- Indian Labour (British Honduras). 73 words cc1799-800
- Rhodesian Affairs. 505 words cc1800-1
- Malarial Fever Researches. 269 words cc1801-2
- Hyde Park (Suggested Extension of Ride). 94 words c1802
- Education Authorities (Repayment of Loans). 186 words cc1802-3
- Boarded-out Children (Medical Inspection). 214 words c1803
- Milk Bill. 198 words c1803
- Floating Dock (Sheerness). 32 words cc1803-4
- "Gladiator" (Wreck). 80 words c1804
- Battleships (Laying Down). 126 words cc1804-5
- Captain Bacon's Letter. 334 words c1805
- German Naval Manœuvres. 119 words cc1805-6
- Baghdad Railway. 92 words c1806
- Taxation of Ungotten Minerals (Bore Holes). 226 words c1806
- Irish Exports. 94 words cc1806-7
- Sinking Fund (Unexpended Balances). 188 words c1807
- Sinking Fund (Purchase of Consols.) 89 words cc1807-8
- Stamp Duty on Bonds. 106 words c1808
- Distilleries in Great Britain and Ireland. 264 words cc1808-10
- Super-Tax on Incomes over £5,000. 422 words c1810
- Duty on Spirits (Manufacturers' Prices). 87 words cc1810-1
- Irish Taxation (New Duties). 341 words c1811
- Revenue Officers (Pension Work). 139 words cc1811-2
- Lancashire County Education Authority (Flixton School Accommodation). 168 words c1812
- Nottingham Elementary Schools. 99 words cc1812-3
- Robert Simpson (Conviction). 145 words c1813
- Dairies (Scotland). 37 words c1813
- Junior Student System (Scotland). 205 words cc1813-4
- Court of Session (Congestion). 135 words c1814
- House Letting (Scotland) Bill. 40 words c1814
- Usk Quarter Sessions Jury. 85 words cc1814-5
- Police Forces (Weekly Rest Day). 201 words c1815
- Colne Field Farm, Hunts. 70 words c1815
- Poor Law (Ireland). 176 words cc1815-6
- House Letting and Rating (Scotland). 54 words c1816
- Whitsuntide Recess. 63 words c1816
- Imperial Press Conference. 163 words cc1816-7
- Oriental Languages (Treasury Committee). 43 words c1817
- Austrian Battleships. 60 words c1817
- Imperial Naval Defence (Colonial Conference). 62 words cc1817-8
- Small Holdings Act (Huntingdonshire). 337 words cc1818-9
- Exportation of British Horses. 435 words c1819
- Barley Crop (Scotland). 88 words cc1819-20
- Feeding Stuffs. 140 words cc1820-1
- Small Holdings Act (Lancashire and Wiltshire). 323 words c1821
- Post Office Contractors. 115 words c1821
- Post Office Night Messengers. 176 words cc1821-2
- Combined Working of Railway Companies (Committee of Inquiry). 48 words c1822
- Government Contractor (Fair Wages Clause). 231 words cc1822-3
- United States Tariffs. 112 words c1823
- National School Drill (Ireland). 101 words cc1823-4
- Land Purchase, Ireland. 280 words c1824
- Ruthven Estate, Aughavas, County Leitrim. 94 words c1824
- Marsham Estate, Stroke, County Leitrim. 104 words cc1824-5
- Mr. G. White's Estate, Mohill, County Leitrim. 149 words c1825
- Poor Law Legislation (Ireland). 99 words cc1825-6
- Resident Magistrates (Mr. Herbert Walker). 231 words c1826
- National School Inspectors (Ireland). 147 words cc1826-7
- Land Purchase (Jacob Estate). 198 words c1827
- Irish Intermediate Board (New Rules). 83 words cc1827-8
- Irish Barracks (Painting Contract). 139 words c1828
- NEW MEMBER SWORN. 8 words c1828