Miss Elaine Burton
March 2, 1904 - October 6, 1991Summary information for Miss Elaine Burton
4 speeches — Airline Tariffs: IATA Request Lords January 20, 1983
2 speeches — European Air Routes: Proposed Changes Lords January 27, 1983
European Air Fares Lords January 27, 1983
2 speeches — Air Fares: Discounting Lords February 3, 1983
3 speeches — Gatwick Airport: Capacity Lords February 10, 1983
3 speeches — Airline Operating Permits: Conditions Lords February 17, 1983
2 speeches — Local Government (Choice of Electoral Systems) Bill [H.L.] Lords February 18, 1983
Civil Aviation (Eurocontrol) Bill Lords March 8, 1983
2 speeches — Nationalised Industries: Relations with Government Lords April 13, 1983
2 speeches — Water Bill Lords April 19, 1983
Building Societies: Reform Lords April 19, 1983
European Air Fares Lords April 25, 1983
Channel 4 TV: Financial Support Lords April 27, 1983
Citizens' Advice Bureaux Lords April 27, 1983
2 speeches — Airline Permits Lords April 28, 1983
2 speeches — Citizens Advice Bureaux: Grant Lords May 4, 1983
4 speeches — Air Transport Tariffs: Enforcement Lords May 5, 1983
3 speeches — Airline Landing Charges Lords May 12, 1983
3 speeches — Consumer Affairs: Ministerial Responsibility Lords June 30, 1983
4 speeches — Nationalised Industry Consumer Councils Lords July 7, 1983
4 speeches — Bankrupt Companies: Consumers' Prepayments Lords July 14, 1983
4 speeches — Nationalised Industries: Codes of Practice Lords July 20, 1983
COMPANIES ACT 1981: SECTION 93 Written Answers July 25, 1983
NATIONALISED INDUSTRIES Written Answers July 27, 1983
INSOLVENCY ACT APPLICATIONS Written Answers July 27, 1983
3 speeches — Nationalised Industry Consumer Councils: Guidelines Lords October 27, 1983
3 speeches — Insolvency Malpractices Lords November 3, 1983
3 speeches — Insolvency: Wrongful Trading Lords November 10, 1983
Heating Allowances for the Elderly Lords November 29, 1983
4 speeches — Consumer Council Guidelines Lords December 1, 1983
Council on Tribunals: Report Lords December 5, 1983
Equal Pay (Amendment) Regulations 1983 Lords December 5, 1983
3 speeches — EC Consumer Affairs Council December Meeting Lords December 8, 1983
4 speeches — Gas and Electricity Prices Lords December 8, 1983
British Airways Privatisation Lords December 12, 1983
4 speeches — Gas and Electricity: Advertising Costs Lords December 15, 1983
Equal Pay Lords December 16, 1983
Information presented on this page was prepared from the XML source files, together with information from the History of Parliament Trust, the work of Leigh Rayment and public sources. The means by which names are recognised means that errors may remain in the data presented.