HL Deb 15 December 1949 vol 165 cc1633-59

5.0 p.m.

Order of the Day for the consideration of Commons Amendments read.


My Lords, I beg to move that the Commons Amendments be now considered.

Moved, That the Commons Amendments be now considered.—(The Lord Chancellor.)


My Lords, before we proceed to consider these Amendments, with the leave of the House I would like to make a short statement by way of personal explanation and apology. During the debates in Committee on this Bill, when we were discussing the question of pensions for stipendiaries, I made the statement that the stipendiary for Birmingham was older than the stipendiary for South Staffordshire. I now wish to say that that statement was incorrect, and to tender a sincere apology to the noble and learned Lord, the stipendiary for Birmingham, for having said incorrectly that he was older than the stipendiary for South Staffordshire. In case I should pass from one trouble to another, I wish also to apologise to the stipendiary of South Staffordshire for saying that he was younger than the stipendiary for Birmingham.


My Lords, my attention has also been drawn to this matter by the noble Lord, Lord Ilkeston, and I, too, would like to make a personal explanation and an apology to that noble and learned Lord. On this particular topic the noble Lord, Lord Merthyr and I were trying to achieve a better rate of pension, for stipendiary magistrates, and I then used these words: I do not know the age of the oldest stipendiary at the present moment, but I think he is ninety or thereabouts, and the reason why he stays is largely because there is not an adequate pension. I was quite unjustified in saying that the reason why either of these two gentlemen stayed was largely because there is not an adequate pension. I should also say that I was wrong in saying "ninety or thereabouts," because both of these gentlemen are only eighty-two.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

  1. COMMONS AMENDMENT 147 words
  2. cc1634-5
  4. c1635
  6. c1635
  7. COMMONS AMENDMENT 196 words
  8. cc1635-7
  9. COMMONS AMENDMENT 704 words
  10. cc1637-8
  11. COMMONS AMENDMENT 541 words
  12. c1639
  13. COMMONS AMENDMENT 72 words
  14. c1639
  15. COMMONS AMENDMENT 164 words
  16. cc1639-40
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  18. c1640
  19. COMMONS AMENDMENT 44 words
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  23. COMMONS AMENDMENT 167 words
  24. c1641
  25. COMMONS AMENDMENT 46 words
  26. c1641
  27. COMMONS AMENDMENT 80 words
  28. cc1641-2
  29. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 111 words
  30. cc1642-52
  31. COMMONS AMENDMENT 4,649 words
  32. c1653
  33. COMMONS AMENDMENT 101 words
  34. c1653
  35. COMMONS AMENDMENT 67 words
  36. c1653
  37. COMMONS AMENDMENT 62 words
  38. cc1653-4
  39. COMMONS AMENDMENT 146 words
  40. c1654
  41. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 206 words
  42. cc1654-5
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  44. cc1655-6
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  46. c1656
  47. COMMONS AMENDMENT 69 words
  48. c1656
  49. COMMONS AMENDMENT 67 words
  50. cc1656-7
  51. COMMONS AMENDMENT 243 words
  52. c1657
  53. COMMONS AMENDMENT 142 words
  54. cc1657-8
  55. COMMONS AMENDMENTS 267 words
  56. c1658
  57. PART II 62 words
  58. cc1658-9
  59. PART III 366 words