- Cost of Troops now in South Africa 90 words c219
- Cape Parliament—Charges by Mr. Merriman against British Officers 92 words c219
- Martial Law—Mr. Schoeman's Case 202 words cc219-22
- Irish Remount Scandal—The Studdert Case 794 words cc222-3
- Indian Army Colonels' Promotions 245 words c223
- 1st and 2nd Army Corps 107 words cc223-4
- Sandhurst Cadets. 132 words c224
- Ex-Sergeant Leonard. 181 words cc224-5
- Officers' Pay 125 words cc225-6
- Discharges of Government Workmen 531 words cc226-8
- 2nd Provisional Regiment of Hussars 585 words cc228-9
- Russian Import Duty on Herrings. 118 words cc229-30
- Brussels Sugar Convention 552 words cc230-1
- Somaliland Operations. 170 words c231
- The Arrest of Mr, Keir Hardie, M. P., in Brussels 169 words c232
- Drink and Crime 274 words cc232-3
- Continental Postage Rates. 151 words c233
- Postal Circulation of German Lottery Circulars 183 words cc233-4
- Education Bill—Fees. 144 words c234
- Education Bill—Funds of Local Education Authorities 172 words cc234-5
- United Irish League—Officials holding Grazing and Evicted Farms 169 words c235
- The Under Secretary for Ireland 67 words cc235-6
- Alleged Assault by Armagh Orangemen 114 words c236
- Drumconrath Dispensary Vacancy 144 words cc236-7
- Education Grant for Ireland. 159 words c237
- Royal Dublin Society's Shows—Hackney Challenge Cup 69 words c237
- Irish Congested Districts Board 103 words cc237-8
- Venezuela. 333 words cc238-40
- Education Bill—Position of Voluntary School Teachers 474 words cc240-4
- Business of the House—London Water Bill, etc 1,229 words c244