- Local Government 58 words
- New Businesses 110 words
- Docklands (STOLport) 91 words
- Thamesmead 46 words
- House Renovations (GLC) 66 words
- GLC (Housing Improvement Areas) 85 words
- Tobacco Industry 50 words
- London Archaeological Service 76 words
- Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission 110 words
- Churches 166 words
- Water Authorities 50 words
- GLC and ILEA (Tea and Tea Bags) 66 words
- Charitable Housing Associations (Tenants) 55 words
- Bison Wallframe Construction System 67 words
- Departmental Advisers 51 words
- Local Government Reform 54 words
- Local Authority Expenditure 107 words
- Unoccupied Homes 158 words
- Compulsory Purchase (Compensation) 90 words
- Local Government Reform 824 words
- Local Authority Expenditure 359 words
- Grant Applications (Greater London) 154 words
- Voluntary Organisations (Grant-aid) 127 words
- Urban Programme 44 words
- London Planning Commission 99 words
- Green Belt 57 words
- Listed Buildings Consent 65 words
- Rates 95 words
- M25 (Land Use Planning) 177 words
- Homes (Insulation) 331 words
- Nature Conservancy Council 121 words
- Council House Sales 113 words