911

2 speeches — CLAUSE 3.—(Certificate of Speaker.) Commons May 2, 1911

2 speeches — Persia. Commons May 4, 1911

3 speeches — Morocco. Commons May 4, 1911


CLAUSE 2.—(Restriction of the powers of the House of Lords as to Bills other than Money Bills.) Commons May 10, 1911

Persian Gulf Gun Running. Written Answers May 11, 1911

Morocco Abuses. Written Answers May 11, 1911

4 speeches — INCOME TAX. Commons May 17, 1911

Trial of Farid Bey. Commons May 18, 1911

2 speeches — Suez Cana Scheme. Commons May 18, 1911

2 speeches — Letters from Egypt (Delay in Transmission). Commons May 18, 1911

Revaluation of Property (Ireland). Commons May 18, 1911

2 speeches — Morocco (Expedition to Fez). Commons May 23, 1911

4 speeches — PUBLIC EDUCATION, IRELAND. Commons May 23, 1911

4 speeches — Morocco. Commons May 30, 1911

2 speeches — Arrest of Sara Anne Meekins (Dublin). Commons May 30, 1911

4 speeches — LABOURERS (IRELAND) BILL. Commons May 31, 1911

4 speeches — Morocco. Commons June 1, 1911

4 speeches — Ex-Shah of Persia. Commons July 27, 1911

Coronation (Sultan of Morocco). Commons July 27, 1911

3 speeches — French Expedition to Fez. Commons July 27, 1911

3 speeches — FOREIGN OFFICE. Commons July 27, 1911

2 speeches — BELFAST CORPORATION BILL (By Order). Commons August 3, 1911

Arbitration Treaties. Commons August 8, 1911

7 speeches — FINANCE BILL. Commons August 9, 1911

Persia. Commons August 10, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons October 24, 1911

2 speeches — Persia. Commons November 2, 1911

2 speeches — Italy and Turkey. Commons November 2, 1911

4 speeches — Italy and Turkey. Commons November 9, 1911

Persia. Commons November 9, 1911

Italy and Turkey. Commons November 14, 1911

5 speeches — Persia. Commons November 14, 1911

19 speeches — CLAUSE 59.—(Application to Ireland.) Commons November 14, 1911

6 speeches — CLAUSE 59.—(Application to Ireland.) Commons November 15, 1911

Major Stokes. Commons November 16, 1911

3 speeches — Sir E. Grey's Statement on Foreign Policy. Commons November 16, 1911

2 speeches — ITALY AND TURKEY. Commons November 16, 1911

RED CRESCENT MISSION (TRIPOLI). Commons November 20, 1911

3 speeches — Morocco (Franco-German Convention). Commons November 27, 1911

BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE. Commons November 27, 1911

4 speeches — SIR EDWARD GREY'S STATEMENT. Commons November 27, 1911

Morocco (French Expedition to Fez). Commons November 28, 1911

7 speeches — NEW CLAUSE [Read a second time, 28th November.] Commons November 29, 1911

Great Britain, Russia, and Persia. Commons November 30, 1911

RUSSIA AND PERSIA. Commons December 4, 1911

2 speeches — Morocco (Secret Treaties). Commons December 7, 1911

Tripoli (French Exports). Commons December 7, 1911

Russia and Persia. Commons December 7, 1911

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.