§ Mr. NOLANasked the Postmaster-General if his attention has been called to the terms of the official notice issued at Newcastle-on-Tyne and the offices in Scotland, ordering the adult night messengers to clean cycles, in which it is stated that they must perform the work of cleaning cycles in as efficient a manner as practical cycle mechanics or incur the penalty of being reported as inefficient; that they must enter all cycles cleaned in ledgers; and on Saturday and Sunday nights, when in some offices only one man is on duty, he must clean as many as 18 cycles, besides delivering all telegrams and express letters; if he will have the terms of these notices modified so that no messenger should be compelled to do any clerical work in connection with cycle cleaning; and that in cases such as Saturday and Sunday nights, when only one man is on duty, the delivery of telegrams should constitute his sole night's work?
§ Mr. BUXTONI am having inquiry made in the matter, and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.