HL Deb 12 March 2002 vol 632 c73WA
Lord Campbell of Croy

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will increase the proportion of energy generated from nuclear and renewable sources in order to reach their targets for reducing emission of carbon dioxide in the United Kingdom. [HL2985]

Lord Sainsbury of Turville

My department is looking to accelerate the development of renewables in a wide range of sources and technologies. The renewables obligation for England and Wales due to come into effect from 1 April 2002 (subject to parliamentary approval) and the comparable Scottish renewables obligation represent the Government's main mechanism for achieving our target of obtaining 10 per cent of licensed electricity supplies from eligible renewable sources by 2010. This is a very challenging target but one we are determined to see met. It is intended to act as a stimulus to industry and to provide a milestone for monitoring progress.

Nuclear power provides about one-quarter of the UK's electricity supplies. It is for the private sector to bring forward proposals for new plants. We are not aware of any such plans.

Overall, the department's energy and emissions projections indicate that the UK is on track to meet its Kyoto targets. On central assumptions, the policies and measures set out in DEFRA's Climate Change Programme are projected to reduce the UK's CO2 emissions by at least 19 per cent by 2010 from a 1990 baseline.