HC Deb 28 March 1911 vol 23 cc1120-1

asked whether the Foreign Secretary's attention has been called to the statement made by Lord Morley that further Papers on the affairs of Persia would be published; whether, in view of that statement, he will reconsider his refusal to lay papers upon the Table of this House; and, if he does, up to what date will the papers come?


I have seen Lord Morley's statement, and I will lay papers as soon as I can. They will cover the latest date practicable, but I cannot at the moment fix the date. I have not refused to lay papers; on the contrary, in my answer to the hon. Member on 16th February, I stated that I would consider the question of laying papers as soon as there was a favourable opportunity, and I gave my reason for delaying to do so at the moment.


asked whether the threat to the Persian Government to take over the policing of the southern roads by a militia commanded by officers from British India still holds good, in face of the protest of the Persian Government?


I beg to refer the hon. Member to the remarks which I made on this subject in this House on the 23rd instant in connection with a question asked of me by the hon. Member for the Stirling Burghs in the course of the Debate. I have nothing to add to the statement which I then made.


asked whether there have been received any despatches from the British Minister in Teheran in reference to the assassination of Sani-ed-Dowleh, late Persian Minister of Finance, and the subsequent fate of the assassins; whether the right hon. Gentleman can state whether the assassins have yet been brought to trial; and, if so, what punishment has been inflicted upon them?


I have received a despatch on the subject, stating that, after a preliminary inquiry at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs at Teheran, held in the presence of a Russian official, the murderer and his accomplice were handed over by the Persian authorities to the Russian Legation, according to treaty, to be sent to Russia for trial and punishment. I have no information as to their subsequent fate.


asked whether the Russian Consulate still refuses to surrender the ex-chief of police who fired at the Governor of Ispahan early in February last; and, if so, what punishment has been inflicted on him?


I have no information as to what has passed in connection with this question, later than a report dealing with the incident itself, and an account of the statement made by the Persian Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Mejliss, which it would probably be more convenient to give in answer to an unstarred question, as it is rather long for a verbal answer.