- Supplementary Benefit 284 words
- Doctors (Deputising Services) 428 words
- Family Allowances 149 words
- One-Parent Families 67 words
- Family Income Supplement 87 words
- Smoking 168 words
- Motor Cycles (Accidents) 258 words
- Hospitals (Complaints) 102 words
- Fraud 328 words
- Mental Health Services 179 words
- Haydock Cottage Hospital, St. Helens 140 words
- Contraception 117 words
- Prisoners 284 words
- Elderly Persons (Heating Allowances) 166 words
- School Nurses (Pay) 99 words
- North East Thames Regional Health Authority 46 words
- Mental Health Act 1959 (Amendment Proposals) 63 words
- Companies (Disclosure of Information) 61 words
- Artistic Therapy 417 words
- Handicapped Persons 267 words
- Local Authority Expenditure 140 words
- Invalidity Pension and Mobility and Attendance Allowances 926 words
- Hospitals (Fire Precautions) 107 words
- Family Incomes 51 words
- Radioactive Heart Pacemakers 171 words
- Family Planning 260 words
- Child Benefit 136 words
- Oral Hygiene Instruction 47 words
- Disabled Drivers 430 words
- Ministerial Appointments 207 words
- State Scheme Premiums (Actuarial Tables) Regulations 245 words
- Enterovioform 210 words
- Cigarette Advertising 189 words
- Pensions 246 words
- Respiratory Diseases (Inquiry) 306 words
- Travel Expenses 55 words