HC Deb 14 January 2002 vol 378 cc77-8W
Mr. Andrew Turner

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what information he collates on the number of elderly people in each local authority(a) resident in care houses and (b) receiving domiciliary care (i) paid for privately and (ii) paid for by the local authority; [24947]

(2) what information he collates on (a) the number of elderly people in each local authority in need of residential nursing and domiciliary care and (b) the number in receipt of such care. [24949]

Jacqui Smith

[holding answer 9 January 2002]: The Department collects information from each council with social services responsibility on the number of elderly people assessed by social services and on the numbers of elderly people receiving residential care, nursing care or community based services, including domiciliary care, as part of the annual Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care (RAP) data collection. National figures were published on 6 December 2001 for the year to 31 March 2001 in "Community Care Statistics 2001–01, Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care for Adults", a copy of which is in the Library. This information relates to services funded wholly or in part by councils with social services responsibilities. Information is not collected centrally on the number of elderly people who pay privately the full cost of their residential, nursing or community based care.

Mr. Lidington

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many registrations there were in England in each year from 1996 to 2001 of nursing and residential places for older people in(a) local authority residential, (b) independent residential, (c) national health services geriatric and psychogeriatric and (d) independent nursing; [26521]

(2) how many registrations of nursing and residential places for older people there were (a) in England and (b) in each local authority with responsibility for social services in each year from 1996 to 2001. [26520]

Jacqui Smith

Information on places for older people in residential care homes in England are available in the Statistical Bulletins "Community Care Statistics 2001: Residential Personal Social services for adults" and "Community Care Statistics 2000: Residential Personal Social services for adults". The publications show the number of residential places for older people in local authority staffed homes and independent residential homes for the years 1996 to 2001. Details of the number of registered beds for older people in nursing homes, private hospitals and clinics in England, for the years 2000 and 2001 are also given in these publications. Copies of the publications are in the Library.

Details on the number of available beds in national health service facilities are collected on the departmental statistical return—KH03. Bed data can be found in the annual publication "Bed availability and occupancy—England: Each Financial Year to 1999–2000", copies of which are available in the Library.

Detailed tables showing the number of residential places/registered beds by local area will be placed in the Library shortly.