HC Deb 14 June 1991 vol 192 cc704-11W
  1. Set-aside Land 100 words
  2. c704W
  3. GATT and Export Refunds 73 words
  4. c704W
  5. Food and Agriculture (Trade Balance) 56 words
  6. cc704-5W
  7. Animal Deaths 103 words
  8. c705W
  9. Veterinary Products 116 words
  10. c705W
  11. New Forest 53 words
  12. cc705-7W
  13. Pesticides 642 words
  14. c707W
  15. Blue-ear Disease 275 words
  16. cc707-8W
  17. Sweeteners 342 words
  18. cc708-9W
  19. Fish Farming 194 words
  20. c709W
  21. Salmon (Antibiotics) 50 words
  22. c709W
  23. Pharmaceutical Products 334 words
  24. cc709-10W
  25. Fish Fanning (Medicines) 157 words
  26. c710W
  27. Canthaxanthin 192 words
  28. c710W
  29. Sow and Penk Internal Drainage District 91 words
  30. cc710-1W
  31. River Catchment Management 180 words