Written Answers (Commons) of 14 January 2002 Series 6 Vol. 378

    1. c1W
    2. Recycling (Norman Shaw North) 91 words
    1. cc1-3W
    2. Saville Inquiry 911 words
    1. c3W
    2. Temporary Contracts 134 words
    3. c3W
    4. EU Military Staff 119 words
    5. c3W
    6. Kosovo 94 words
    7. cc3-4W
    8. Iran 80 words
    9. c4W
    10. Indo-Pakistani Relations 111 words
    1. cc4-5W
    2. Pesticides 283 words
    3. c5W
    4. UN Poverty Development Programme 81 words
    5. c5W
    6. Afghanistan 129 words
    7. cc5-6W
    8. Humanitarian Service (Civilian Roster) 330 words
    9. cc6-7W
    10. Tanzania 310 words
  5. WALES
    1. c7W
    2. Job Losses (Nantgarw) 182 words
    3. c7W
    4. Concordats 107 words
    5. cc7-8W
    6. Children's Commissioner for Wales 46 words
    1. c8W
    2. New Opportunities Fund 91 words
    3. c8W
    4. Swimming Pools 135 words
    1. cc8-9W
    2. London Underground 233 words
    3. c9W
    4. Jubilee Line 66 words
    5. c9W
    6. Housing Benefit 112 words
    7. cc9-10W
    8. Plumbers and Electricians 203 words
    9. c10W
    10. Road Accidents 83 words
    11. c10W
    12. Speed Limits 150 words
    13. cc10-1W
    14. Trains (Disabled Access) 111 words
    15. c11W
    16. Railtrack 84 words
    17. c11W
    18. New Deal for Communities 132 words
    19. c11W
    20. Planning Conditions 60 words
    21. cc11-3W
    22. Homelessness 789 words
    23. cc13-4W
    24. Vehicle Emissions 267 words
    25. c14W
    26. Local Authority Asset Sales 166 words
    27. cc14-5W
    28. Buses (Essex) 238 words
    29. c15W
    30. Local Authority Funding 53 words
    31. c15W
    32. Thameslink 2000 104 words
    33. cc15-6W
    34. Highways (Southern England) 247 words
    35. c16W
    36. Wimbledon Football Club 60 words
    37. c16W
    38. Heathrow 74 words
    39. c16W
    40. Home Sellers' Packs 180 words
    41. cc16-7W
    42. Revenue Support Grant 74 words
    43. c17W
    44. Aggregates Levy 79 words
    45. c17W
    46. Chiltern Line Franchise 74 words
    47. c17W
    48. Central Railway 66 words
    49. c17W
    50. Railways 115 words
    1. c18W
    2. Correspondence 62 words
    3. cc18-9W
    4. Pre-school Organisations 532 words
    5. c19W
    6. Faith-based Schools 201 words
    7. cc19-20W
    8. Rural Schools 105 words
    9. c20W
    10. School Lunches 41 words
    11. c20W
    12. Learning and Skills Council 281 words
    13. c20W
    14. Higher Education 47 words
    15. cc20-1W
    16. Social Exclusion 241 words
    17. c21W
    18. Education Bill 207 words
    19. cc21-2W
    20. Specialist Schools (South Tyneside) 104 words
    21. cc22-4W
    22. Education Standard Spending 1,551 words
    23. c24W
    24. Education Funding (Sunderland) 176 words
    25. cc24-5W
    26. Revenue Support Grant 412 words
    27. c25W
    28. Teachers' Performance Management Assessment 83 words
    29. cc25-8W
    30. Standards Fund (Somerset) 1,284 words
    31. cc28-35W
    32. School Standards Grant (Somerset) 2,916 words
    33. c35W
    34. Children in Care 133 words
    1. cc35-7W
    2. Ministerial Visits 454 words
    3. c37W
    4. Departmental Sickness Absence 216 words
    5. c37W
    6. Urban Regeneration 111 words
    1. cc37-8W
    2. Correspondence 61 words
    3. c38W
    4. Nuclear Plants (Decommissioning) 76 words
    5. c38W
    6. Pre-pay Telephones 94 words
    7. c38W
    8. Air Traffic Control (Tanzania) 166 words
    9. cc38-9W
    10. Minimum Wage 163 words
    11. c39W
    12. Manufacturing Industry 172 words
    13. cc39-40W
    14. BNFL 99 words
    15. c40W
    16. Working Time Directive 167 words
    17. cc40-1W
    18. Employment (Terms and Conditions) 344 words
    19. c41W
    20. Unfair Dismissal 65 words
    21. c41W
    22. Pylons 83 words
    23. c41W
    24. Overhead Transmission Lines 64 words
    25. c41W
    26. Telecoms 68 words
    27. cc41-2W
    28. Miners' Pensions 59 words
    29. c42W
    30. Broadband 91 words
    31. c42W
    32. Consignia 50 words
    1. c42W
    2. State Pension Credit 85 words
    3. cc42-3W
    4. Minimum Funding Requirement 189 words
    5. c43W
    6. State Pension (Hospital Stays) 236 words
    7. c43W
    8. Attendance Allowance 109 words
    9. cc43-4W
    10. Disability Living Allowance 383 words
    11. cc44-5W
    12. Benefit Fraud 254 words
    13. c45W
    14. Hospital Downrating Rules 224 words
    15. cc45-6W
    16. Winter Fuel Payments 62 words
    17. c46W
    18. Savings Interest Rates 154 words
    19. c46W
    20. Industrial Deafness 192 words
    21. cc46-7W
    22. Digital Hearing Aids 162 words
    23. c47W
    24. Employment Zones 109 words
    1. c47W
    2. International Terrorism 175 words
    3. cc47-8W
    4. Kosovo 340 words
    5. c48W
    6. Tanzania 70 words
    7. cc48-9W
    8. Territorial Army 110 words
    9. c49W
    10. Recruitment 343 words
    11. cc49-50W
    12. Sierra Leone 137 words
    13. c50W
    14. Racial Equality 94 words
    15. c50W
    16. Homeland Defence 209 words
    17. cc50-1W
    18. Human Rights Act 91 words
    19. cc51-2W
    20. Afghanistan 398 words
    21. c52W
    22. RAF 54 words
    23. c52W
    24. RAF Fire Services 71 words
    25. c52W
    26. Research 107 words
    27. cc52-3W
    28. Armed Forces Family Taskforce 308 words
    29. c53W
    30. Golden Jubilee 73 words
    31. c53W
    32. Reserve Forces 177 words
    33. cc53-4W
    34. Operation Veritas 364 words
    35. cc54-5W
    36. Defence Procurement 158 words
    37. cc55-6W
    38. Armed Forces Pension Scheme 740 words
    39. cc56-7W
    40. Naval Deployments 453 words
    41. c57W
    42. Ptarmigan System 149 words
    43. cc57-8W
    44. Export Licences 191 words
    45. cc58-9W
    46. RAF Deployments 258 words
    47. c59W
    48. Defence Contracts 139 words
    49. c59W
    50. Territorial Reserve 108 words
    51. cc59-60W
    52. Agency Costs 114 words
    53. c60W
    54. BAE Systems (Tanzania Contract) 86 words
    55. c60W
    56. Beacon Project 121 words
    57. cc60-1W
    58. Service Personnel 155 words
    59. c61W
    60. C130 Hercules 48 words
    61. c61W
    62. RAF Bases 137 words
    63. c61W
    64. Tour Intervals 169 words
    65. cc61-2W
    66. Army Deployments 65 words
    67. c62W
    68. Naval Accident 92 words
    69. c62W
    70. Royal Fleet Auxiliaries 121 words
    71. c62W
    72. Translation Services 89 words
    73. cc62-3W
    74. Health Authority Expenditure 265 words
    75. c63W
    76. Orthopaedic Operations 123 words
    77. cc63-4W
    78. Mrs. Vyan Gresty 153 words
    79. c64W
    80. Lou Gehrig's Disease 240 words
    81. cc64-5W
    82. Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 485 words
    83. c65W
    84. Food Standards Agency 132 words
    85. cc65-8W
    86. Health Expenditure 678 words
    87. c68W
    88. Headaches 74 words
    89. cc68-9W
    90. Foster Care 346 words
    91. c69W
    92. Food Hygiene 243 words
    93. c69W
    94. National Healthy School Standard 51 words
    95. cc69-70W
    96. Osteoporosis 178 words
    97. c70W
    98. Blood Donors 86 words
    99. c70W
    100. Chief Medical Officer (Annual Report) 163 words
    101. cc70-1W
    102. Nutrition 177 words
    103. c71W
    104. Websites 195 words
    105. cc71-2W
    106. Nursing Posts 222 words
    107. cc72-3W
    108. Health Expenditure, Wigan and Bolton 322 words
    109. c73W
    110. Mental Health (Prisoners) 92 words
    111. c73W
    112. Orthopaedic Consultants 197 words
    113. cc73-4W
    114. Adoption 109 words
    115. c74W
    116. Protection of Children Act List 65 words
    117. cc74-5W
    118. Overseas Treatment 269 words
    119. cc75-6W
    120. Ward Housekeeper Scheme 406 words
    121. c76W
    122. Radiographers 138 words
    123. cc76-7W
    124. Waiting Lists 370 words
    125. cc77-8W
    126. Care Homes 466 words
    127. c78W
    128. Free Nursing Care 197 words
    129. c78W
    130. Residential and Home Care Charges 121 words
    131. cc78-9W
    132. Building Care Capacity Initiative 103 words
    133. c79W
    134. Information for Social Care Scheme 122 words
    135. cc79-80W
    136. Romanian Adoptions 235 words
    137. c80W
    138. Hospital Star Ratings 88 words
    139. c80W
    140. Digital Hearing Aids 111 words
    141. c80W
    142. Norwich and Norfolk Hospital 196 words
    143. cc80-1W
    144. Parliamentary Questions 40 words
    145. c81W
    146. Preserved Rights and Residential Allowances 106 words
    1. c81W
    2. Earnings 188 words
    3. cc81-3W
    4. Euro 708 words
    5. c83W
    6. Correspondence 39 words
    7. c83W
    8. Customs and Excise 40 words
    9. c83W
    10. Fostering 119 words
    11. cc83-4W
    12. Pay and Pensions Equalisation 108 words
    13. c84W
    14. Roques Report 113 words
    15. c84W
    16. Climate Change Levy 55 words
    17. c84W
    18. Insurance Payouts 54 words
    19. c84W
    20. Working Families Tax Credit 50 words
    21. cc84-5W
    22. Annuities 52 words
    1. c85W
    2. Exchange Rate Policy 35 words
    3. cc85-6W
    4. Government Units 386 words
    5. c86W
    6. Forward Strategy Unit 77 words
    7. cc86-7W
    8. Ministerial Visits 357 words
    9. cc87-8W
    10. Energy Review 109 words
    11. c88W
    12. International Criminal Court 87 words
    13. c88W
    14. Matthew Elson 70 words
    1. cc88-90W
    2. Justice and Home Affairs Council 964 words
    3. cc90-1W
    4. Metropolitan Police Recruitment 227 words
    5. c91W
    6. Police Awards 172 words
    7. c91W
    8. Police Stations 98 words
    9. cc91-2W
    10. Air Weapons 120 words
    11. cc92-3W
    12. Police Funding 531 words
    13. c93W
    14. Mentally Ill Prisoners 138 words
    15. cc93-4W
    16. Ashfield Prison 303 words
    17. c94W
    18. Detective Inspector John Redgrave 130 words
    19. c94W
    20. Dungavel Detention Centre 58 words
    21. cc94-5W
    22. Police Numbers 304 words
    23. c95W
    24. Assisted Prisoner Visits Unit 115 words
    25. cc95-6W
    26. Asylum Seekers 464 words
    27. c96W
    28. Prisons (Health and Safety) 94 words
    29. cc96-7W
    30. Styal Women's Prison 166 words
    31. c97W
    32. Internet 96 words
    33. c97W
    34. Paedophiles 154 words
    35. cc97-8W
    36. Hunting (Policing Costs) 50 words
    37. c98W
    38. Vandalism and Graffiti 309 words
    39. cc98-9W
    40. Polygamous Marriages 182 words
    41. c99W
    42. Immigration (South Africans) 157 words
    43. cc99-100W
    44. Speeding (Buckingham) 290 words
    45. c100W
    46. Special Constables 62 words
    47. c100W
    48. Animal Welfare 91 words
    1. cc100-1W
    2. Census Website 572 words
    3. cc101-2W
    4. Court Orders 145 words
    5. c102W
    6. Fault Free Divorce 203 words
    7. cc102-3W
    8. Special Advisers 167 words
    9. cc103-4W
    10. Urban Regeneration 374 words
    1. cc105-8W
    2. Home Energy Efficiency Scheme 1,773 words
    3. c108W
    4. Incineration 127 words
    5. c108W
    6. Waste Management Strategy 218 words
    7. cc108-9W
    8. Annual Ewe Premium 135 words
    9. c109W
    10. Refrigerator Recycling 102 words
    11. cc109-11W
    12. Green Ministers 1,251 words
    13. cc111-2W
    14. Edmonton Incinerator 152 words
    15. cc112-3W
    16. Pollution (South Ockendon) 515 words
    17. c113W
    18. Water Tables 116 words
    19. cc113-4W
    20. Countryside and Rights of Way Act 561 words
    21. cc114-5W
    22. Hatfield Moors 401 words
    23. c115W
    24. Agenda 21 140 words
    25. cc115-6W
    26. River Tees 358 words
    27. c116W
    28. Sustainable Development Commission Review 85 words
    29. cc116-7W
    30. Fly-tipping 196 words
    31. cc117-8W
    32. Dairy Farming 314 words
    33. c118W
    34. IACS Payments 131 words
    35. cc118-9W
    36. Foot and Mouth 251 words
    37. cc119-20W
    38. Flood Prevention 119 words
    39. c120W
    40. Biosecurity 143 words

Written Answers (Lords) of 14 January 2002 Series 5 Vol. 630

  1. Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group 138 words
  2. Firearms Incidents Involving Police Personnel 49 words
  3. Political Asylum 68 words
  4. Firearms Consultative Committee 111 words
  5. European Arrest Warrant 892 words
  6. British Grand Prix 157 words
  7. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam 59 words
  8. Davinder Singh Bhullar 183 words
  9. Gerry Adams 54 words
  10. European Union 96 words
  11. UNOMIG Helicopter 122 words
  12. Iraq 454 words
  13. Middle East 48 words
  14. Gibraltar: Planes Diverted to Spain 66 words
  15. UK Assistance to Overseas Military and Police Forces 207 words
  16. South Midlands: Effect of the British Grand Prix 78 words
  17. Motorsport Industry 147 words
  18. BSE 121 words
  19. Disposal of Fridges 172 words
  20. Uncultivated Land: EIA Regulations 88 words
  21. Animal Health Bill 111 words
  22. Millenium Dome 107 words
  23. Road Vehicles: Television Screens 184 words
  24. Rail Service Delays 46 words
  25. Jubilee Medals 146 words
  26. Digital Television 485 words
  27. National Insurance Numbers 225 words
  28. Podiatrists 40 words
  29. GP Registration: Non-British Subjects 238 words
  30. NHS Numbers 97 words
  31. Social Services Inspectorate 99 words
  32. In Vitro Fertilisation: Bone Marrow Matching 145 words
  33. Prostate Cancer Research 168 words
  34. Outpatient Appointments 101 words
  35. Questions for Written Answer 175 words
  36. Belfast Agreement 126 words
  37. Northern Ireland Bill of Rights 99 words
  38. Education: "The Learning Country" 64 words