Mr David Sainsbury

October 24, 1940 -
Summary information for Mr David Sainsbury



Export Control Bill Lords January 8, 2002

South Midlands: Effect of the British Grand Prix Written Answers January 14, 2002

2 speeches — Motorsport Industry Written Answers January 14, 2002

Bullying in the Workplace Written Answers January 21, 2002

6 speeches — Coal Industry Lords January 22, 2002

Communications Data Protection and Privacy Directive: Website Operators' Use of Cookies Written Answers January 28, 2002

5 speeches — Wales: Wind Power Stations Written Answers January 28, 2002

Northern Ireland: Gas Transportation Tariff Written Answers January 28, 2002

2 speeches — Broadband Fixed Wireless Licences in the 28GHz Spectrum Written Answers January 28, 2002

Mineworkers' Compensation: Emphysema and Bronchitis Scheme Written Answers January 28, 2002

Colliery Productivity Written Answers January 29, 2002

Mines Rescue Service Written Answers January 29, 2002

Employment Tribunal Forms Written Answers January 29, 2002

Employment Tribunals: Special Advisers Written Answers January 30, 2002

Postal Services Act 2000 (Modification of Section 7) Order 2002 Lords January 31, 2002

Office of Communications: Ombudsman Scheme Written Answers January 31, 2002

8 speeches — Employment Tribunals Survey Lords February 5, 2002

Export Control Bill Lords February 5, 2002

5 speeches — Postcomm Lords February 6, 2002

2 speeches — Employment and Recruitment Industry Written Answers February 6, 2002

10 speeches — Export Control Bill Lords February 7, 2002

19 speeches — Export Control Bill Lords February 7, 2002

Environmental Claims in Advertising: Guidelines Written Answers February 7, 2002

6 speeches — Company Directors' Remuneration Lords February 12, 2002

4 speeches — Multiple Directorships Lords February 12, 2002

European Union Signatures Directive Written Answers February 12, 2002

2 speeches — Consignia Lords February 13, 2002

3 speeches — Wind Energy Lords February 25, 2002

End-of-Life Vehicles: EU Directive Written Answers February 25, 2002

Electrical Waste: EU Directive Written Answers February 25, 2002

Export Licences: Sniper Rifles Written Answers February 25, 2002

DTI Strategy Board Written Answers February 25, 2002

Equality Directives Written Answers February 25, 2002

EU E-Commerce Directive Written Answers February 25, 2002

Broadband Strategy Written Answers February 25, 2002

2 speeches — Employment Bill Lords February 26, 2002

32 speeches — Export Control Bill Lords March 4, 2002

Technical Legislation: European Commission Notification Written Answers March 11, 2002

Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations Written Answers March 12, 2002

Energy Generation: Nuclear and Renewable Sources Written Answers March 12, 2002

Scotland: Renewable Energy Written Answers March 12, 2002

Sound Recording: Copyright Exception Written Answers March 12, 2002

Labelling Policy: Lead Department Written Answers March 12, 2002

Consumer Batteries: Disposal Written Answers March 13, 2002

36 speeches — Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 13, 2002

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 Written Answers March 14, 2002

10 speeches — Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 14, 2002

6 speeches — US Steel Tariffs Lords March 18, 2002

13 speeches — Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 18, 2002

Gas Supplies Written Answers March 19, 2002

11 speeches — Cash Machines in Rural Post Offices Lords March 21, 2002

3 speeches — Universal Postal Service Written Answers March 21, 2002

Official Report of the Grand Committee on the Employment Bill Grand Committee Report March 21, 2002

10 speeches — Consignia Lords March 25, 2002

Sound Recording: Copyright Exception Written Answers March 25, 2002

Consumer Safety Written Answers March 25, 2002

Cefn Croes: Proposed Wind Power Station Written Answers March 26, 2002

Broadband Services Written Answers March 26, 2002

18 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report March 26, 2002

Industrial Tribunals and Employment Tribunals Written Answers March 27, 2002

Droit de Suite Written Answers March 27, 2002

European Art Market Report Written Answers April 10, 2002

Supermarkets and Suppliers Written Answers April 10, 2002

2 speeches — Gas Industry Emergency Committee Written Answers April 10, 2002

Buckfastleigh: Broadband Services Written Answers April 10, 2002

Carbon Savings Written Answers April 10, 2002

6 speeches — UK Steel Industry Lords April 11, 2002

Cefn Croes Written Answers April 11, 2002

10 speeches — The Committee met at eleven of the clock. Grand Committee Report April 11, 2002

7 speeches — Employment Bill Grand Committee Report April 11, 2002

23 speeches — Export Control Bill Lords April 18, 2002

17 speeches — Export Control Bill Lords April 18, 2002

10 speeches — The Committee met at half-past three of the clock. Grand Committee Report April 22, 2002

Energy Supply: EUC Report Lords April 23, 2002

Patents Written Answers April 23, 2002

TRIPs Agreement Written Answers April 23, 2002

Cefn Croes Written Answers April 23, 2002

Abandoned Cars Written Answers April 23, 2002

Consignia Written Answers April 23, 2002

Local Flora: Patenting Written Answers April 23, 2002

Cefn Croes Written Answers April 25, 2002

5 speeches — Consignia Lords April 30, 2002

9 speeches — Employment Rights: Compromise Agreements Lords April 30, 2002

Late Payments Legislation Written Answers April 30, 2002

Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils Written Answers April 30, 2002

3 speeches — Consignia Written Answers May 2, 2002

Post Office Network Written Answers May 2, 2002

Galileo Signals Written Answers May 2, 2002

2 speeches — Consignia Lords May 7, 2002

2 speeches — Information Security Breaches Written Answers May 7, 2002

Export Licences: Arms and Military Equipment Written Answers May 8, 2002

8 speeches — Scientific Research Lords May 13, 2002

3 speeches — Offshore Chemicals Regulations 2002 Lords May 13, 2002

Internet "Cookies" Written Answers May 13, 2002

2 speeches — Consignia Written Answers May 13, 2002

2 speeches — 3G Spectrum Licences Written Answers May 13, 2002

Employment Tribunal Membership: Freemasonry Question Written Answers May 13, 2002

Mandatory Labelling Schemes Written Answers May 13, 2002

Strata Florida: Proposed Windfarm Written Answers May 13, 2002

WHOIS Database Written Answers May 15, 2002

Consumer Safety Written Answers May 15, 2002

Ricability Report Written Answers May 15, 2002

Intellectual Property Rights Written Answers May 16, 2002

Waste Electrical Equipment Written Answers May 16, 2002

Employment Bill Lords May 20, 2002

19 speeches — Export Control Bill Lords May 20, 2002

WTO: Dispute Settlement Understanding Written Answers May 20, 2002

2 speeches — Broadband Services Written Answers May 20, 2002

Furniture Fire Safety Regulations: Manchester Written Answers May 20, 2002

Postal Services Written Answers May 23, 2002

Age Discrimination Written Answers May 27, 2002

EU E-Commerce Directive Written Answers May 27, 2002

One North East: Funding Written Answers May 27, 2002

10 speeches — Fireworks Lords May 28, 2002

8 speeches — India and Pakistan: Arms Exports Lords May 28, 2002

Employment Bill Lords May 30, 2002

7 speeches — Employment Bill Lords May 30, 2002

Public Telephones: Theft of Cash Written Answers June 10, 2002

DTI: Question for Written Answer Written Answers June 10, 2002

13 speeches — Employment Bill Lords June 18, 2002

EU Internal Market Council: Procurement Rules Written Answers June 18, 2002

Furniture Fire Safety Regulations: Manchester Written Answers June 18, 2002

Mines Rescue Service Written Answers June 18, 2002

Age of Eligibility for Election to Public Office Written Answers June 18, 2002

Broadband: eEurope 2005 Written Answers June 18, 2002

Imports from the Philippines Written Answers June 18, 2002

2 speeches — Steel Industry Written Answers June 20, 2002

Chapelcross Power Station Written Answers June 25, 2002

7 speeches — Employment Bill Lords June 27, 2002

Enterprise Bill Lords July 2, 2002

6 speeches — Accounting Standards Lords July 4, 2002

Public Sector Civil Nuclear Liabilities Written Answers July 4, 2002

6 speeches — Coal Industry Lords July 9, 2002

Trading Standards: "Green" or "Environmental" Claims Written Answers July 9, 2002

Scotland: Nuclear Power Stations Written Answers July 9, 2002

2 speeches — Disability Rights Commission Written Answers July 12, 2002

5 speeches — Directors' Remuneration Lords July 16, 2002

5 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 16, 2002

24 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 16, 2002

16 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 16, 2002

EOC: Expenditure on Law Enforcement Written Answers July 16, 2002

11 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 18, 2002

46 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 18, 2002

12 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 22, 2002

Retirement Age Written Answers July 22, 2002

Broadband: Lane Rental Written Answers July 22, 2002

Nuclear Facilities: Security Checks Written Answers July 22, 2002

Home Improvement Sector: Quality Mark Scheme Written Answers July 22, 2002

5 speeches — Science Advisers Lords July 23, 2002

Export Control Bill Lords July 23, 2002

4 speeches — LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

2 speeches — LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

LORDS AMENDMENT Lords July 23, 2002

Science, Engineering and Technology Written Answers July 23, 2002

Sudan Written Answers July 25, 2002

3 speeches — Mineworkers Respiratory Claims Written Answers July 25, 2002

Mining Industry Pension Schemes Written Answers July 25, 2002

Renewable Energy Written Answers July 25, 2002

Coal Claims Website Written Answers July 25, 2002

2 speeches — British Coal Health Liabilities Written Answers July 25, 2002

Productivity Written Answers July 25, 2002

Tobacco Smuggling Written Answers July 25, 2002

2 speeches — Regulation of Auditors Lords July 29, 2002

3 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 29, 2002

2 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 29, 2002

Vibration White Finger: Claims Written Answers July 29, 2002

Clergy: Employment Rights Written Answers July 29, 2002

6 speeches — Non-Executive Directors Lords July 30, 2002

8 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords July 30, 2002

4 speeches — Paragraphs 12A to 12F: supplementary provision Lords July 30, 2002

British American Tobacco Investigation Written Answers July 30, 2002

2 speeches — Sellafield Written Answers September 24, 2002

Mineworkers' Vibration White Finger Written Answers September 24, 2002

Four-hundredth Anniversay of Union: Possible Stamp Issue Written Answers September 24, 2002

Ofgem: Revised Rules and the Marine Industry Written Answers September 24, 2002

Russian Federation: Patent Rights Written Answers September 24, 2002

Russian Federation: Nuclear Safety Written Answers September 24, 2002

EU Member States: Energy Resources Written Answers September 24, 2002

Marina Operators: Resale of Electricity, Gas and Water Written Answers September 24, 2002

Single Equality Body and Human Rights Written Answers September 24, 2002

8 speeches — Renewable Energy Lords October 7, 2002

6 speeches — Directors' Remuneration Lords October 9, 2002

British National Space Centre Written Answers October 10, 2002

Disabled People: Pensions Written Answers October 14, 2002

Biomass Written Answers October 14, 2002

4 speeches — Enterprise Bill Written Answers October 14, 2002

4 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 15, 2002

12 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 15, 2002

69 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords October 15, 2002

8 speeches — Clean Energy Lords October 16, 2002

8 speeches — Temporary Workers: EU Directive Lords October 17, 2002

EU Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation Funding Written Answers October 17, 2002

3G Services Written Answers October 17, 2002

W-CDMA Written Answers October 21, 2002

8 speeches — Electrical and Electronic Waste Directive Lords October 31, 2002

8 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords November 4, 2002

6 speeches — Broadband Written Answers November 4, 2002

Cyber Crime: Computer Viruses Written Answers November 4, 2002

IT Security Written Answers November 4, 2002

2 speeches — Age Discrimination Written Answers November 4, 2002

CFS/ME: Causation and Treatment Written Answers November 5, 2002

3 speeches — Enterprise Bill Lords November 6, 2002

Equality Regulations Written Answers November 6, 2002

Council for Science and Technology Written Answers November 6, 2002

Mortgage Costs as a Percentage of Gross Household Income Written Answers November 7, 2002

ECGD: Coal-fired Power Stations Written Answers November 7, 2002

e-greeting Cards: Unsolicited Commercial e-mail Written Answers November 7, 2002

Unsolicited Sales or Polling Faxes Written Answers November 7, 2002

Energy-supplying Wind Farms Written Answers November 7, 2002

9 speeches — Electricity Supply Lords November 18, 2002

8 speeches — Sustainable Development Lords November 21, 2002

Broadband Written Answers November 25, 2002

State Aid Rules Written Answers November 28, 2002

Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Written Answers November 28, 2002

Solar Thermal Industry Written Answers November 28, 2002

9 speeches — DTI Strategy Unit Lords December 2, 2002

Electronic Networks: Strategy Unit Report Written Answers December 2, 2002

9 speeches — Electricity Supplies: Interruption Lords December 3, 2002

Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Written Answers December 3, 2002

Tourism: Regional Development Agency Staff Written Answers December 3, 2002

Community Development Venture Fund Written Answers December 4, 2002

Solar Water Heating Written Answers December 4, 2002

3 speeches — End-of-Life Vehicles Directive Written Answers December 4, 2002

Contracting Out (Functions in Relation to Applications for Patents) Order 2002 Lords December 5, 2002

Science Budget Written Answers December 9, 2002

2 speeches — National Minimum Wage (Enforcement Notices) Bill [H.L.] Lords December 10, 2002

2 speeches — Broadband Written Answers December 11, 2002

5 speeches — British Energy Written Answers December 11, 2002

8 speeches — Postal Services and Competition Lords December 17, 2002

Animal Rights Activists: Protection of Medical Research Companies Written Answers December 17, 2002

2 speeches — Supply of Beer (Tied Estate) (Revocation) Order 2002 Lords December 19, 2002

3 speeches — Flexible Working (Procedural Requirements) Regulations 2002 Lords December 19, 2002

Stem Cell Research Written Answers December 19, 2002

Rural Sub-Post Offices Written Answers December 19, 2002

Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.