- Regular Engagements 945 words cc183-5
- Home Defence and Active Army (Reorganisation) 346 words c185
- Destroyed Medals (Replacement) 144 words cc185-7
- Exercise "Dover Castle" (Company Commanders) 443 words cc187-8
- Personal Cases 397 words c188
- Establishments (Security Precautions) 123 words cc188-9
- Military Medal (Monetary Awards) 198 words c189
- Pensions Increase (Qualifications) 148 words c189
- Territorial Army Camps (Deaths and Injuries) 57 words cc189-90
- Reservists (Compassionate Leave) 200 words cc190-1
- Deaths, Kenya 227 words c191
- Mauritian Nationals, Suez Canal Zone 149 words cc191-2
- National Service Men (Overseas Service) 208 words cc192-4
- Civilian Dress 492 words c194
- R. U.S.I. Lectures (Senior Officers) 135 words cc194-5
- Military Installations, Suez Canal Zone 258 words cc195-6
- Garrison, British Guiana 196 words c196
- West Africa Command 25 words c196
- Army Vehicles (Plastic Wings and Bodies) 151 words cc196-7
- Farm Land, Great Wakering (Derequisitioning) 182 words cc197-8
- Boys 236 words cc198-9
- Troops, Korea and Japan 305 words