- Nautical Instrument Makers 76 words c475
- Building Industry 102 words cc475-6
- War Office Temporary Clerk (Dismissal) 245 words cc476-9
- Mobile Women Workers 770 words cc479-80
- Transferred Workers 629 words cc480-1
- Skilled Technicians 209 words cc481-2
- Engineering Textbooks 149 words c482
- Enginéering Cadetship Scheme 250 words cc482-3
- Married Women with Children 131 words c483
- Juveniles (Change of Employment) 237 words cc483-4
- Milk Pasteurisation Plants (Skilled Workers) 112 words cc484-5
- Absenteeism 272 words c485
- Canteen Workers 247 words cc485-6
- Juvenile Unemployment 95 words