- School Transport 154 words
- School Premises 28 words
- Nursery School Places 89 words
- University Staff (Redundancies) 70 words
- Nursery Education 86 words
- Overseas Students 668 words
- Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools 82 words
- Student Funding 115 words
- Student Grants 94 words
- Pupil-Teacher Ratios 97 words
- Tertiary Education 94 words
- Rossendale 123 words
- Universities (Women Entrants) 126 words
- Corporal Punishment 54 words
- Vocational Training 147 words
- Higher Education (Access Courses) 46 words
- Records of Achievement 57 words
- Sports Facilities (Community Use) 88 words
- School Curriculum Development Council 90 words
- Educational Deficiencies 148 words
- Assisted Places Scheme 133 words
- Student Loans 49 words
- Sixth Forms 57 words
- Science Teaching 97 words
- Voluntary Schools 132 words
- Student Unions 107 words
- Class Sizes 108 words
- Engineering and Technology Courses 178 words
- 17-Plus Examination 154 words
- Adult Literacy Scheme 88 words
- Mentally and Physically Handicapped Children 174 words
- School Leaving Dates 93 words
- Cytomegalovirus 445 words
- Teachers' Pension Fund (Independent Schools) 79 words
- Handicapped and Disabled Students 93 words
- CNAA (Degree Courses) 136 words
- 17-Year-Olds (Qualification) 93 words
- Education Act 1981 63 words