Written Answers (Commons) of 26 November 1990 Series 6 Vol. 181

    1. c255W
    2. Forces in Europe Treaty 68 words
    3. c255W
    4. Israel 91 words
    5. c255W
    6. Romania 84 words
    7. cc255-6W
    8. Estonia 145 words
    9. c256W
    10. Lithuania 138 words
    11. c256W
    12. Bulgaria 91 words
    13. c256W
    14. United States Nuclear Test Site (Arrests) 68 words
    1. cc256-7W
    2. Homelessness 387 words
    3. cc257-8W
    4. House Renovation Grants 196 words
    5. cc258-9W
    6. Local Government Finance 685 words
    7. cc259-60W
    8. Nature Conservancy Council 353 words
    9. c260W
    10. Birds (Protected Species) 146 words
    11. c260W
    12. National Gypsy Council 69 words
    13. c260W
    14. Oxleas Wood, London 32 words
    15. cc260-1W
    16. Mountain Hare 145 words
    17. c261W
    18. Birds of Prey 94 words
    19. c261W
    20. Bracken 82 words
    21. cc261-2W
    22. Fire Regulations 144 words
    23. c262W
    24. Nature Conservancy Agencies 303 words
    25. cc262-3W
    26. Bailiffs 298 words
    27. c263W
    28. Spent Nuclear Fuel 135 words
    29. c263W
    30. National Insurance 283 words
    31. cc263-4W
    32. Housing Action Trusts 226 words
    33. cc264-5W
    34. Wild Birds 593 words
    35. c265W
    36. London Residuary Body 120 words
    37. cc265-6W
    38. Crookston Station 150 words
    1. c266W
    2. Libel 74 words
    3. c266W
    4. Law Centres 44 words
    5. cc266-7W
    6. Bailiffs 156 words
    7. c267W
    8. Belmarsh Prison (Court Complex) 49 words
    1. c267W
    2. Public Transport, London 86 words
    3. c267W
    4. New Motorways 53 words
    5. cc267-8W
    6. Road Safety 59 words
    7. c268W
    8. Official Visits 36 words
    9. c268W
    10. Transport Expenditure 57 words
    11. c268W
    12. Bus Services 70 words
    13. c268W
    14. Rail Freight 77 words
    15. c268W
    16. Light Rapid Transit (Nottingham) 53 words
    17. cc268-9W
    18. Bedford Bypass 126 words
    19. c269W
    20. Transport Investment 76 words
    21. c269W
    22. Humber Bridge 45 words
    23. c269W
    24. British Rail (West Midlands) 86 words
    25. c269W
    26. Bus Routes, London 78 words
    27. cc269-70W
    28. Road Casualties 61 words
    29. c270W
    30. British Rail (Investment) 73 words
    31. c270W
    32. London Transport (Investment) 44 words
    33. c270W
    34. Channel Tunnel 142 words
    35. cc270-1W
    36. Regional Airports 250 words
    37. c271W
    38. Black Country Spine Road 56 words
    39. c271W
    40. Road Casualties 86 words
    41. c271W
    42. RAF Bentwaters 67 words
    43. cc271-2W
    44. Dock Workers 102 words
    45. c272W
    46. Public Service Vehicles 68 words
    47. c272W
    48. Fishing Boat Antares 143 words
    49. cc272-3W
    50. Airports, South-East 771 words
    51. cc273-4W
    52. London Underground (Crime) 311 words
    53. c274W
    54. London Underground (Grant) 126 words
    55. cc274-5W
    56. Winchester Bypass 136 words
    57. c275W
    58. M3 85 words
    59. c275W
    60. Road Journey Times 61 words
    61. c275W
    62. Roadside Crash Cushions 71 words
    63. cc275-6W
    64. Air Traffic Controllers 127 words
    65. c276W
    66. British Rail Hotels 164 words
    67. c276W
    68. Kuwaiti Aircraft 74 words
    69. c276W
    70. British Airways Aircraft, Kuwait 115 words
    1. cc276-7W
    2. Civil Defence 216 words
    3. c277W
    4. Recycling 171 words
    5. c277W
    6. Audit Procedures 97 words
    7. cc277-8W
    8. ECGD 82 words
    9. c278W
    10. Children's Clothing (Safety) 201 words
    11. cc278-9W
    12. Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Industry 263 words
    13. c279W
    14. Steel Industry 256 words
    15. cc279-80W
    16. Industry Council 133 words
    17. c280W
    18. Company Accounts (Environmental Information) 167 words
    19. c280W
    20. Department Inspectors (Unpublished Reports) 56 words
  6. WALES
    1. c280W
    2. "How Green was my Valley" 44 words
    3. c280W
    4. Local Government Finance 60 words
    5. cc280-1W
    6. Green Belts and National Parks 104 words
    7. cc281-2W
    8. Higher Education 449 words
    9. c282W
    10. Rail Services 78 words
    11. c282W
    12. Education Authorities (Land Sales) 47 words
    13. c282W
    14. Green Belts and National Parks 96 words
    15. cc282-3W
    16. Primary Schools 51 words
    17. c283W
    18. Abattoirs 173 words
    19. c283W
    20. Agriculture 62 words
    21. c283W
    22. Kidney Patients 171 words
    23. cc283-4W
    24. Educational Psychologists 70 words
    25. c284W
    26. Asthma 69 words
    27. c284W
    28. Planning Appeals 138 words
    29. c284W
    30. NHS Trusts 49 words
    31. cc284-5W
    32. Mental Handicap 126 words
    1. c285W
    2. Coal Industry 99 words
    3. c285W
    4. Multiple Share Applications 51 words
    5. c285W
    6. Coal Supplies 119 words
    7. cc285-6W
    8. PowerGen 330 words
    9. c286W
    10. Energy Conservation (Schools) 82 words
    11. c286W
    12. THORP Plant 104 words
    13. cc286-7W
    14. Electricity Privatisation 56 words
    15. c287W
    16. Low-energy Light Bulbs 81 words
    1. cc287-8W
    2. Disabled Students 312 words
    3. c288W
    4. Educational Psychologists 115 words
    5. c288W
    6. Student Loans 143 words
    7. cc288-9W
    8. Council of Europe 167 words
    9. c289W
    10. Teachers' Salaries 82 words
    11. c289W
    12. Energy Efficiency 95 words
    1. c289W
    2. Emperor of Japan (Coronation) 76 words
    1. c289W
    2. Humanitarian Aid 48 words
    1. c290W
    2. Asylum 49 words
    3. cc290-1W
    4. Prisons (Creches) 237 words
    5. c291W
    6. Privacy 118 words
    7. cc291-2W
    8. Fire Stations 657 words
    9. cc292-3W
    10. Open Prisons 200 words
    11. c293W
    12. Deportation 50 words
    13. c293W
    14. Remand Prisoners 83 words
    15. c293W
    16. Seizure for Debt Rules 81 words
    17. cc293-4W
    18. Broadcasting 207 words
    19. c294W
    20. Animal Experiments 111 words
    21. c294W
    22. Prisoners (Compassionate Leave) 60 words
    23. c294W
    24. "Charity and the National Health" 104 words
  12. HEALTH
    1. c295W
    2. Asthma and Eczema 139 words
    3. c295W
    4. South London Hospital for Women 67 words
    5. c295W
    6. Salmonella Enteritidis 188 words
    7. cc295-6W
    8. Child Care 49 words
    9. c296W
    10. Day Nurseries 110 words
    11. c296W
    12. NHS Trusts 54 words
    13. c296W
    14. Custard 80 words
    15. c296W
    16. National Insurance 58 words
    17. cc296-7W
    18. Kidney Patients 166 words
    19. c297W
    20. Graham Gaskin Case 312 words
    21. cc297-8W
    22. Terminal Care 69 words
    23. c298W
    24. Adoption 178 words
    25. c298W
    26. Census Information 87 words
    27. c298W
    28. "Charity and the National Health" 114 words
    29. cc298-9W
    30. Nurse-bed Ratios 247 words
    1. cc299-300W
    2. Kilroot Power Station 294 words
    1. c300W
    2. Employment Training 171 words
    1. cc300-1W
    2. Community Charge 226 words
    3. c301W
    4. Attachment of Earnings 147 words
    5. cc301-2W
    6. Accommodation Charges 337 words
    7. c302W
    8. Gulf Forces 290 words
    9. cc302-4W
    10. Nuclear Arms Testing 735 words
    1. c304W
    2. Community Charge Benefit 118 words
    3. c304W
    4. Statistical Surveys 62 words
    5. cc304-5W
    6. Pensions 444 words
    7. c305W
    8. Test Claim Procedure 170 words
    9. cc305-6W
    10. Female Employment 195 words
    11. c306W
    12. Housing Benefit 139 words
    13. cc306-7W
    14. Direct Credit Transfers 153 words
    15. c307W
    16. National Insurance 339 words
    17. c307W
    18. Child Care 70 words
    19. cc307-8W
    20. Industrial Disputes 75 words
    21. c308W
    22. Direct Deductions 72 words
    23. cc308-10W
    24. Child Benefit 434 words
    25. c310W
    26. Family Credit 83 words
    27. cc310-1W
    28. Invalid Care Allowance 256 words
    1. cc311-2W
    2. House Sales 233 words
    3. c312W
    4. Tenancies 138 words
    5. c312W
    6. Countryside Commission 62 words
    7. c312W
    8. Families 96 words
    9. cc312-3W
    10. Tenancies 137 words
    11. c313W
    12. Divorce 110 words
    13. c313W
    14. Nuclear Waste 48 words
    15. cc313-4W
    16. Government Researchers 224 words
    17. c314W
    18. Local Enterprise Companies 86 words
    19. c314W
    20. Local Government Finance 280 words
    21. cc314-5W
    22. Access Funds 263 words
    23. c315W
    24. Dounreay 137 words
    25. cc315-6W
    26. Development Corporation Houses 170 words
    1. c316W
    2. Mink 457 words
    3. cc316-7W
    4. Agricultural Support 227 words
    5. c317W
    6. Drainage Authorities 134 words
    7. cc317-8W
    8. Livestock Payments 154 words
    9. cc318-20W
    10. Flood Defences 1,136 words
    11. c320W
    12. Quarantine (Dogs) 99 words
    13. cc320-1W
    14. Bananas 115 words
    15. c321W
    16. Foxes 39 words
    17. c321W
    18. Agricultural Industry 186 words
    19. cc321-2W
    20. Food Manufacturing and Processing Industry 279 words
    21. c322W
    22. Advisory Committee (Food) 76 words
    23. c322W
    24. Foodstuffs (Inspection) 123 words
    25. c322W
    26. Upland Sheep Farmers 94 words
    27. cc322-3W
    28. Bottled Water (Labelling) 96 words
    29. c323W
    30. Plaice Quota 248 words
    31. c323W
    32. Tuberculosis 92 words
    33. cc323-4W
    34. Suckler Cow Premium 85 words
    35. c324W
    36. Tuberculosis 151 words
    1. c324W
    2. European Monetary System 87 words
    3. c324W
    4. Trusts and Settlements 46 words
    5. cc324-5W
    6. Deeds of Covenant 56 words
  20. THE ARTS
    1. c325W
    2. Christmas Arts Festivals 37 words
    3. c325W
    4. East Midlands 109 words
    5. c325W
    6. Enhancement Fund 37 words
    7. c325W
    8. Business Sponsorship 66 words
    9. cc325-6W
    10. Nottingham 62 words
    11. c326W
    12. British Library 206 words
    1. c326W
    2. Agencies 120 words
    3. c326W
    4. Museum Employees 52 words
    5. cc326-8W
    6. Morale 36 words